Hey all:sparkles: does anyone have good knowledge on angel numbers? I’ve been seeing 711 a lot these past few months and recently I’ve been doing a lot of quanta freedom healings and meditating to some audios like BOL, soul restoration core and sacral and base chakra. The thing with these healings is that you clear traumas or dense energy in a way like peeling an onion. A memory from 2 years ago came to mind last night, something that I didn’t think much of when it happened but suddenly it was like a rush of emotions came flooding and I saw the situation for what it really was and now I’m busy putting that into the quanta healings. It’s just at that moment that I felt those emotions flooding, I checked my phone (little escapism habit) and it was 7:11 pm, 7 April, I took 1717 steps. Seeing that for some reason made me even more emotional. I found some answers on the internet as to what it meant but there’s so many different ones I don’t really know what to make of it. If anyone can share their thoughts I’d appreciate it
This is just one more website but one I’ve always found to be decent. I like how she puts together meanings for any combination, like in this link, so it seems to apply even better to what you’re seeing than if I just looked up 711 or 1717.
My own interpretation of these numbers matches well with the one above. You are looking at something coming to completion through a process. In other words, because of a series of steps taken through time, something is coming to completion, and it just so happens that that “something” is something that will bring wholeness. In what way or area of life though I cannot say.
Your angel has arrived
Angel numbers are really ‘basic’ and you really shouldn’t bother too much, unless you feel strongly at a moment of occuring that they have meaning for you. Strong meaning.
Thanks for this @Atreides I checked it out
Yeah definitely felt something strong in that moment. Thanks
Angels numbers it’s very mysterious: there are those who say that they refer only to the spiritual path who to other, but after 6 years that I see them every day, and also of the more particular ones that very few notice, I still have not found an answer.
It’s definitely a mysterious subject
Funny thing I went to this restaurant just now to order take aways and I looked at the digital clock and it was 17:17 my car’s a few minutes behind and when I climbed in it was 17:17 too, maybe I’m just looking for it now
Perhaps we notice these numbers is due to the RAS?
Aw I’ve read this post before but I never thought of it like that, thank you Zen! At least if the numbers don’t have anything to do with angels, I guess I know my manifestation skills aren’t too shabby
Yes, sometimes it also attracts by the RAS effect
I believe if out of the blue you see same or similar number sequence throughout the day it def carries a message for you, not just because angels but because every number in itself has a special energy and a different one when combined.
After that day you might likely keep seeing it because of RAS.
But yeah i personally do pay attention to when they suddenly come every where in a matter of hours or just the day. I sure do find messages hidden, but after that i just keep minding my business even if they keep popping every where because i know, my focus is on them so they get filtered towards my awareness.
I personally dont care much about number angels, i’ve started noticed this in my early spiritual awakening i used to give a lot of attention. Like 5 years ago, numbers kept repeating everywhile when i use spiritual audio, inner change is significant thoughts, thinking patterns, personal growth (like wisdom inner peace), by time passes, i started understand that those numbers follow a set of brain pattern, once i feel that energy, numbers start show up again, its seems like with continuous growth you will see this like everytime so focus on yourself and not the numbers
Exactly they come and go at every leveling up lol
But they do have their own wisdom we just need not to focus on that.
Def worth reading.
David Wilcock talks about seeing 222 333 444 and so on constantly during times in his life when he was following what he believes was his own spiritual mission or purpose.
Oddly enough, I see these numbers more during times when I feel derailed from my purpose, and even as if maybe the rails never existed. During times when I’m asking myself even harder questions than I was smart enough to ask myself before. But I always come out of those times with a more refined faith.
Maybe it is some being, spirit or angel’s way of saying “you’re doing alright, just keep going, keep putting in your little bit of effort towards seeing things the way they are”.
Why would that be their method? Why doesn’t a glowing 8 foot tall being with long hair and a flaming sword just appear on my couch from time to time to share a cup of coffee with me and say “you’re doing ok, just keep on”? Maybe that would lead me to ask a different set of questions. Maybe that would keep me from asking the specific hard questions I ask myself when no one shows up.
Just some opinion that is for angel numbers. Imo angel numbers appear when you in too deep and stop showing when you get out, don’t know if they are from angels though.
Since around September 2020 - I’ve been seeing multiple angel numbers all day every.
Like literally, every time I look at my phone for the time, or on youtube video, car number plates, even the last 4 digits on my bak card are 4 of the same number - they’re literally everywhere.
It’s hard to determine exactly what they mean though - it happens far too often for it to be coincidence, and after reading interpretations online, I get even more confused, as I often can’t relate the explanation to my current experience!