Alchemy Of Confidence 2

A 5 min silent track with test and activate command function

It has all the function of its first version:

and alchemical transmutation of insecurities and everything that stops someone from being at the peak of confidence level. So it not only increases your confidence level but also removes everything that’s not that so there’s absolutely nothing that stops you from being confident. This can also remove lack of confidence in specific topic if intended to such as lack of confidence in doing this or that or any specific task etc. You just have to ask the field on what insecurities you want it to address. Also stop asking me if it will work on this or that topic as what I hate most is answering useless questions that are repeated 100 times (even if I had answered them in public and private) in different ways that purely comes from baseless assumptions and from not using logic also has nothing to do with the description itself. There’s test function for a reason. So use your intelligence and get down to work if you’re curious. If that turns you off then that’s none of my business and just ignore it as I’m not the type who tries to satisfy people or tries to maintain a good public image as if my life depends on it. If i dont like something I’ll be vocal about it. Aimple as that. At least that should be very clear at this point. So only ask something if you dont understand whats written in description as its the absolute rule for my fields. If I say something works then it works that way and nothing more or less. Period. So before you think if it does thos or that read the description again and see if it does or not. If it says it does then yes if nkt then no. Plain and simple. And before you think if it works or not ask yourself why it wouldn’t at first place and if its in description or not. So basically there’s no issue it cannot address as long as it’s related to insecurities and confidence.


Also I’ll say this that if it keeps up I’ll completely remove test, activate function and passive working function from fields entirely at some point as it just gives me trouble. So if I don’t answer your questions in pm or public then you know whats the deal so basically there will be less creative options with fields and I’ll just go more generic and Medicore mode as there will be no advanced function offered with fields


Just bought and taking it for a spin. Very powerful. Well done. Command works. I simply asked the field to work on a narrowly specific area that I am aware of where I have questionable confidence and it went to work.

Played a second time and just asked it to help me with my confidence in general.

Both processes work.

Sorry that you’re having difficulty with customer service and questions. I’ll just say as someone who has been in one business or another for decades, it’s going to happen anyway. I suggest finding peace with it and just let it ride over your head without letting it affect you.

Of course you don’t have to take my advice. Just a friendly suggestion.

Great work, as usual.


Not like it affects me but just a reminder as the questions are already answered in description. Sometimes it makes me feel like they ask questions without even reading it. I’ve had people asking questions when they don’t understand something or for reasonable stuff which is fine and normal but imagine same people asking the same type of things over and over and over again and I’d have to reply with the exact thing (and you could literally find them in description and I’d have to explain the same rhing all over again) which is annoying. That’s the actual problem. It’s like when the teacher says 1+1 is 2 but you ask him the same thing 100 times even tho he answered you many times already so obviously he won’t like it. (And no I’m not exaggerating it’s literally more simple stuff than 1+1=2 and you don’t need rocket science to understand and it’s as if you’re dealing with person with memory loss or something)


No worries, friend. I get it. I wish you well.


Also what’s hilarious that sometimes I literally copy paste the description to them and they’d be like “oh OK I understand” like dude it just confirms my doubt that you didn’t even read the description and how it even makes sense. I’m specifically talking about these type of people. At least read that first and then ask if there’s anything unclear.


That is exactly the approach I had to learn to adapt to same situations. Lecturing students on law, explaining very basic things to business partners. Until I understood, hey, that’s indeed hilarious sometimes and I always need to remember I can’t really put my head onto somebody’s body so that they have a similar level of understanding. We all live in our own reality bubbles after all.

Just patience, acceptance as is, and yes, maybe sometimes having to explain things a couple times more. And instead of frustration I eventually got to this feeling “yeah okay so what, sure, I’ll explain again if this one needs it”. That’s a move toward unconditional love if you ask me :slight_smile: even people asking the same question aaalll over again :slight_smile:

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As to the field, tested it, massive work as usual, will grab as soon as practically possible :slight_smile:

What I absolutely adore in your work @Equilibrium is just how immensely effective your tools are. Shadow work within one month? Done. Same will be with this one, I guess.

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I am excited to put this one in my arsenal. These products your dropping are immense and a massive help me to realize my limitless potential. The great thing is that its easy to spot results and keep dropping products that make people use their brain because people have forgotten how to do that and need to train it heavily. The part where you copied the description was hilarious though.

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Also @Equilibrium please publish a post describing how to proceed in cases where for example I have Shadow Worker 3 and Alchemy of Confidence 2 but want to transfer previous versions to someone. Just transfer the files and that’s it?

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That’s not the point. If anything I don’t think I even have the capacity to feel frustration or certain lesser emotions at this point like one usually would so thats not the issue. I would have mentioned it otherwise. But that doesn’t mean I won’t correct prople so the same thing won’t be repeated again. My whole point was read the description and then ask questions that’s it so that I don’t repeat the same thing what I already wrote. Also I don’t mind explaining things which is not the issue even if it’s simple matter.

What do you mean by transfer? If you’re referring to sharing then it’s by default nkt allowed unless it’s family members

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No, not sharing. Imagine this situation. First I bought Shadow Worker 2. Then I bought Shadow Worker 3. Obviously I do not need SW2 at this point. But there is someone I still care about but who is not a family member (such as ex-wife or a close friend) and I want to transfer SW2 to her / him so she can work with it. Do they need to get their own copies?

Interesting. I have been in that condition but from burnout primarily. Stripping myself from emotional part of being human still feels like a long shot for me. Maybe that day will come :slight_smile:

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If not family related or your partner then yes needs own copy

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Got it. Thank you.

Okay, here we go again with…


So what was discovered is the field is so intelligent you can ask it to work not only on specific issues or general confidence but also insecurities and fears relating to particular chakras. Here is a pic describing what lies where:

So, you can use this pic to understand what chakra stores and is affected by related insecurities and then ask the field to work on them, in this manner:

Remove insecurities related to X Chakra.

Works extremely well. I suggest going from the bottom up with at least 30 min sessions for each. Alternatively, use the pic to identify related chakra and work on it. If you feel the field has hit the motherlode then obviously extend the session.