An Invitation into the 5th Dimension

Hey Zea, you don’t need to know what programming you should overwrite. Focus on what your heart desires and that will naturally shift any low vibe programming to its polar opposite and vibe higher.

You don’t need to complicate this and can start with a few simple things so you can catch the momentum of it reflecting noticable positive changes in your life. Then once you become more comfortable, you can expand with the list of affirmations.

You know yourself best, be honest with yourself in what needs to change but at the same time don’t be so hard on yourself and take a balanced pace.

And know that you are eternal, so just enjoy the journey of rediscovering your Self :heart::pray:


Check this i just caught :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Where’s the fun of me just telling you?

I think you will enjoy it more and it will mean more to you if you embark on a journey of discovery.

You don’t need to have a strong connection to your higher self. You just need to have an open mind.

A very simple technique you can use is called muscle testing. You see, your subconscious mind already knows all the answers relevant for you.

When muscle testing it will strengthen you with Truth and weaken you with falsehood.

Try it and have fun :blush::pray:


Luna your synchronicity is fascinating! I love it :heart:

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Indeed a synchronicity

I needed this today. :blush:

Thank you !


Hi, I do Theta Healing sessions, what should I work on to ascend into the fifth dimension? But is it true that you can manifest instantly there? And above all, does all my energy become spiritual and the physical/sexual one disappear? How can I understand when I am in the fifth dimension?

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Allright boss, what do you have to say about me? Thank you best regards @Nabs101

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Hi Michael,

If you’re working with Theta Healing and aiming to ascend into the fifth dimension, you’ll want to focus on a few key areas. Start by clearing any limiting beliefs that are tied to fear, separation, or a sense of lack. Replace them with thoughts and beliefs that reflect unity, love, and abundance. It’s also helpful to center your awareness in your heart, which can help you live with more compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

Raising your vibrational frequency is important too. Practices like meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness can help with this. And, staying connected to Source (or the Creator, in Theta Healing terms) is essential. When you align with this energy, you move more fluidly with the universe’s flow.

As for manifesting instantly, people often believe that in the higher dimensions, where time doesn’t exist in the way we experience it here, manifestation happens much more quickly. It’s not automatic, but the clearer and more aligned your thoughts and intentions are, the faster you’ll see things take form.

Regarding physical and sexual energy, these don’t disappear when you ascend to the fifth dimension, but the way you experience them may change. Instead of being driven by desire in a purely physical sense, you may feel a deeper connection to the creative and spiritual aspects of this energy.

You’ll know you’re entering the fifth dimension when you feel a stronger sense of love, unity, and peace. Time might feel less rigid or linear, and things may manifest with more ease. You’ll likely also find yourself less concerned with the ups and downs of everyday life and more connected to a greater sense of purpose. Theta Healing can definitely help you align with these higher states of consciousness.

Enjoy the journey! :rocket:


You’re more in your head than in your heart. I’m told to advise you to practice balance between both. It’s part of your journey so keep going and enjoy! :pray:


You always emanate such a beautiful frequency. I hope we get to see you around more Nabs :slight_smile: Blessings


Hello @Nabs101

If you don’t mind, can you say something about me? If not that’s fine, thank you!


Its a blessing the moment you posted :blush::heart:

Y’know everyone has a beautiful frequency. It’s just a matter of seeing it.

We are in special times, the more of us that start to see the beauty in everything, the faster we get to celebrate :partying_face:


Hi Rehan, wow you’ve been learning a lot! A great student is meant to be a great teacher.

That’s the message I get connecting with you. :pray:


Thank you for taking the time out of your day. :heart:


Nabs you are legend it’s cool to see you comment.

Haven’t spoken in a long time.


Wonderful i remember reading this thread when I first joined and now my understanding of this has changed drastically since.






What you said enlightened me a lot. It’s like you can explain the summary of everything that happened.Thank You


Uu can u do one for me as well :v::grinning:

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