Recently I stared a mental health stack, some of you may know that I have sleep issues from previous posts made by me, after trial and error I believe that my sleep disturbance and many other issues in my life are being caused by unreleased emotions, traumas and bad mental health. As soon as I started the stack, I began going through a rollercoaster of negative emotions, so I guess that it is working as I am letting go of all those negative energies and feelings which I built up over the years. I am looking for ways to imporve, shorten or replace some of the fields in my stack. I would prefer to only add free fields, but if a certain paid field is really good I could buy it as well. The stack might look long to you. But I believe I am not overwhelmed by it as I have been adding fields one by one.
2x Ego Dissolution
2x Amygdala Healing
1x All Purpose Anxiety
3x Alchemical Trauma
3x Trauma Release
3x Emotional Release
2x Forgiveness and Release
2x Grief, Loss and Loneliness
2x Alchemical Childhood
3x Alchemical Self Love
2x Honor Ancestors
3x Depression Relief
3x Depression BeGone
1x Internal Alchemical Crucible
2x New Perspectives
3x Flight to Fight
3x Grounding
3x Archetype of Parental Love
3x Become Whole
2x Self Love