Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

Bro i think it will if you use it slowly. It builds strength very fast. So it technically builds muscle fast according to your desired use ie : weight lifting, martial arts etc


**One week update:

Field Caution:

This field primarily is a hypertrophy field, but of course with hypertrophy, there will come natural strength gains as well. Let’s start off with the “bad” as this is a field of which many are hesitant to buy because of the price.

Just like medicine or a supplement, this should be used just as directed. The good doctor has indicated 3x a day or so, probably less depending on how much muscle you have.

Many will be tempted to use more than directed this just as I have, but it is counter productive to do so as you will feel exhausted from how much muscle you’re building. When I was spamming it 5x a day, I felt like I could barely finish the workouts the next day, however the gains were intense, I easily filled out many of my shirts. This is not a field to underestimate, the gains come quick but you will feel an intense detox feeling.

If you are using Plasma Protocol or any other exhausting field, you might consider reducing one or the other unless you’re getting plenty of sleep.


I’ve found that if you’re using this while lifting, you will need to either rest more or alter your regimen. I am typically on a Push/Pull/Push/Pull/Legs split, I might adjust it to 3 whole body splits a week just because of how much this field will exhaust you. You will feel very tired from how much muscle this builds, and likewise you will also eat a lot to compensate as well. If you’re doing Keto or anything like that, I highly recommend to stop and eat some carbs as this will deplete your glycogen stores. This is a powerful field and that is no understatement. Nothing on the market (I’ve tried nearly every field from all the energic/morphic field creators) compares.

Just Desserts

The smell with this is amazing. After a few days of long sweaty days in the California sun either working on my car or hitting the dusty streets of Downtown LA, I can say that the smell is somewhat reminiscent of citrus tinged cocoa/coconut. If you’re naturally stinky, throw the money you have on body spray/cologne in the trash because this will help you out.


I’m going to buy this, but later or if a good coupon code is offered soon. I will use it sometime along with skin glass in May after finishing my male enhancement efforts.


Today was my first day at the gym with the field and let me tell you, after my second exercise I got SO tired.

It still early for me to say much on this field but the mind muscle connection was beyond what I ever felt before, doing back today felt like my entire back was communicating with me (and all the muscles involved) as I did the exercise.

The pump I felt was unreal, my arms felt like they were going to explode, so much heat they were generating.


Yeah the exhaustion is unreal. Honestly, if you’ve got the mind for it you probably could just soldier on but then you’d probably lose out on the pure strength gains from higher numbers. How’s your routine like? I’m interested to see how many people use this with sports or HIIT rather than the standard Bodybuilding/Powerlifting Split.

My plan this week is to increase the weight with the fields Brain Growth Work (“Roots of Reasoning”), Alchemical Mind Expansion and Brain Massage to utilize more of my central nervous system in gaining a stronger mind/muscle connection and take more rest days.

I will not be using the field during rest days so I can recuperate faster.

Then the following week I’ll just increase reps for a hypertrophy week, so I’ll have a nice concurrent periodization going on with this field for maximum strength/muscle gains.



I just got out the gym, smelled my armpits, and it’s like some one sprayed some beautiful tropical perfume under my arms! I can’t get enough of it!

Tomorrow imma make my mom smell my arm pits :smiling_imp:


You ever do that thing back then where you’d do a quick run or some push ups before a date to look pumped?

Now it’s like we gotta do that so we can smell extra good hahaha

imagine using this + androstenol LOL


Hahaha for real man, i get sad when i shower, i smell so much better before


LMAOOOOOOOO omg I remember when I worked at a pool before going back to work I would go in the gym and do some curls to get that pump.



It’s wild how much more confident you get after that pump haha


I would spilt my days like:

Day 1: Chest, shoulders
Day 2: Back, arms
Day 3: Legs

After this field came I’ve really been thinking about running (sprints on a more serious note) and looked into a new method to train.

This new method would consist of me lifting 60-70% my max rep (legs only)
And do 5x10 on a SHORT rest period. For about 6 months, the goal is to create new muscle fiber (hyperplasia) (type 2 for sprinters) cells opposed to increasing the size of them (hypertrophy).

I do recall doing the 5x10 (before I had this audio) and my legs were shocked for 3 days. The video I found this information on said 6 days rest (phew… Yeah no, we got dream out here)

I’m still trying to get everything organized as I also want to just sprint for 2 hours on the track so got to see how much I can push my body.


One thing I am really looking forward to with this field is how it’ll affect my calves. It’s said that androgenic receptors in the calve muscles are much harder to stimulate (honestly probably this right here led me to buy it sooner rather than later)

Although I work my legs my calves are skinny, I’ll be adding calves work out in my daily stack to make sure they get a workout in every few days.


Oh man, the 5x10 is brutal. One of my friends who’s a wrestler out in Japan said that they mostly do their leg training as 5 x 10 with around a 2 minute break each.

Incredibly dope that you’re into running, that’s always been more of my weakness since I think I lean heavily more on the Endomorphic side, but I’m interested in doing more sprint work as well. I’ve been doing a lot of the basic 30 seconds sprint/60 seconds run but don’t know much else on how to improve my basic sprinting except for squats & weight vest.

Well, since Dream likes us to figure out how strong his fields are for ourselves, we might be in for a nice surprise when you develop more Type II muscles from the intelligent nature of the field. Keep us posted man, this is a gamechanger and I’m glad I’m on this journey with all the other members of the Legion of St. Biceps :angel:t5:


Bro I would trade places with you, are you training your calves directly?

I got them Pacific Islander genetics so I end up looking like Squidward discovering krabby patties on leg day, upper body doesn’t grow half as fast as the lower LOL



Nah, but when I was training them daily I saw little to no gains. Maybe I had to increase the frequency of work out.

I’ve always enjoyed running and many saw / see a lot of potential in me despite the fact I don’t really train to be a sprinter just enjoy the thrill behind a good sprint.

I remember one time I would just try and bring down my mile time to a sub 8 mins (a couple of months without running) so I started running everyday during launch break (lifeguard at the time) and within a couple of weeks I was able to bring down my time from 9 mins to 5:38 seconds in the burning hot weather 90°+. After this I noticed I had become faster, and started to run mainly 100, 200, 400 and 800.

Haha I spoke to him some days ago (don’t want to disclose too much information regarding what) but I’m definitely soaked to see how this field will enhance my performance.

Please share some :frowning:.


You guys really do this? :open_mouth:


Yes ma’am :green_heart:



Now I know what guys do when they go to the bathroom - some quick pushups before the shirt comes off :joy::joy::joy:


Haha, in my defense I never done the whole pushup thing but if I was in the gym and I knew I was going to meet someone later in the day I would add some arm workouts in.


I learn something on this forum every day :D