Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

Bro hairs looking :fire: tribal :crossed_swords::crossed_swords: And backs wearing them ā€˜ripped genesā€™ :facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3:


Awesome @Zenā€¦ it looks like someoneā€™s not just growing his wallet :wink:

Yeah, there is also sheer hard work, the right attitude, the right mindset that this dude puts in (listen, listenā€¦), so very well-deserved!


Thank you!!!


Thank you!

Lmao bro I got to cut the hair, itā€™s going to start curling up around and itā€™s annoying when I sleep.

Yes! Thank you for bringing this up.

Iā€™ve been putting hard work into the gym, staying consistent with my workouts and audio stack. There are days I donā€™t want to go in but got that goal in mind, days Iā€™m still kinda sore but push through (unbreakable mindset great for this)

A major thank you to @Dreamweaver @SammyG a true blessing for bodybuilding and overall muscle development.

Iā€™ll post more when I notice even more changes.


Looking fantastic my friend :slightly_smiling_face:


If only there was a field to make you like going to the gymā€¦


I think @GoddessesAndGod talked about drive and motivation audios on one of the threads.


I think what I need is more along the lines of self confidence and patience: Iā€™m always ashamed of the amount I can lift or how long I can go, frustrated by slow progress, and always convinced that working out is never going to amount to much for me (Iā€™m quite tall and with long limbs so itā€™s not like getting very big is on the table for me).
Also, on the logistical side, gyms in my city require masks - I find itā€™s awful to try to work out with a mask.
Oh, and also the amount of food/supplements/etc is a problem - need to listen to wealth/abundance for that.

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Ego dissolution :D

This is not that important - yes sure for optimal results you need a certain diet.
But you just wrote you were not in shape (ashamed of how much you can lift). You can start working out and getting stronger without anything in addition.


The Gym is important! the gym is a tool where you mentally put yourself through things that you might not want to do on a particular day. The benefits should want you to put yourself through the mental stress from lifting.

Condition yourself to be more discipline, have better Confidence, sleep better knowing you went to the gym and gave it what you had, release stress from work or school or life.

The gym will train you for this, and I get what you mean. It can be intimidating, but go in to put in your work it wonā€™t matter if youā€™re lifting 30 lbs and the person next to you is lifting 90 lbs. Are you sweating? giving it your all? struggling and pushing through? these are the questions you got to keep in mind, I personally would much rather associate myself with someone whoā€™s enduring pain (not physical but more like mental ā€¦ donā€™t hurt yourself lol) than someone whoā€™s ā€œchillingā€ at the gym. ( And I really do this, itā€™s motivating (not to mention confident boosting) to that individual and blurs the line in different levels of weight)

weā€™re all walking different paths at different pace, donā€™t try to compare yourself with another person in the gym to bring yourself down. I see someone lifting a much heavier weight, comment on the individual. Let him know heā€™s doing great and that you hope one day you can lift as much!

Iā€™ve always been a ā€œhard-gainerā€ I remember I was 130 lbs for over 2 years with a few increases and decrease but for the most part 130. Not until I had something extremely silly happen and I started to push more and more weight did I gain weight, this was in part because I start to REALLY lift heavy (for me! at the moment) and I start to lift MORE often as well. I change my workout routine to Upper/lower body and would go to the gym 6 days a week. my diet naturally required me to eat more so I gained weight ofc lost a lot of potential muscle cause Iā€™m not a big eater but still. you CANā€™T expect to put on 10 lbs of muscle if youā€™re not telling your body it needs the muscle and you do so by lifting heavier than what youā€™re used to and more frequently so your body can adapt.

Do you have any underlying health conditions?
while itā€™s not perfect but itā€™s whatā€™s keeping some gyms open. Trusts me I totally get it, sprinting on that treadmill with little to no air is not fun but how I look at is like "okay, my air is restricted right now, Iā€™m going to give it my best so when Iā€™m outside and running without a mask Iā€™ll have much better control of my breathing.

