Angelic Intercession +

Had to grab this one alongside Karma Crucible on the last day of the 20% off spring sale :dove: :pray:t3:
:sparkles: Thanks for this major sale btw Dream and Sammy

Claimed #123 which is crazy!! Because I see so many angel numbers daily, especially 12:34 once a day.
The angel numbers really been coming in hot since I met my significant other, which means they may very well be my twin flame, I sure hope so :sparkling_heart:

I use OG Angelic Intercession daily usually during my morning routine, praying to get to work on time, which I never do lol. Can’t imagine how strong that field is at this point but I’m sure this one is even stronger than that🤩

Definitely best to actively speak and pray while using the field, imo it’s the best field to pray with except for maybe grace of angels or essence of prayer.

Just uploading so I can view at work :innocent:


Yeah it’s beautful, isn’t it


I’m glad I have this now! This will be the main thing I need to assist the Warrior Monk. Now, the Negentropic Dragon can mainly be utilized in energy work where her higher dimensional knowledge can be utilized. Dragon energy is so pure and serene. It’s amazing to think the Unicorns’ dimension is even higher! I need to work with them next.


I bought this just now, listened to the audio straight away whilst looking at the mandala. I’ve had some things I’ve been struggling with lately, mainly questioning myself as to whether I’ve made the right decision with certain things. After one listen, I can say wholeheartedly that I now know I have, and I can now push forward with total confidence. I feel like I have an army of angels behind me, it’s really amazing.


How many copies are left guys?

Im gonna get this one i think… it feels like the only one you should ever need…

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i second this fully. still dont know what and how to ask and am ashamed to do so. but what ive tried is okay. same problem with the solidifier. i go numb. but this NFT allowes you to be numb and still works wonders. a gem.


Im considering buying this to help with a career change.

Im an engineer but it doesnt do me any good (a long deep routed story)

Im considering a career change to a new age type funeral and wedding celebrant…

This seems like something the angels can and will help with dont you think?

With love




I see Karma C clearing the veil i put myself on, in order to live a normal life after unsuccessfully trying a lot to follow what i felt as my purpose, it is connecting to it again.

And Angelic G is showing me the path and encouraging me, also bringing people and situations for me to walk that path already (path = whatever heart felt goals I have)


Im considering buying this as a manifestation tool…

You know, asking them at the start to give power or momentum to that which i visualise while the audio is playing

Has anyone else tried this approach?


It works.

Everything you ask them. Works.
However you ask them. Works.

My personal tip is to always first thank them for everything, to remind them that they dont need your permission or go ahead to do everything they see suitable to help you get or accomplish x y z and if that there is anything you should/could also do to push the process, to please call for your attention before guiding you, so ull understand and be prepared. (Ive even go as far as to suggest them how to get my attention if im distracted so i dont miss an important thing/person that can help me to reach my goal, by making me notice #s sequences, flashing lights around me, unusual smells, a bird singing close by, etc etc)

And that they are free to add any other method, way or process they know could work better but that i dont know


Lots of angel eyes watching over you

On the outer layer you see ot more



Thankyou friend!

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If I had to compare both versions:

The yt field is like calling 911. It works, but maybe they take some time, or need further clarification of your current position/problem etc. before they take action.

The + version is like having a task force ready on standbye. Their response-time is incredible.


So… today i used the original angelic intercession

I have found the right job for me, i need a training course… for this new job to all fall into place i want the angelic ++

I got sacked this week because i refused to lie believe it or not… i dont have loads of money and being out of work is not good…So i had the original audio on and asked if they could provide me with the means so i feel comfortable buying the course and the angelic ++

Within about 20 minutes i had a call from an agent which lead to a job interview that day for a job on about £80 a week more than i have been on!

Absolutely over the moon

Thankyou angels!

Thankyou Captain!!

With love everyone…


I wonder could the angels in this audio help a sick relative? Even someone classed as terminaly ill?


Try? Dont be shy.

Angels are there for us to assist with anything we ask with love and respect, its all about intentions, they love helping us to help others as well yes.

You can also try this method i use all the time and since i have this NFT (i used the regular audio before) i ask them to assist me with that connection and adding anything else they would like to.

And i believe you have Negentropic Dragon as well? If yes i also ask her to apply Negentropy to so and so person, might sound corny but i show her pics and all and explain the situation, she helps 💁


Brilliant reply!


The best definition of all time! :angel:


So ive just bought this :slight_smile:

Ill keep you posted… im trying to use this as one of my fields to help my family life flourish and to assist in my manifestations (which are basically helping my family life flourish haha)