Animal Regeneration 3

When you care for an animal/pet it becomes a very important part of your life and family, you will always want the best for them. This video is programmed to induce the fat cells of your animal friend to become stem cells, it works with to the fat around their organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected. Also combined are the Anticancer field, Viral disruption and an attempt to lengthen telomeres. It should help them to regenerate even de-age a bit. Use as much as you want, (or they need) No head phones are required. 'Also added elements of the voltage healing -25 millivolts to cells to restore ‘charge’ -50 millivolts to damaged cells to promote regeneration.

Beautiful Beasties Album


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Anyone used it to combat their pet’s cancer?
I would love to hear some success stories

My dog probably has lung cancer, he listens to the beautiful beasties every day, he is in a pretty good shape, the best in months.

He is 16 y.o. but this field definitely helps him having a good quality of life.

But he also listen the Anti Cancer, DNA Repair System and fields for Lung, so is hard to isolate the single effects of this field, but is defenetly helping.

For example we dropped the painkiller dose from 1/2 to 1/5 per day: in March he could barely keep himself up, now he is making his daily walk with barely no breaks



That’s an amazing improvement. Very happy for the doggie :dog:

All the best wishes! May he keep enjoying his life without pain :pray:t2:


What wonderful news! Tommy happy to hear of your well recovery :pray:t4:


I think I will let my dog listen to DNA repair and Anti Cancer fields as well, thanks for sharing and suggestion.
Best wishes to you and your friend!

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