Alchemy of the Eternal Flame (Private Project)

In the myths of various countries and peoples there are tales of the legendary bird - the Phoenix. This embodiment of the fiery element and infinite beauty has become a symbol of change & renewal, eternal life and resurrection. In the legends of Japan and China, Greece and Russia can be found sincere admiration and various references to this creature. The phoenix was directly identified with the sun and its inexhaustible energy. It is described in detail in mythological narratives, I will not touch the history, but will focus on some aspects of the project, for a general understanding of the idea without detailing it.

Originally a symbol of the cyclical nature of sunrise and sunset, the Phoenix embodies a set of ideas about immortality and resurrection, including the rebirth of the human condition (spirit) in an eternal struggle with the difficulties of the material world. In essence, the death of the Phoenix and the rebirth are powerful changes that are necessary in life, i.e. it is a symbol of constant development, spiraling upward, stage by stage, taking into account previous experiences. It is a perfect example for a person to understand the lessons of destiny, through which he becomes stronger, and is able to reveal new facets, reserve possibilities of the body and the inner world in himself.

Throughout each of our lives, we are faced with sad and painful events that break us emotionally, physically and/or mentally. When we manage to gather our energies again and ā€œrise from the ashesā€ after these events, we become like the Phoenix. Also, there are periods in our lives when one phase ends and another begins, when the old dies and the new comes. This is a time of transformation - the old dies off and one needs to be ā€œreborn againā€, for one needs energy and strength for new beginnings. This symbol is a balance between ā€œgivingā€ and ā€œtaking,ā€ between the past and the future; through the cleansing by fire, a person disposes of unnecessary, obsolete qualities and false values that prevent him from moving forward.

It is very important to note the alchemical symbolism of the Phoenix. Its feathers, tears, or some other parts were thought to be integral to the creation of the Great Alchemy and the Philosopherā€™s Stone. Practitioners saw the Phoenix precisely as the completion of the process. Also the ancient alchemists believed that the tears of the phoenix were indeed a potent medicine capable of curing the most terrible diseases.


The mysterious Phoenix Force, born in the Big Bang, is as old as time itself. This power exists to destroy life and then to revive it again in a new form. Mutant Jean Grey has long been a vessel for this power and carries its curse. So what gives this power, what abilities does it generate?

10 Telekinesis

As we already know, Jean originally possessed the power of telekinesis. While Magneto could only affect metal, Jean Greyā€™s powers were not so limited; she could move any object. The Phoenix power made her ability more powerful, unlimited, she moved and lifted absolutely anything she wanted into the air.

9 Telepathy

Telepathy is another super ability of the former Jean Grey, which for her own protection was blocked by Charles Xavier. Phoenix freed this immense power, made her ability to penetrate other peopleā€™s minds limitless, and increased the range of her influence.

8 Flying at Super Speed

Thanks to telekinesis, the former Jin could ā€œfloat through the air.ā€ Like the Dark Phoenix, Jean could fly without using telekinesis. Her speed was equal to the speed of light, she could visit any place in the universe at lightning speed.

7 Molecular Reconstruction

Perhaps one of the most interesting skills. The phoenix is able to manipulate matter. Jean Grey can change any form and matter into anything she thinks of: wood into gold, water into steam, etc. Genie with the power of the Dark Phoenix can also change the structure of the human body, split it or make it mutate into something grotesque and inhuman. This is supposedly what happened to Cyclops in X-Men: The Last Stand.

6 Explosive Force

As the Dark Phoenix, Jean could use Phoenix energy to create and project forms of energy into concussive explosions. The Dark Phoenix can amass enough energy to create a superpowered blast, a blow capable of destroying a planet. It is such abilities that classify her as a top-level mutant.

5 Energy Absorption

The Phoenix power has given Jin the ability to manipulate any kind of energy. For example, the ability to absorb energy from a single star, an entire galaxy, or a black hole. Her skill can also activate mutations in humans.

4 Resurrection

As we already noted, the main purpose of the phoenix existence is to destroy and resurrect. Therefore, with her resurrection powers, Jin can bring anyone ā€œback from the deadā€ and of course ā€œcome back to lifeā€ herself.

