Angel’s The SEE System: Road to Satori (Sapien Edition)

Ahh so you’re familiar already.
Well get Satori-fied via Angelgome and we’ll talk about your PP after that.


what is this?


Niiice :+1::+1::+1:

Yes, but different. Make sure to check Kip’s channel and experience it yourself :slight_smile:
Right here:

The benefit I’ve felt today is that I could meditate on his Shakti, while adding a DW’s field on top of it (like Mass Medjtations or Plasma Light) to intensify it


So in a very general sense to have an opinion about things means that you are in one polarity and straying away from truth and enlightment and becoming non-dual means you are seeing life as life? And that primordial polarity is a program in your mind to keep you under control?

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Start a new thread if you want to discuss this more indepth @anon96557306
or better yet…
Take Angelgome’s upcoming course so you can always answer these types of question on your own :wink:

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I’m a little confused about the whole topic cause it seems like a “lie” to be that easy. Of course I mean it’s not a lie but a simple way of living or putting it in a better way true way of living.I will wait angelgome on that and see myself.


Bro :joy::joy::joy: I wish I could hug you right now.

Literally me weeks before going through the process.

Yes it’s that easy. Give me a bit to announce what I’m working on.


lol a wizard wants to hug me. Now that’s cool :stuck_out_tongue:



More like Neophyte… maybe entry level mage.


Not sure who told you that it was hard…certainly not me…
Told people to do this simple technique and “Presto!”.

Of course, it does very little good to do it once and then be like “Oh…that was neat” …
When it’s a process you can do all the time for everything and have monumental leaps in consciousness and realizations.

But I’ll let others expound more…
It’s no longer “only _OM” knows it… got a thread full of people now.
@abro around here too somewhere…hiding :wink:


What’s the difference between sorcerer mage wizard and stuff? never understood the different names, there seems to be different? Is it a level of knowledge names? And what do mages do?

lol it’s just us Roleplaying…


Let’s say an example like the words bad and good

the real opposite of “good” is not “bad” but it’s “not good”
and the real opposite of “bad” is not “good” but it’s “not bad”

so not a single thing has a polarity but only the non existance of the thing is the polarity of the thing?

Nope…lol … you’e not gonna “intellectually” figure this out.
Why I told the person above you need a facilitator.

Even if you saw the worksheet you get aftewards to self-practice, seeing beforehand wouldn’t help you.


oh ok, now where do I find one of those?

sleeping :sleeping::joy:

The satori protocol is a genuinely profound experience… if you want an experience of unity consciousness. When used in combination with fields and other energy work, body practices & spiritual practices it goes even deeper, seeping right in to the day to day. Its really that easy, but you have to do it to get the result :wink:

oh also all seeing @_OM I feel this period is a genuine quantum leap forward. Shedding some very core level conditioning here, lot’s of deaths occurring, lot’s of dissolving like a cosmic game of Tetris… I’ll be out of my cocoon soon enough :grin:


Thank you sir for sharing this treasure with us :slightly_smiling_face:


Kip’s is really a big gemstone with a great soul, his work and meditations are beyond awesomeness :boom:


Can I ask something about the satori protocol? I’d really like to try Vladimir’s protocol but it’s a pretty hefty sum (can’t afford now due to reasons) and the timezone doesn’t fit my schedule. I’m super curious about it though, it’s nearly an obsession. Would Phase 1 + 2 here be sufficient?