Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

My bro :fire: looking amazing. Well done - zen but loaded with guns :joy:


Haha perhaps :crazy_face:

Thanks bro, always zen’d out in the gym. Listening to some Brandon banks :love_you_gesture:


Wow such skills! :flushed:

Looks very impressive! And a lot more shredded now


Crazy!!! Awesome!

Do you mind if I ask, 6 listens daily? Preworkout or spread throughout the day? And non training days also?

I listen 2 Times a day, maybe I should increase the dosage haha :joy:

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Bank has declined my request for an account. I’m on an ‘EVA’ list till 2028, lol. So… gonna have to find a workaround.

Sorry guys, no shirtless pics yet.

I don’t know what EVA list is, but is it not possible for you to have a pre paid card that you can use?
I know they do them here (usually for kids or foreigners though who don’t have a work contract yet but need an account etc. set up :D).


Nope. Need money to be transferred to a bank acount in my name first before I can buy a pre-paid card.

It sucks. Have a few grand on ‘hold’ so to speak, which I can’t get if it’s not sent to an account with my ID on it.

Meanwhile I’m picking up debt because I can’t pay bills because of that. Shitty system. I’ll figure something out, though.


Yeah good luck! seems like there is bigger inconvenience Vs just not getting this field :sweat_smile:

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Yeah some guys nicked my ID card once, used it to scam people for around €100K. And I gotta sit with the uh… shit.

Now I would pay them a visit because I found out who they are, but that would land me in even more legal trouble. So it’s like I’m checkmate at every step already lol. And naturally the people in charge of this aren’t really customer friendly.

Haha :joy:

Might try 6x here and there, just for experimetnal reasons of course :joy:

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That super sucks! Are you using the luck fields?Angels/ET’s/Fae etc…I whould trow everything at that one problem 24/7. Maybe a boosted Dark Servitor to teach the punks a hard lesson!

bro it will work.

When i actually started getting used to the field, i was listening over 4 -5 times with ease. The ‘hard to grow’ muscle groups or singular muscles start showing the effects fast too. Thats why if you see Captian said, 2-3 but more wont hurt.

Take it as doing ‘extra reps’ it will cause ‘doms’ but in pain there is pleasure ahaha


Do you listen on rest days as well?
Or give body time to rest?

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At the start of it, i was so lethargic because of this field. Then i started to use pranic swirls, jing, energy overload etc and it got better. Eventually, the body got used to the field and it was easier to listen too.

So initially take a rest. Then incorporate it into rest days too! If you can, take my reccomendation - Listen to this atleast 3 times on your workout days and then after your workout use the extreme muscle growth x 2. You will see results come so bloody fast bro!


Thank you!!

Starter using jing recently, will add pranic swirls as well :pray:

May the growth be with you!



so I came around to take a photo of my back.

Unfortunately, I don’t have much prior to this field.

The photo on top is dec 31 2018 the day I weighted myself and found out I had gain 20 pounds. Total weight 150 (max in my life :sweat_smile:) around this time I was also doing a lot of my PR so “prime”

The photo below is from today, sitting at 146 pounds.

Ya be the judge.

Sorry I don’t got editing skills like @anon46520955 :grin:


Wowwwwww :muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Congratulations :tada::confetti_ball:





You look great bro :pray:


The first picture was impressive but the second one is just wow!