Alien Intercession

Good to know. This part I did understood from your multiple posts regarding the tags. Any new ET experiences from your side?

As Sam pointed in the course, I can sense energy, but I cannot find the concept or the root cause of that energy flow. So basically not energy sensitive.


I’ve been listening to Alien Intercession at night since the beginning of the week, for about an hour while sleeping.

Now, the last 2 morning something unusual happened. I wake up in the morning cause a voice calls my name very clearly.

I’m also using Higher Self mandala and the voice seems like mine, I’m not sure though.
What you think? Did the same thing happen to anyone?


Yeah, although they only say my name, maybe they just want to wake me :thinking:

Can it be Higher Self instead?


I had a gut feeling about Orion like I need to contact them. I know nothing about them. Glad someone already requested Orion.


When I started communicating with them, the voice always sounded like mine, until they adjusted it.

In my experience the Higher Self doesn’t speak, unless you ask something. Usually it guides my intuition, without using words.


Meh… Be careful about “Orion” energies… lots of “tricksters” around those stars. Some good, but LOTS of not so “honest” energies from there.


I’m still up for it. For the record.


How can we learn more about the advanced civilization in our Universe? I am sure it is not readily available on Internet. Is there some underground website? Hidden one? So that we can learn about them and explain in detail to Dream, so that he can target them in a field for his Alien Intecession series.

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Yes but the issue is it is difficult to navigate in dark web, the web urls doesn’t look like normal urls, no dedicated search engines. The only way to know is with information shared by a person who already knows information.

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Yes Sam I have tried it. Just cannot get to specific directory of website. But lots of them are very bad stuffs which I haven’t visited, but read about the description for each site in the directory. I have used it.

Yes I went few days back to know how the electronic items are priced and many said it was really really cheap and yes it was.

Astral travel is your best bet.

Peoples experiences are always subjective, and 90% of their info is straight up wrong.

Most astral travellers who go without a guide/guardian end up being deceived by tricksters.

There are entities there who shapeshift and pretend to be THE god , and they will convince you lol.

Loop alien intercession at night and astral travel, also call upon a guide/your guardian.

But also know this, very few humans if any at all is gonna be allowed to see some next level stuff or get “secret” information.

There is ALOT going on behind the scenes, but no one knows what lol.


Then lets wait till all of them suggest a very advanced and good ET being civilization. Probably a poll would be really good, so that Dream might rule out the other uninterested ones.

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Understood. But people here feel difficulty to astral project or atleast uninterested. I am very much interested and I have done only very few times.

Probably it is the best spiritual tool out there to explore and gain knowledge.

Yes this is what I can see in most of the posts. There are many people like you and @_OM and few others who are capable of communicating with beings and entities have contradicting statements or opinions.

Why is it so, does every being have experienced this universe in a different way? Why are they not pointing us to the right history that most people can accept and relate? Here I mean the real beings who wanted to actually help us.

Everyone has different opinion on Higher Self, Ego and so on. So just wondering, if there is some thing everyone missing.


Yes. But there are far more bad stuffs that cannot be discussed even in private. Other than fake notes and card details. You will understand there is no god once you know such things do exist. So let’s don’t wanted to talk about that stuff here.

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Because our ego filters reality for us. Our belief systems and expectations all shape our perception of reality. And most of the time we just hear, what we want to hear.

Here some quotes from Dale Power, Dream’s teacher, on this topic:

What this means is simply that the first Veil between worlds is the one in our mind, all of our minds, that “makes up” the story of reality.

But before we had words, we thought in concepts. Raw ideas. Our subconscious minds still do. If you can relearn to do so now, you can reopen direct communications with the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind deals with reality directly, without the buffering of the “Story Teller” our conscious perception of the world. Language keeps the distance between these two solid.

– Source

The “direct communications with the subconscious mind” that Dale is talking about is conceptual thinking. Mastering it is probably the key to get accurate knowledge in psychic work.

The article How To Communicate With Your Subconscious Mind is a good starting point to learn about it. Animal Empathy/ Telepathy creates the brain connections needed for conceptual thinking.


Sure there is. 10 years ago, not so much. Nowadays, just gotta look harder and most importantly DISCERN truth from half-truths and outright misinformation.
Which brings up this point…

Sooo. big elephant in the room with this one. DISCERNMENT.
I would say behind “closed doors” that DW, Sammy, and I probably agree on 99.99% of everything because we have all experienced the same things and have that as our “truth”.

Dreamy doesn’t talk much on the forums and he’s more “let’s release this” and let them DISCERN for themselves what to do with it and how it will effect them and if it’s right for them.

I’m more - Yea, certain things need to be learned “the hard way”, but in general, I feel like you learn fastest from learning from those who’ve already mastered something. Listening to those people and learning everything they know BEFORE going off and doing your “own” thing. That requires a certain level of humility and ego-swallowing but it’s a proven method of learning things way faster than the school of hard knocks.

It’s a tried and true methodology espoused by many “Enlightened” traditions that one has to find a True Teacher first, precisely because most people, even the advanced spiritual ones, lack “discernment” when it comes to Truth vs Falsehood (good David Hawkins book, btw)
ie. what’s intuition and what’s ego giving you a bag of truth and half-truth.

Nothing I’ve heard Sammy say have I disagreed with. In fact, I remarked to someone via PM that the Energy Awakening course was so good as there was absolutely nothing I could disagree with.
For me, personally, with spiritual matters, that’s virtually unheard of. There’s usually something, somewhere that I feel isn’t exactly accurate.
Not so with everything Sammy has written here on the forum or in the Energy Course

(There is one little energy exercise I would like to add to it, but there’s no way he would know about it as it’s only taught by a few rare ancient mystery schools)

And it would allow @pranic_climber to do this.

So what does all this mean.?
I don’t know.
I’m just writing long walls of text to pass the time.


And the exercise is…? :eyes:
Thank you :innocent:


Same here on all counts. This has been almost astonishing to me at times.

You three are impressive fellas. :smiley:

Interesting synchronicity here. The concept of ‘discernment’ and its value has been coming to mind quite a lot recently, along with the Gayatri mantra field Dream has created.


Yes I do understand about conceptual thinking. But I was telling about something else. Regarding the information we receive from the beings. :blush:

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Yup I got that! Conceptual communication is the language we need to learn. Probably should have quoted Psychic Development 101 in my last post:

In fact, it is all energy and what being a psychic truly means is to be able to access and interpret energy accurately and communicate with it accurately. And before I confuse you, when I say everything is energy… I mean thoughts, entities, emotions, people, animals, the world and the universe are all essentially energy. And considering all energy is connected, everything can be accessed, interpreted and communicated with.

The language of energy is conceptual. It is the “knowing” language, where there is no thought, word, visual and just a knowing of the information. It is the pure form of an idea. This is also the way the subconscious communicates. The reason we do not understand it is because our egos interpret whatever our subconscious communicates. Our ego filters the information with words (which all have so many different meanings), visuals (can all be interpreted in different ways too) and our beliefs which more often than not misconstrue whatever our subconscious is communicating.