Animus Luminis Radiantem

Our approach begins by enabling you to identify purely as a witness of your awareness. This means you’ll be able to consciously discern your needs and desires, understand the requirements to fulfill them, and foresee the potential consequences of pursuing them. This foundational skill empowers you to make more informed and deliberate choices in your life.

Expanding beyond individual identity, our program helps you perceive yourself as an integral part of the larger whole, encompassing social, biospheric, and universal dimensions. By contextualizing your personal narrative within a broader societal and universal framework, you gain a more holistic understanding of your place in the world. Experience an expanded awareness of your metaphysical self-concept, transcending physical and temporal limitations. This expanded awareness allows you to distinguish between your emotional and rational sides, fostering inner harmony and clarity.

This method will guide you to tap psychically into four key dimensions when perceiving the world around you. This enables you to see individuals from the inside, understanding their thoughts and emotions, and from the outside, observing their actions and impacts. You will also perceive people within the cultural context, recognizing how societal norms and values influence them, and within the systemic framework, understanding how larger systems and structures affect their behavior. This comprehensive perception allows for a deeper and more nuanced understanding of people, society, and the world at large.

This program is crafted for those seeking to elevate their self-awareness and understanding to a profound level, providing the tools to transcend limitations and achieve a more integrated and insightful existence.


Sounds like a must have field for social influencers, marketers, and those wishing to have situational mastery in a world where the future dethrones the present on a daily basis.


As this field doesn’t have a big thread i wanted to leave the review here, today i wired this in combination with social bonder, emotional Dampener.

And also looped memorivium on a device.

So 1 hour Artemis Series all four then 3 wiring fields + Memorivium.

This i would call the ultimate brainstack for understanding and navigating human social interactions and emotional wellbeing and self improvement on that part.

I haven’t felt this fine and understanding of myself and other people in a while gonna hard wire this for a while i think but ArtemisSeries really brings the wiring to an insane level like i did 1-4 hours of the 3 wiring fields.

And really noticed an immense effect.

To add more AnimusLuminisRadiantem info this really gives u the in depth insight and also when I interacted wirh someone else i was able to really observe myself doing that and modify my behaviour activley if wanted.


Add Le Maître Du Jeux and it’s complete

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Yeah good call ill try adding it in tomorrows wiring sesh.

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I have Animus, Le Maître Du Jeux and Social Bonder in my stack too

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