Alien Intercession

Yeah I know Dream wouldn’t attract negative beings into our life. I’m already using amygdala healing and planning to continue to do so for some time too.

Yeah it could be. This morning I actually woke up very light, uplifted. I’m thinking that this creature I defeated represents my fears and my subconscious limits, and no matter how difficult the fight got, I always felt supported and confident to survive. This could also be because I’m working a lot on SLR and the guided meditation “Unlock full potential” from Sammy before bed.
It was very vivid and realistic tho, woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat :joy:


don’t think so man

there are aliens that are fighters and good too you know. To fight means you are accepted by them or stuff like that.Like ritual of some sort. Had a situation like that too. But never saw it again.

just an opinion. It doesn’t have to all be subconcious blocks. And the timing for asking an alien to show in dream and the showing in your dream are not random things.


This perspective actually blew my mind, thanks man. I’m even more motivated to keep listening to build a stronger connection with them.


yeah but be actively focused on things. This is just an opinion not a straight fact that will happen everytime. Stay safe.



I have had some interesting results with this / the pleidian energy infusion… i was told that the earth has to go through some changes…

However… ny question is… im already living a good wholesome life. I am a morally good person and yes, there is room for growth but im on the right track.

Is the plan if these alien races to help all of human kind? I just dont want to miss the boat of whatever is going on but i also alue my spiritual practise to much and see this avenue more as a distraction (albeit a very interesting one that i dont want to miss)…

So my question is, if i am already working on myself DEEPLY, am i doing enough to not miss this boat ride and any plans our galactic brothers and sisters have to help us?

With hope

Thankyou friend.

I am very grateful to hear that at this time :slight_smile:
My life is already rather complex and i just need to trim it back a bit.

Ill listen to the audio regardless but dont want to focus to much attention on it.

With love


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Friend, you had amazing results with this, how did you use the audio?

Did you meditate with it? Loop it during sleep etc?

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From what I can remember, I just ‘eased’ into it, eyes closed. Like an almost-meditation :)


Had anyone had luck with this audio playing passively in the background?

As in while at work? Not meditating but focussing on other things?

I feel like this isnone audio too far and has the potential to pull me away from my inner journey, but i can get around that with passive listening while working on a computer you see.



You appear to have had some very beautiful experiences with the aliens, and have some good understanding of how they are ping us.

Can i ask, is this all true what people are saying about the draco/kabal is defeated?

I hear people talk about this great shift but all i see is isolated pockets of awakened people followed by haords of thise still asleep, deeply asleep.

I just worry this is all another hoax meant to put people off so they can take over with the metaverse and doom mankind.

It sounds negative, and it is in many ways, but i trust people in this community and would feel better should people have first hand experience of this help from the aliens and to know my family, us all are safe?

With love

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Hi Friend,

Thank you and I truly hope anything I’ve posted was helpful to you in any way. First if you’d like to get closer to our Galactic family, transmute the label of “alien” to ET or Galactic Family because they are literally extended family who we have dna from. The more you know and feel you are connected to them, they will come closer to you and be more open to making contact.

The short answer is yes “they” the negative influences on our reality have been removed for the most part.

They had control of our moon (originally an andromedan ship) for thousands of years keeping us in 3D and programming the matrix to their benefits.

The Galactic Federation which has numerous officials from many different mostly benevolent ET races have taken over the moon and stopped the negative programmed broadcast. The generators holding the 3D frequencies are also slowly dying and with that we will eventually be consciously full-time in 5D.

The Galactic Federation is not pulling the plug on the generators because it will be disastrous on our minds if we are suddenly forced into 5D. Most humans who are ready will need time to purge, cleanse and transmute the old to be open for the new. However there are many who are just not ready and they are choosing to exit before the transition.

No judgement about it at all as we are eternal and play the game at preferred levels of intensity.

This negative influences on humanity was also orchestrated by an even grander Divine plan you could only comprehend at that level.

There is nothing to fear, know that you are eternal and if you are ready for it, my advice is know thyself, love thyself, and you’ll be able to love others to take humanity to the next level.

And if you or a family member is not ready, there’s no shame in that. They will find their due que when its time. Love and acceptance will keep you at peace.

Much love


Wow, nabs101,that was wonderful.

Thankyou so much, im sure I and many others will enjoy reading that!

A new ers begins (an internal one).


My rewiev of alien field. From another thread. @Nice2knowU . :alien:

Story is short but intensive…

I first strarted to listen to alien field when It was realised. No spectacular effects right away but feeling of mysterious pressence was so real that i really loved to loop it few times im the evening,home alone,warm summer evenings , opened balcony…

One night i decided to sit on the balcony floor and did some intensive breath work. Like 3 to 5 minutes hołd.

I looped the field :face_with_hand_over_mouth: at some point i feld that something is not letting me take a breath. But not on hostile way. More like…oh cone on you can do it…it feels good :wink:

I got into altered state … Not to deep but still intensive. Felt bliss, oneness , little numb, happy, calm, senses were sharper than usual. Like hearing…smell.

And then i saw a light ,whitelight point, dot moving up on the skyes. … I was thinking about alien craft. :eyes:…it turned out to be a plain lol.:grin:

But… Seconds later i saw a fast moving Red dot from right to left👀. It stopped at some point and i was looking at it while holding my breath and listening to alien field. I let go . And took a deep breath that felt soo good…a dot moved a little bit more and dissapeared in the big cloud. .

Wow it was fun .

I didnt use alien field sińce that moment. It was few years ago. But i still love this field. I’ll come back to it when im ready.


Have a lovely day or night :blue_heart:


I saw the same thing as well. It was moving in random directions sometimes circles,zigzag.I was on a trip and we stopped for a break. I was walking beside the road and suddenly I looked Up in the sky. Saw that blinking light. I had this experience after looping alien intercession overnight everyday for few weeks surely It wasn’t a plane because planes don’t move like that.


:open_mouth: wow. It also stopped so you could watch it for a while?

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yes,It was there as long as I watched it.


Can’t vouch for this, could very well be staged but loads of folks on Twitter are sharing it seriously lol …

Sounds like toooooo outlandish lol…NDA and all…Also, the Alien looks too “movie-like” haha


It looks so fake haha, definitely cgi

also why are these videos always taken with potatoes (mind you in 2023)

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Bro @Maoshan_Wanderer Did you have any special experiences with this field?