
Even for 1x ?

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yes i used once. I can listen to the patreon version in an hour and it’s not as strong as the one on youtube.

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Androstenol Production Chain Reaction (according to ChatGPT):

DHEA → Kisspeptin → Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormone (GnRH) → LH + FSH → Testosterone → Androstenol

Updated Androstenol Production Stack:

  • 1x Endocriner NFT audio
  • 1x DHEA Boost
  • 2x Induced Kisspeptin
  • 30-60 minutes Manly Man
  • 1x Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone
  • 1-2x Testosterone Boost 2.5
  • 5-10x your favorite Androstenol field

is that stack safe to use for a 20 year old and whos on SR? lol also which androstenol field would u say is the strongest

thanks boss

safe as in physically safe. not worried about releasing as it has no effect on me but just could get too much testosterone potentially and make it dangerus?

This is the stack to max out your Androstenol production.
Whether it is SR safe or not all depends on your energy system and energy transmutation skills.
But if you have to ask the question, then the answer is no, it is not SR safe :slight_smile:

Safe as long as you do not listen to anything more than written in the stack.
But then also, it depends on your body, which only you can know.

The one that was on YouTube in 2020.
After that, I am not sure tbh.

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I am sure with Merry Maker with hand you are already conquering social settings

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yeah was just looking to boost my T levels for health and vitality :blush:

Remember androstenol is downstream to testosterone. Same as many other hormones including estradiol. If your androstenol levels rise out of proportion, other downstream hormones will drop as androstenol conversion uses up free testosterone.


So what would be the optimal time to play androstenol? thankz

Don’t know, I don’t play it at all.

Personally play unconditional stenol 20 mins daily works very well

Charisma potion would have you set tho if you have it as it covers pheromones as a whole


A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other Creator Channels

A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other Creator Channels

Simply, if you are not careful, you spend too much testosterone that you could use for other things.
To be sociable, these things are a complement, they make the first impression much easier and depending on the other person, they can give you points in favor of that first impression. Knowing how to talk and share objectives are the key to generating relationships.


do fields work with the wayback machine? gonna use the old androstenol with the way back machine, feel like itd be way stronger with 1.4 mil views


Even if it worked, it has been overtaken by GOAT for almost a year now, with many more benefits without the side effects (making other men angry who they perceive as an adversary and so on). There is no reason to bring that field back, even if it was the cornerstone on YT, where all the submakers were inspired and produced the worst things. There are many other fields that not only replace what you want to listen to; from Manly Man, Quintessence, for masculinity, plus those for romantic and intimate interactions, which cover the whole range of issues that many who listen to that kind of fields/subliminals hope to solve but that no one addresses, not even that famous field, while the new fields address most of the issues.


Tgey do in my experience, but I prefer Manly man, it has the potential to produce androstenol too+ it changes your entire being, not only how people percieve you


Hey guys does anyone know if the only thing that Androstenol does is make your body produce it or are there other things included that influences your aura?

Hi there @One

Nice to see you Spirit Animal

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