Announcing the Esoteric Arts Guild!

Are you a Potions Master, An Esoteric Artist (we’d love to see your artwork!), A Clairsentient, or do you just love All Things Magical and Mystical (like me)?

Then please, join like-minded members in The Esoteric Guild!

A no-drama, chill place to hang out, chat, research and share what you would like to see manifest as projects with a certain magical or otherworldly mystique.

All types of possibilities exist for our clan: studying ways of furthering your spiritual path, becoming a better gamer, stepping up your manifestations, beefing up your attractor factor, or maybe mastering the path to wealth and financial freedom.

It’s early days, folks, so this is a work in progress.

We can make it a Mystical Sanctuary of Awesomeness!

Just fire up the old caldron, stick out your wand 'and and give it a wave! :partying_face:

A new era is dawning. Be a part of the cool, weird kids! :woman_mage: :mage:

Join the Esoteric Arts Guild!

Submit your interest to @Rosechalice via DM. Tell me what your areas of interest are and what you would like to accomplish.

p.s. Mystical Tarot readings every weekend!


Nicolas Flamel joined the group… haha amazing Guild :mage: :woman_mage:

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Woo hoo! :partying_face: :woman_mage::mage:

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Oh yeah :sunglasses:

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Explore the possibilities. Your fam await you in the Esoteric Arts Guild Common Room!

Send me a DM if you’re interested. There’s loads to explore and discuss!

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