Angel’s The SEE System: Road to Satori (Sapien Edition)

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am getting “Satori-fied” next Monday/Tuesday :skull:

Will update if anyone would love one :)


Did you booked for a group session or private, I’m guessing private, oh yes for the update… let’s us know how it goes.


Have fun discovering all the neat things you can do after that :upside_down_face:


Yes private, this is $150 more and according to him the “Group energy” does not matter in that process.

Cheers Angel, it definitely feels to be the end of the Path. Re-birthing to new possibilities.


Three of the most life changing experiences:


Making income that required no time commitment

Satori (which I’ve been able to get to states way higher than LSD as of yesterday)

Only difference Satori will allow you to have it all



Hehe couldn’t resonate more, all of that checked but Satori.

Careful with LSD/shrooms though guys, this is a necessary “Mind-opener” for a lot of us, but once you get what you needed to get from it just leave it at the door.
It fucks up your energetic structure and makes you unstable.


Btw, not to push some advertising here but I feel my experience may be meaningful for some…

I went through the same suffering as many to find this out… If possible, avoid going through the Path of Liberation or Ego-Death process by yourself, this is a slippery slippery slope.
Many went that way before You, if you keep your Clarity & Discernment they’ll lead you where you need to Be.

I am currently being assisted in that Ascension by Kelly Broderick (Trinfinity’s umbrella / Bentinho Massaro’s bro). And ofc, I couldn’t her recommend more…
I have been assisted on that path by great Beings, but “She” is something.

Ps: that’s thanks to the Realizations & Empowerments I got through their Assistance that I directly resonated with Om & Angel’s word about Satori, being the Real thing.


Too wordy for me but I get you bro :muscle:t4:

Im more of a semi intellectual, semi nyc ghetto straight to the point and experiences. I found that simplicity gets the job done.


Sup everyone.

First of all I want to thanks @anon22855873 for giving me the opportunity to be a part of a process that has shaped me into what I have desired but didn’t fully knew I had the chance of becoming since we have been bombarded with so many limitations since we entered this planet.

When I started out the process of cleaning out the garbage I carried for so many years I was very insecure, unsure of what I wanted out of this life and what was possible according to my subconscious believes.

When Angel introduced me to a way of cleaning up 3 years ago, I started to let go of many traumas that I wasn’t even aware existed such as the lack of money believes that were planted in my subconscious by family members, the need for approval/validation. It was great and all but it took days if not weeks to let go of only one emotion that was attached to a memory. As time progressed the process got faster but still took too long to see tangible results.

To make a long story short, I went from releasing one emotion at a time to releasing as much as I could from each chakra while looping the Sapien Chakra Series until they were completely clear. When these great amounts of limitations left my subconscious mind I was able to see life with different eyes and started to see that a lot more things were posible, I was not a nuclear reactor anymore. Due to the shift within my belief system I was able to manifest many things that I desired into my life such as trips around many countries in the world, money, career change. Keep in mind, the more you release the brighter your energy becomes and with that comes growth. Your circle of friends will get smaller because people cannot comprehend what’s going on with you and will make them feel uncomfortable. To me that is only a sign of growth spiritually and as a human being.

To have the understanding that I have today it took me 3 years going from upgrade to upgrade but Angel was able to condense the process and now it took my younger brother 6 weeks to change his life around completely. He was an angry kid who reacted at everything and anything because of the traumas that he got from mom and dad due to lack of approval as a child. Now every time he encounters a situation he stops releases interrupting the pattern and not reacting as he used to, but analyzing the situation and taking advantage of opportunities that he was unable to see before. He has become very sensitive energetically due to this processes. But let me tell the first thing he did to allow this shift to happen, he took full responsibility of anything and everything that happened to him and understood that due to his subconscious believes was the reason why everything was happening not by mistake. With that said I encourage you guys to do the same.

Last I was introduced to the Satori protocol by Angel yesterday and everything that I knew theoretically made sense because I was able to feel and experience the process first hand. It’s a experience that cannot be described by words, it felt like taking LSD I just leave it at that.


Coming out the gate with the :fire: :fire: :fire: testimonial!
Congrats on your Satori and welcome! @Egenuine1

(more New Yorkers in da house! :raised_hands:t4: :raised_hands:t4: :rofl:)


@_OM. Thanks :fire::fire::fire:The NYC in :house_with_garden:. What can I say, life great :joy::joy:


@Egenuine1 thank you brother. Love you.


My people don’t play around :wink:



@anon22855873 love you too bro​:muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


rofl! perfect gif!
you win the gif battle, this time, young jedi!

I mean…it did take him TWO whole days to post this soooo… :man_shrugging: :rofl:

I want the whole UWS Satori-fied by Christmas!



On god, I got you fams! :joy:


Cheers for the review mate :)


:thinking: :smirk:

I had a chance to experience this with @anon22855873 and here is my Satori-fied experience. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent:

I had done other Spiritual Technology methods previously but I never was able to get to experience the ‘direct experience’ that @_OM has talked about. So, we started by Angel asking me to do pre-work by doing Ho’oponopono (HPP). I have known and done this releasing technique in the past so was able to do this pretty easily. When I was doing the HPP releasing, I played the Plasma field audio which helped me release more deeply. Then Angel and I met to go thru the process above. It was very intense to the point that I got extremely nauseous and had to take a quick break. (Ego fighting back?) I pushed thru and continued and it was so worth it. I felt my heart chakra just busting wide open and my whole body vibrating. I honestly feel freer than I’ve ever felt. I got to the ‘direct experience’ that had been alluding me for this whole time.

Many thanks and gratitude to @anon22855873 and @_OM! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck: Your kindness continues to help me on my journey towards ultimate freedom.