3 Pyrokinesis

Jin can generate ā€œcosmicā€ fire in absolutely any place, even underwater and in space.

2 Psionics

It is the power of the former Jean Grey that makes the Phoenix so powerful. The Dark Phoenix ā€œchoosesā€ the most powerful hosts, amplifying their abilities. The phoenix has become a sort of nexus of all of Jeanā€™s energy, making mental and physical powers limitless.

1 Immortality

The power of the Phoenix itself is immortal and cannot allow its ā€œmasterā€ to be destroyed. The Dark Phoenix has complete control over all existence, making it the most powerful being ever.

Fire mesmerizes, attracts, frightens and fascinates at the same time. To put it simply, open fire has a hypnotic effect on the psyche, changes human consciousness by its very sight. Thus it does not matter, whether it is a huge ritual fire, dancing flames in a firebox or flickering flame of a candle - influence of the fire element is always appreciable and effective.

Fire magic is one of the most ancient magic, which people began to turn to first in order to protect themselves and their homes from the cold, darkness and otherworldly evil. Fireā€™s ability to destroy everything in its path became the basis of the protective practices of fire magic. With the help of fire magic, they not only performed protective and cleansing rituals, but also called upon the gods and higher powers; divined the future by looking into the raging fire and inhaling the smoke of incense burned in it; struck enemies by throwing their images or things into the fire, performed sorcery and achieved their desired goals.

Certainly, as time passed and civilization developed, fire magic practices became more complicated, sophisticated and efficient - ritual fires were replaced by torches, stoves, braziers and candles. But the very essence of fire magic has not changed. The element of fire is the element of eternal transformation, powerful energy which can be used both for good and for harm to others.


  • Calling for the help of Gods and Spirits. As the element of fire binds everything in the universe into a single whole, it helps to bring their pleas and requests to the Deities;
  • Assistance in the rituals of sacrifice;
  • Influencing the situation. But you need to be careful here, as the situation will be destroyed and rebuilt in a new way. A complete change in the current life is possible;
  • The cleansing power of fire from negative programs. It burns out any foreign influence and restores a personā€™s defenses;
  • Clairvoyance and receiving sacred knowledge from outside;
  • Evocation of inspiration.

The magic of fire has many directions. However it is possible to allocate the basic ones:

  • Rituals. They are the most powerful, capable of changing the world around and influencing any situation. They are capable of releasing energy of great power;
  • Candle magic. It is used in many rituals. Correctly choosing the color of the candle, it is possible to influence all areas of life. To use candle magic, it is necessary to know how and in what order to light them and extinguish them, how to arrange them correctly;
  • Meditations. The essence of such magic is to work with oneā€™s consciousness. Thanks to meditation, it is possible to connect with fire. It will give the opportunity to see the future, to improve their intuition. In addition, meditation will help to find an answer to the question of how to obtain the power of fire;
  • Going out into the astral. The element of fire allows the consciousness to leave the body. Astral travel helps to look into any corners of the planet and the universe, even the most hidden, to meet with spirits;
  • Healing. Manipulating the life energy, it is possible to restore health (their own and other people), to get rid of illnesses, heal wounds and injuries;
  • Combat Magic. This is useful not only for attacking, but also for defending against enemiesā€™ plots. Martial magic is also a dangerous form of magic. It is better to learn it under the guidance of a strong teacher.


One of the ideas of the project is to recreate the Phoenix soul itself, which merges with the core of the user, who receives certain capabilities and benefits. For example, complete, automatic and permanent mastery and connection with the primary elements, beings and spirits of this element. There is a program of creation of servitors (fire elementals) for different purposes in magical journey; mechanisms of control of this element; of course a powerful protective function; purification and warming of cold space/room, creation of cozy atmosphere; ritualistic; burning of subconscious blocks and restrictions (exactly ā€œburningā€, not removal); stimulation of certain processes of inner alchemy and many others.

Some additional project specifications:


The Phoenix has an incredible healing factor, as she can regenerate herself even after being wounded. Of course this healing factor also extends to us now, whom the Phoenix can quickly heal and rejuvenate. Smart advanced healing with minimal side effects and outflow of energy. There is also immunity to various diseases and poisons.


