The Alchemy Of Confidence

This is an attempt to take you at the highest hight of confidence level. This has the ability to remove the aspects of ego, feelings, emotions, thoughts and everything that is not confidence and takes you away from it and for the permanent programming of it. This is versatile and can be used in many ways. You can use your creativity on the questions. The basic question is “what stops me from feeling confident?” Play the audio and ask and what’s stopping you will come up. After a few minutes of asking and releasing you can expect shifts in your mentality which would normally take very long time do attain. So it’s like a shortcut if anything. Also when this removes something that negative feeling is replaced by courage and Confidence so that the previous negativity cannot take place or come back.

This also includes all the function of my previous two confidence audio, confidence reprogramming and courage and Confidence. So it replaces those two completely but you can still use the free ones if you want their raw form only.

Removes all the chakra blocks that deals with confidence level

Imagine if you could do literally whatever you want without any hesitation and without the lack of confidence. How that works? Pick a topic and ask “why I can’t do this or that” for example, imagine you’re bad at sports or not confident enough at doing it, you can use the audio and ask “what’s stopping me from being confident at playing sports?” Then it will highlight all the things that’s stopping you from it. After that use the command “release” to let go whatever comes up. Ask it as many times as you want on the same question until nothing comes up which means it’s clear and there’s nothing stopping you from it therefore you can play sports without any resistance.

And finally this also balances and purifies the element of fire that deals with your confidence level and self esteem. As a result you also get all the health and mental benefits that comes along with it such as passion, creativity, vitality, drive etc.

The audio also observes the user and collect experience to give better output overtime and adapts to one’s energy system so that it becomes tailored for each individual based on what’s best for him. Also the energetic intensity changes as well based on the user and his system.

Also this and subconscious confidence reprogramming doesn’t replace each other as they are fully different things and works from completely different angle.


Also there might be some heat due to this part.

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To clarify this also works with passive listen but for best and faster result use the methods mentioned in description. And I personally suggest people to rather not look for shortcuts always and put some effort.


Will upload 2.0 version of this soon and will remove this. Don’t buy it if anyone was willing to (unless you wish ofc) Heads up in advance

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