Alien Intercession

Well feel free to look into my situation in any way you can, if you would like. Apparently me and my alien people really, REALLY want me to be here but honestly I’m almost 30 and on the verge of just not wanting to keep doing this anymore.

This planet doesn’t suck, people dont suck, but my personal experience here is so absolutely terrible that I honestly just don’t know how I do it.

Edit: Went a bit off topic but basically I really wish I had a better understanding of my life and purpose here that I and my alien people apparently REALLY have for my life here.

But at least this field has helped shed some light on SOME things, at least


So I was really interested and I played/meditated to this for the very first time, I didnt really go in with any expectations or real intent. I just wanted to feel their presence or energy. I didn’t really feel much during the meditation before bed, but wow did that sleep paralysis hit me hard. I couldn’t see anything or hear anything but my head felt super heavy. After waking up at around 11 pm I had a big headache. Even right now I still feel a bit flighty.


That sounds a lot like the first time I played mState Gold and Silver lol

Definitely sounds like something!

In general to whoever, apologies for the low mood I was in when I made the last post or so, was going through stuff, am okay

Also I do enjoy how I’ve sort of semi-connected in general to… whatever, since beginning the use of this and similar fields and stuff

I get a bunch of little stuff in the form of like, bits of maybe communication and insights and even a thing moved around here or there or something

Does make life more intriguing lol

Edit: Conceptual realizations, some other fields like Imaginarium divine etc help a lot too

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has anyone contacted jupiter aliens and other sol system entities?

the truth is that this field of intercession I would never use it, nor any other of this type, I do not know if they are conscious that this type of fields what they are doing is opening the door of their energetic space to other beings so that they can adhere to you and manipulate you happily, these subjects have already been treated much in the hypnotic regressions and it is always the same in all the cases, people who give permission to other entities and they take advantage to interfere them and manipulate the person to steal their energy among other things, is my opinion.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Social General

People, READ the description of the field…please…

This is an interesting creation, I am not sure if it is for everyone.

This works to call and invite help in whatever beneficial way there is, from our surrounding neighbors (in the universe, as in what people call ‘alien’) but only those who have your best interest in mind.


can they embed morphic fields onto ones own audio

My first reaction was laughing but actually this is an interesting question. Who knows precisely what they are capable of… Certainly very few people and probably not those who categorize them with rigid labels. But anyway.

The best source to ask the question would be them (and Dreamweaver) directly, although I’ll be pretentious enough to claim that those from Alien Intercession don’t look like dudes who’d say “ok, let’s put some Glory on this diamond ring“. But who knows… Certainly not me.


maybe rather “train a dragon”.



I wanted to try but I’m scared. Will they bite me or something

No, if you read the description you will see that a protection is mentioned. Only aliens with good intentions can go through.

This field is safe, like the others. You don’t even need to ask, if it’s made by Dream, it blocks the undesirables.

Also, it’s not the first field you were afraid of after all the positive review, might want to check the amygdala healing with fear removal.


I tend to feel uplifting/positive emotions while playing this. Though I haven’t played this in the longest of times.


I’m re-reading this thread but only like 5% of it by user :D

I think in that instance you just can’t help it, it’s genetic.
“Almost Human but something off about it” triggers fight or flight is everyone who is actually human, there is no way around it.
It’s why animations can’t be too realistic either, it freaks people out and kids don’t like it so they make the the movies more cartoon-like.
One theory is it comes from cavemen times where the other homo X species were the enemy… or perhaps it may be engineered that way.


/cuts to a year later/ :eyes::smirk:

Well, my original comment was somewhat facetious, as most people think aliens and imagine some lizard, insect monster created by films meant to scare.

Most aliens in our neighborhood would appear human, not even different enough to warrant a fight or flight reaction, and/or they would be aware enough to disguise anything that would alarm.

(Joking with bjork…sorta)

On that note, saw some Agarthians in broad daylight blantantly, doing an act on one of the talent shows.
Easy to hide in plain sight when one is acting like an “eccentric artist” :wink:


Oh I wouldn’t have thought that!

“America” has got talent haha
Shout out to people new to the forum who see this post in their first days :laughing:


No I just read your mind :joy:


:smirk: :+1:


But now it’s easy to find, thanks :wink:

Looool @_OM I’ve found it, it’s amazing!