The Phoenix core helps prevent the degradation of telomere caps and results in slower aging for us and a longer, healthier life. In this way telomeres donā€™t get shorter every time cells divide. Itā€™s like having unlimited energy to live off of. With this effect throughout our life, telomere caps in all our cells remain the same length and possibly grow longer after each cell division. The smart core is constantly working to integrate the properties of the Phoenix into the users. It continuously enhances its healing, rejuvenating and magical abilities making us human incarnations of the Phoenix itself and installs the negentropic blueprint of a 20-year-old. Also, healing the DNA and RNA to a perfect condition.

Of course, thereā€™s an AESTHETIC PART to the project: recreating a vortex field that causes users to emit the same signature Phoenix energy and vibration to add appeal and divinity.

The most important ā€œfunctionā€ is ATTUNING TO THE ETERNAL FLAME OF PHOENIX ENERGY SOURCE. (The Captain confirmed this fact) :fire:


Firegirl :fire:


Probably one of my dearest projects so far,

Besides the temporary increase in temperature experienced upon release time, what was most tangible was the gentle and nourishing touch of the Phoenixā€™s healing flames.

I guess it was her way of greeting her new ā€œchildrenā€


Today is a day of celebration.

She is not yet with me but i already feel her warmth.

The Phoenix is the reason I am here today, the strength that kept me alive the essence of my fighting heart. A pure heart that as many others came to this world and found a place where there is no love.

Despite all that the flame persisted to burn.

From Ashes to Phoenix.

Itā€™s the emotional alchemy of the depth of the Scorpio waters.

An eternal evolution into refinement that is in fact who we really are. Eternal flame. As my heart always knew, There is love, There is healing, There is hopeā€¦ There is life!

Itā€™s an honor to be Her childā€¦ I am the daughter of the Phoenix.


Congratulations!! :clap: Amazing project! :fire: Gorgeous image!! :heart_eyes:


:heart_eyes: Sexy af


gorgeous! congratulations on this project :fire:


The first day with Eternal Flame was not easy, I was crossed by different emotions and sensations, considerations on some episodes of the past, a distant past at times, some memories suddenly resurfaced, brought to my attention.

The Phoenix is not only a rebirth
Itā€™s a transition from one stage to another

In adolescence, for example, when we graduate high school, we go on to college or university.

Also, many are not prepared for adolescence itself (the beginning).

The Phoenix burns away the past and helps us adapt to new circumstances and events.

At the moment I am trying to use the audio several times a day to strengthen the attunement with the source of the immortal flame, integrate it so that it becomes a natural extension of me.

I could swear that every time I summon this energy my temperature rises slightly in an absolutely pleasant and energizing way.

It is as if I were gently massaged and regenerated by her embrace, a blisfull experience.


I havenā€™t had chance to experiment with The Pheonix yet. tomorrow will be the day. Roll on tomorrow :grinning:


This is my second day with the Phoenix and itā€™s been like being reborn again. Yes Iā€™m not even exaggerating a tiny bit here. The feeling is blissful and nourishing like the warm of a mothers hug. The fireā€¦ My God, the fire is so real and the body rejoices in each cell from this kind of unknown healing. The comfort. The ease.

My soul had craved for this through my journey. Before I even had a clue about this kind of magic my soul knew I was meant to reunite with her.

The Phoenix is my favorite being for all her meaning and about 10 years ago when astrology entered my life I understood the profound meaning, knowing there is the rebirth from the ashes as a profound truth kept me going for reignite my fire againā€¦

In our teens there is so much fire, ego (in the sense of action), life in our actions. Although itā€™s a complicated phase with physical transformation etc the fire shines in us, so many dreams, so much hope, vitality, strength and will. But depending on each of our paths sometimes life charges itself of diluting that life force and putting down that fire. Obstacles, Ill intentions from others, health conditionsā€¦ can extinguish the fire slowly from us. That fire once existent burns againā€¦!! So so strong.

I feel I have the fuel for a new phase in life. It as arrived.