Find the positive(s) in your situation (what else are we going to do? stay home and wait for the magical day when we donā€™t have to follow any of these new protocols?)
stay safe, wipe down all the equipment you use (especially those areas where you touch that arenā€™t where you place your hands for the machine(s) (mindfulness is key in this.)
donā€™t touch your face, wash your hands before you even leave the gym and again in your car and first thing you do when you get home. Play some Virus dis 2.0 audios in the gym if you like or on your way home.

I havenā€™t really increased my intake in food, so I donā€™t really see an increase in money spent on foods, now could I use more to reap even more gains perhaps but itā€™s not totally necessary.

please donā€™t take anything I said in this post as offensive rather encouragement (truly).

Wishing you the best.


Well, first and foremost, I should work on getting out of my parentsā€™ house, theyā€™d blow a fuse if they found out I went to the gym at all. The toxic energy (and overall energy-draining environment) certainly isnā€™t helping.
Theyā€™re actually both out of town this week and Iā€™m planning to go to the gym each day (for the first time in months).

Nothing diagnosed but I have my suspicions. I just have no stamina with the mask.

The issue is that Iā€™m hungry a lot of the time anyways (even without exercising) while working very part-time, Iā€™m concerned that working out hard will make it even worse.

It would also probably help to really spam the anti aging fields. A big part of the insecurity is the feeling that Iā€™ve passed my prime so I canā€™t expect very much no matter how hard I work.

Thanks for everything! And no, itā€™s not offensive at all.


Taking 3 minute breaks between sets browsing insta while sitting on the machineā€¦? :joy::joy:


ah yes, this can be an issue. Perhaps solve this one way or another and then worry about the gym.

maybe do some home workouts? (i think frequency here is key since i take you donā€™t got an abundant amount of weight lol)

have you tried photosynthesis and hunger inhibitor? these two work like magic within 15 mins I can go from my stomach is eating itself to lifting without any feeling of hunger.

LMAO, hey I do it sometimes when Im not really feeling it :) like that one time, i thought i saw someone from the forums in the gym. :) I just try and not to be on a ā€œhotā€ machine or bench :)


You might say that. I mean, Iā€™ve got a fair amount of bodyweight (6ā€™5.5 and 220ish lbs), but thatā€™s not what youā€™re talking about. Iā€™ll go researching.

Thatā€™s a great idea, Iā€™ll try it.

And Iā€™ll keep experimenting with other fields for energy/motivation/drive, Iā€™m just sick of feeling tired and over the hill at 26. Iā€™ll try anything.

Did you seriously just write you needed anti aging because you were beyond your prime?? Are you serious?? :laughing::laughing:
Youā€™re in your mid 20s!! Maybe out of shape but anti aging wonā€™t solve that :sweat_smile: workouts and lifestyle change will :wink:


What can I say? Iā€™ve always felt old, even as a kid I always had the feeling that I donā€™t have long to live. But even if the fields are just a placebo itā€™ll help (and also help prevent ageing happen in the first place). But I hear you about the workouts and lifestyle change being the main focus.


Yeah youā€™re not alone with this on this forum ;)

But physically speaking you are actually in your prime, the brain is not even fully developed until youā€™re ~25ā€¦ I totally get that you donā€™t feel the best, that happens. But you CAN change that! :slight_smile:
Use plasma light if youā€™re not already, and the general fields for muscle building.
Imo this field would be an overkill for you at this point, maybe itā€™s better to sort things out first, get the right habits going and then add this if you still want to.


I read the beginning and I was like Iā€™m going to the gym !!! hmmmā€¦ nah not really, but for a moment you had me, thatā€™s how good it was :joy: :+1:

Alsoā€¦ :cough: :cough: nice pics above :ok_hand:


If your not using muscle recovery than your missing ouf, def a must in any gym stack here I just did legs last night and i played muscle recovery, Iā€™m still able to move


Well , stop living in the mind :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also listening to BoL + Youth Recapture daily will quickly bring back the youthful feeling you lost somewhere growing up. I sense a deep rooted soul crack. Maybe even from other places and times :wink:

Note: if you are going to reply please do it under BoL thread so we donā€™t derail this post x


In glad you felt inspired even for a moment :muscle:
