Alien Intercession

YES! The main ones are:

Grey Federation (the benevolent factions)
YahYel Shalanaya



Yes I agree,
to get there you have to literally go through a large band of energy that is like a chaotic “OM” that sorta burns you from the inside out.
your inner state should be able to withstand it to get there.
That would be quite difficult for others to experience.
Its akin to like the super heated plasma that surrounds the heliosphere of this solar system, as an example.


You know that word just means “Aliens” in ancient languages?
and most of them from that time were from Orion systems, which has some benevolent, and quite a few service-to-self.

What’s going to blow your mind is when you find out WHEN they are from. :slight_smile:


ha, was going to use a sun/star analogy when describing them.


Wowwwww, it’s so intense… :boom:
I always was thinking of those realms and life there from many years since I read about them … Good to know details from u and _om …thanks


In Hinduism, there is a concept of Deva - Rishi and Pitri. Pitris are ancestors, who gradually ascend to Rishis or Seers and then to Devas - at their own pace and speed. Rishis or Seers are generally supposed to be in the Tapo loka (which literally means heat (tapana = heat derived from sanskrit root tApa, tap dhatu) or interpreted as penance) who do guide humanity through other means. I have tried to view them but it has been very difficult for me and the only communication from these beings has been possible when they have chosen to do so.


Anunnaki is specific to the offspring of An / Anu who yes did have settlements in the Orion star system. Lol the when part is perspective as they were very good at crossing timelines.


Yes, but…lol
ha, a convo for PMs…
and we are back to DUNE…the story based on Anu and his “group” of “people”

The whole Anu, Enki/Enlil story while mostly accurate is/was a psy-op campaign by the “powers that be” to assert their “right to dominance” aka the “divine right of kings” b.s. they been pulling for millennium. Like I said, we can discuss further via PM.


Actually these concepts are created bases on the deeds they have done when they incarnated as humans on bhuloka i.e. earth . Once they leave the body on Earth they would be send to other realms based on their level of consciousness. Humans ascension is not that straight forward from pitrus to rishis to devas. Rather I put Rishis category as different from Humans, and advanced than devas and Pitrus.

This is absolutely true what you said.

Pitrus are our ancestors who stay on Moon as the Hindu texts say ( that’s why Hindu people follow rituals on New Moon day because the Pitrus visit Earth on that day to see their families well doings ) and again take on birth within their families at appropriate time. This is karma bondage related to family.
Next few people go to Devaloka ( supposedly heaven ) if they have done very good deeds helping humanity , charities etc.
All Hinduism knowledge ( Vedas, puranas, astrology etc.) is because of Rishis and they have seen ( that’s why called as seers) the devatas in form and thus gave mantras, tantras and yantras.


I’m curious if you meant anabolic growth?.. lol … that would be my fault, should I stop asking for that?

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lol no…that’s not what he meant. You’re fine.


Male enhancement? That would be me as well… lol… should I stop that? I mean I haven’t asked in about a week, I barely ask for that stuff, mostly bodybuilding stuff and better connection


Yeah duude…:alien::pensive:


Not really! There are 3 kinds of Rishis. Devaja, Siddhaja and Manushyaja. The Devaja rishis were created by one of the trinity - seers like Saptarshis and Durvasa come in this category. They are superior to everyone but the Trinity themselves.

And then you have Siddhaja - seers created by the above seers - like Lopamudra etc. Manushyaja seers are born as men who ascended through penance, like Valmiki, Vishwamitra etc.

The Puranas later elaborated, owing to various cultural inferences. But if you examine the earlier scheme of Veda like in the Madhyandina Samhita, they speak of ascension in pretty easy terms. If you read the Shraddha mantras carefully, especially of Rig, Ashwalayana prayogas - when father dies - he is considered Pitri, his own father is considered Rishi and then Great-grandfather is considered Deva - that is how Pindadana is performed. Of course, the pace at which they ascend is relative to their efforts. Effort does not end at the human level, they have to continue their effort in other worlds as well.

The Mimamsa kind of ritualists say - this ascension is entirely possible through rituals such as shraaddha, tarpana etc., performed by the living progeny. However, the later Aupanishadas disagree and argue that till a non-dual consciousness is developed, ascension is not possible. So self-effort alone helps and not effort by others. There seems to be some truth to both of them, as these ancestral rituals do give some boost to ancestors (also followed in Chinese and aboriginal cultures).

And then we have the Puranic lore with lot of stories etc., some are useful, but I will not go there :slight_smile:


No… not that growth
a very specific growth.
(sorry I have to keeping editing, a lot of my keyboard keys don’t work that well)


Apparently, the YahYel are the children of those who were abducted from Earth in the 60s and 70s. They were part of the hybridization agenda and so the YahYel are closest related to human beings and who are set to be the first ones to make mass physical contact with us in the near foreseeable future. :grin:

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The Queen of Orion, our Mother Goddess who started all of creation.

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@Nabs101 - what are your thoughts on Agartha? Lately, I have been communicating with beings, who I assumed were Aliens, but I am being told, they are of this earth and from Agartha.


Nice! Yea they are from the inner Earth where there are portals to their dimension. Also I have learned their ancestors are from Atlantis.


One of the message I got from them was last week was - “You always seek from outside, look inside, inside Gaia, its all here”. I am still trying to digest and understand the message. So far, I had never used the word “Gaia”.