I have the vitality to achieve all my dreams. What a great feelingā€¦ :comet::fire:

Thank you @Will-o-the-wisp and Dream. No words to express my gratitude :pray:t2:


Thank you for this valuable feedback!

Exactly that, to give you all a brief overview, the aim of the project is to get an high level alchemy of the Soul of the Phoenix into us and as result getting access to her abilities, powers and of course a full attunement to the Legendary Immortal Flames.

A smart etheric core containing the soul of the Phoenix is going to get merged into our energy system and giving us a permanent all-encompassing layer that is going to bring upon us the Phoenix transformation.

Legendary Immortal Flames technical part:

We gain the permanent attunement to the eternal flames of the Phoenix energy source.

These are now a natural extension of our personal abilities and characteristics.

These legendary flames can have various functions; they can be used to heal, regenerate, rejuvenate and even ā€œresurrect usā€ with enough practice and development.

They can be used on ourselves, other persons, other beings, creatures, even food and drinks.

They contain all the effects and archetypes of the legendary flames of the Phoenix.

But at the same time they can also be used to defend ourselves, creating elemental fire shields, protective walls.

We could also use this source of mythical energy to create our personal fire elemental servitors or other private goals in our magical journey.

To activate this energy we just need to say: ā€œImmortal Flames - Startā€ or simply have the conceptual intention to activate it, and then the energy source starts flowing towards us.
To stop the flow of energy we just say: ā€œImmortal Flames -stopā€ or just send the intention to stop it.

As we have said, this ability guarantees us the control of this ancient and mythical energy, and once activated it is up to us with our intention to decide how to manipulate it and work with it.

So if we want to use it to heal ourselves or others, to defend ourselves etc.

It can also be used to cleanse the area around us from dangerous substances, unhealthy energies, or even to enhance our magical rituals and other out-of-the-ordinary activities.

We can also use it to make our place more cozy, warmth and our body temperature a bit higher.


When I first came here, my one and only priority was health. Well, thanks to the fields, the healing part is now behind me. Or at least most of it.

The time has come to focus on other things. Alchemy of the Eternal Flame couldnā€™t have come at a better time.

The energy almost scared me in the beginning but soon I realize it was exactly what I needed. Something to wipe my doubts and insecurities. To make me look for the dormant abilities and realize they were always a part of me, I just wasnā€™t aware. To give me a whole new perspective on life.

It has only been a couple of days but nothing about me will ever be the same.

Itā€™s like having someone to rely on for comfort and support, always in the right way. Not offering excuses. Providing the courage and strength to be what I was born to be, but never dared to be. Carrier of the truth. Giving and demanding it. An excellent life companion. A light of clarity to all that is happening.

Itā€™s such an honor and blessing to be in the Phoenix energy. A rare privilege.


A real initiation under the protective wing of the phoenix.

Thank you for this precious feedback,

Once the alchemy is integrated, the concepts of health and longevity merge very deeply with the user and as an embodiment of the phoenix it is very likely that in a few months and years we will be shocked by certain results


This is my first experience with fire, and itā€™s absolutely divine I must say. I called upon the fire energy for heat directly to warm my body some nights ago when I was having a hard time falling asleep. I felt it immediately and itā€™s really like the real heat of fire. Itā€™s very organic, physicalā€¦ wow incredible! Also I notice how I catch myself interacting with the fire a lot more, in the sense of summoning the ā€œimmortal flamesā€ command for protection, specific healing, etc. I used it also to crate wall of fire for protectionā€¦ literally just saying ā€œcreate wall of fire for protectionā€ while I was walking in what I perceived as not friendly zone. All in all I am amazed at how innate this is to me. It happens naturally and itā€™s like the smart Phoenix core acts as a facilitator to all this dynamicā€¦ most certainly it is ofc. What I mean is like wow, this is really out of this world :fire:



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Thanks @Star I got this nft, looking forward to update later :fire:


Beautiful images!


Once again, I am just dropping by to express my gratitude for this wonderful being.

Thereā€™s nothing more Iā€™m able to put into words right now.


Although I am not familiar enough with the fire element, the audio has a very special Middle Eastern style

There is always a deep energy insidešŸ”„