
My Strange relationship with this field that I would like to share, so my results with this field is always different I have never used this field constantly I only use it before going on a special occasion and after using it I get ignored like people don’t feel my existence or they are just too afraid to talk to me, I also feel confident and idgaf attitude with this field but at the same time I feel a bit lonely the women get really shy and they don’t even make eye contact so can you guys recommend me something which will make me more approachable I don’t want to use unconditional androstenol do you guys think I should keep listening this go with these results cause maybe its changing my personality and after using it for longtime I will get the good results?

Why is that?

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You must be consistent with yourself. This audio will convert your body’s testosterone into androstenol, which is a pheromone that is indicated to change the user’s behavior TEMPORARILY WHILE YOU HAVE THOSE HORMONES AND PHEROMONES and the relationship of people with the user. Naturally, it doesn’t give you social skills. People with high androstenol tend to be selfish or uninterested in the opinions of others and seek to do what they want to do (This can be used in a positive way). As you pointed out, there are people who may feel shy towards you, but if you start talking to them they will see you as someone of higher hierarchy and to maintain that image you must demonstrate with actions, knowledge, and conversation your position as someone ALPHA. Otherwise they will only see you as a strange and creepy being. It is worth clarifying that each person reacts differently to someone alpha, some like to follow them, others avoid them and others confront them. This does not depend on you but on the natural behavior of other people. If you are just looking to stand out you can use golden glow and when talking to people they will see you as someone special but like androstenol you should use your repertoire of skills to maintain that good first impression. The rest is practicing social skills.


oh yes, this is my experience too but I didn’t know it was because of the androstenol, they are able to not speak a word to me the whole night if I don’t start the conversation first. I’m not talking about my company and my friends here

This field is no joke! I have been testing it on and off and the only thing that stops me from continuing is the bad smell that i get from it and other one is aggressive stares from men i used it for like 2-3 day and i noticed my coworkers got really serious with me the guy who use to be chill with me got really serious and started showing his dominance what can i do to lessen the intimidation and continue getting the other good results like confidence, drive towards action, heavy voice and attraction? @WellBeing @SammyG please guide me legends.

Hey sir! Its me i forgot my old id so i made a new one, yeah i get it what you’re saying i have been using other fields like golden glow and i already attract girls but the thing with androstenol is different like after this girls literally get shocked after seeing me like i am some supermodel or celebrity the attraction is insane and im not one of those guys who wanna use it just to f**k women i just like that they react this way its fun and boosts my confidence.

Some great results that i would like to share

So after using this for the first time i went outside and literally every girl even guys were staring me at the street like i am some superman or a famous celebrity like its crazy i cant even explain that.

Second time i went to watch a movie and this girl just jumped with happiness after i was standing near her she was looking at me like she has found 1billion dollars.

Third time i went to a college party and all the girls were hypnotized after seeing me there

Fourth time i went to a bar nothing crazy but a beautiful girl was staring me waiting for me to approach her.


Do you think you get more attraction from this then golden flow? Also where do you listen to androstanol? The youtube version or patron? Do guys feel in awe or they just straight dislike you?

@Lifeisgood Which version of Androstenol do you use, the old 12 minute version, did you download it from Patreon?

If you don’t know, androstenol consumes testosterone, so if you listen to it too much or too frequently, you could have consequences.


New versions of androstenol, designed to avoid unwanted hostile effects

Extra bonus: :wink:

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What type of consequences?

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I listen to Testosterone 2-3 times, then I listen to Androstenol.

I Assume this is fine?


The consequences:

-You won’t see results, Androstenol is produced by testosterone. With the Androstenol field your body increases natural levels using your testosterone as a raw material.

-There will be no big muscle gains if you are training, because you are using your testosterone to produce Androstenol.

The solution is to use the testosterone field before the androstenol field.


Oh yeah you’re right i use manly man before androstenol and the results are enhanced but manly man is increasing my body hair too much moreover i have the Italian genetics so ykwim also my face gets oily and leather like after using manly man


Androstenol consumes testosterone

Yes, but in my opinion it’s better to listen to Goat Scent instead of this


After 2 months of listening to androstenol patreon, today after a year I listened to sapien androstenol from jake blake channel and man it really strong. My breathing quickened as if I had run a marathon


Does it work that one ?

Bro it works, I listened a while ago, and I was so breathless and upset, it can’t be compared to the patreon version

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That doesn’t sound like a good effect tho ?

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I think this field has grown so much that it can no longer be used