Advice for Health conditions

Greetings to you all :pray:
I wanted to ask for advice on this forum today. I’m a 18 y/o female, i’ve been in the sapienmed community for the past 2 years now.

It’s been nearly an year since I’ve been having issues related to kidney, and my private area and also it feels like my right ovary hurts. I got diagnosed with kidney stones & urinary infection. I went to the doc & they told me it was an infection & it went away but from the Past 7 months it’s back, I’ve been trying things & it goes away then comes back. They (doctors) tell me to do this & that & come back but it never gets better. Now it’s sudden pain in right side which is basically ovary Area, burning when I pee or even if I don’t pee, frequently have the need to pee & as if my bladder’s never empty, today it started feeling like something’s stuck down there, idk what’s going on. I’m only 18 & it sucks. Idk if it’s a psychological issue aswell or if it’s causing it.

I was thinking about detoxing my body with fields like full body detox & far infrared because I was so confused. I used angelic intercession today & it feels comforting & pain’s better but not completely gone.
I occasionally listen to bacteria destroyer, fat to stem cells, reproductive rejuvenation, plasma light, stem cells to kidneys, bladder, urinary system, DNA repair system. I don’t listen to all of them once only 3-4 together.

It’d be really appreciated if someone would help me & tell me what to do about this, any field or any meditation or smth.

[Also i’m unable to afford any paid fields right now]


Hi @Aurelia

Welcome KY Chalice 2

Sending healing and angelic intercession and opening for you to receive the inner guidance to know what is best.

Here is a list of some free healing fields: Whole body healing, free fields list

Welcome to the SapienMed Forum! Info to Guide Your SM Journey - Welcome - Sapien Medicine


Thank you so much :pray::blush:


The Patreon $22 tier has a number fields on point.

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Stay strong, age aside you will heal and this will be a distant memory soon enough. If you don’t mind me asking - feel free to not answer or to DM if it’s too personal- would you say you can think back to a trauma (sexual or otherwise) that may line up with the beginning of these symptoms and issues?

I ask this because you have been using apt fields that should heal this and you have mentioned it clearing up. Usually in these cases if something is re-emerging again after being healed physically it is linked to a deeper issue regarding a trauma or mental/ psychological knot.

About sexual trauma, NO. I’ve never been sexually active too.
But general trauma (referring to mental health issues, and other daily life patterns are sure there) & also lots of stress & worries.

I think the symptoms started few years ago (3-4) in high school, now I’ve graduated high school a few months ago.
They started out as frequent need to urinate & feeling that my bladder’s always full. During this time I was highly stressed as well & like general overthinking also started, like ‘what’s the meaning of my life’ ’ why am I here’ etc etc.

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