Angelic Intercession +

So… first day update…

Very interesting indeed…

I asked for three things… 2 landed, one never…

I asked for my wife to tell me she loves me… but i think this was more just a test, and they seen through it … i have to have faith…

The other two… i want to live a healthy, spiritual noce and content family life. When inwent to go get some food, i could sense the lower vibration of say, packaged cheese… it was a totally different perspective than im used to… it was clear these items were perceived as “low vibration”…

And i said i want to spend less time watching the telly as a family, i need a break from it… my qife finished cooking and after a long hard day she didnt turn the telly on… which is almost unheard of!

Absolutely unbelievable results for a first day in my.opinion… unreal.

My intention is to use this, alongside blessed path and solidifier (which is set to make my manifestations powerful and in my best interest) to create a wholesome loving and spiritually nourishing life with my family

And as a side note, my little girl who isnt even 2 yet now already prefers at times to watch images of The Buddha instead.of her favourite TV show haha… and she often bows and holds her hands in a respectful tyoe pose (copying me of course) when the images are on the screen!

In short… angelic intercession + and solidifier for the win!!!



I said i asked the angels to get my wife to say she loved me, unprompted… it was based on a situation in which inwanted clarification im with the right person… i said can you give me some sign to make it clear im with the right person instead of person X…

She never…

But out of nowhere, she suggested we retake our marriage vows… wow… we have literally never had that conversation!

I also got a flashing image of person X calling me, like id asked them to arrange, but she never actually called… so that in my opinion was them showing me they could arrange it but they never… im with the right person, finally I can see that.

Absolutely unreal… i mean it… this is unbelievable stuff!


can this NFT be able to intercession with all types of angels? not only archangels even Seraph?

just curious cuz I wondering how powerful this nft is and maybe that’s the meaning of “+”
besides I really like angels just thought maybe some of them can be friends with me

and imagine a overpower being like Seraph being your bodyguard and all negative evil being stay far away from you sounds really badass just like a sun near you
(my English is not that good haha )


Someone said the + makes their reactions more immediate and i agree 100%

Everything ive asked for which could be immediate has been pretty much immediate. Although i dont want to constantly inundate then, i want to keep this for important stuff and/or express gratitude sufficiently between asking…

As for friends…

I think its more useful to work on ourselves deeply, learning to love ourselves sincerely, be really beautiful and virtuous while owning this NFT… we then align ourselves their frequency and they will reward us for that…

Who knows, if we really apply ourselves in meditation alongside this, we may be reborn alongside them in the next life… which in my belief system and experience is how we become angelic in nature… its via states of jhana meditation

With love


I feel your heart in this, and I am exceedingly happy for you.
rosesangel prayers silver


With love friend,

Your powers of perception are clearly very strong as my hrart was, is indeed, in that statement



Does anyone know how many are left


I was able to put 700 in my cart, so I think they will hold out for awhile


Ok good thx Rose! :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


I asked for some more help today getting an appointment at a therapist for my wife and i… they are usually booked up the week before…

My angel number is 212…

I got an appointment at 210… doesnt sound strange right? Im the 6 years or more ive been going i dont remember more than one time ive had anything other than half past or on the hour…

And they couldn’t communicate 212 to me, so they done the next best thing with 210

Everything… Everything ive asked for that is possible short term has been delivered…



oh yes real
and AWESOME!!!


Just received copy 224! I had no idea this was released and absolutely had to buy it. I’ve had incredible experiences with the og intercession so Im very exited for this version.


This audio is older Angelic Intercession on steroids.

I don’t really work on ceremonial/angelic magick anymore, but when I meditate on this audio, I have been getting some messages from an incredibly powerful angel who identifies him/herself as Ureeal (I am spelling it the way this angel intonated the name). Just his presence fills me with so much gratitude and peace. I cannot at this point yet share the specific messages being conveyed, but this audio is incredibly powerful.

The sky is the limit with this incredible field, thanks to our own Angel @Dreamweaver :pray:


Do you ask the angels or intend for a solution or you just loop it and you are guided to the solution ? Thanks


Got this today :slightly_smiling_face:… number 142
How do you all listen to it ? Do you meditate to it or loop it and listen passively ? Thanks


I just be very grateful and talk to them, as friends who you admire and love… its amazing we have this chanc:)

2 days ago i was unbelievably stressed… i hated my job… i asked for help

The next day i get told all of a sudden there is no work…

So i was like ok, thats great angels, but can you please get me a job

The next thing ive got an immediate job offer, despite the fact there was very little work locally at the time

Another success! Very grateful



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That’s amazing. Angelic Intercession has quickly become my all time favorite field from Dreamweaver. All of his creations and work have helped many. A blessing and Angel indeed, thank you Dream.

I would like to add a testimonial for intercession + since its been 2 days.
I asked for security in terms of my living situation. Literally 1 minute later my room mates texted me about making changes to our agreements and disrespected everything we made deals on already. So of course I packed and left right then, and demanded my rent money back that I just paid. After some “cleaning” deductions they made (I cleaned everything before I left it was spotless. Oh well) they sent me back 333 USD out of 850 that I paid. I told them how what they did was messed up and they sent me paragraphs about how ungrateful I am and how I shouldn’t complain and how they’re successful and I’m not, they don’t need my couple hundred bucks since they aren’t that poor blah blah. Seems like I dodged a major bullet here something was brewing there and I missed out on it thanks to this field. living with my family as of now.


Bro,Really Can you experiment some more things and tell us your experiences.I Really want to know more so I can buy this.
And how do you ask for help do you meditate and ask for help.?

One field I love combining with this field is:

Both seem to enhance the effect of each other for me.