Another Copy Paste NFT Project :-(

Thank you. I didn’t say anything there because it was an original idea with a very specific focus. It was something new and focussed.


Summary @Souline -

  1. Nobody has a Patent over Arcturians.

  2. No where it is written that one has to listen to Free Fields before submitting an NFT Project on working with Arcturians.

  3. And those who are raising objections, they should kindly Answer this simple question - "What exactly is their No 1 Priority ? Is their No 1 Priority related to Working with the Arcturians to enjoy a Higher Standard of Life mentally, physically, emotionally etc etc ? Or is their No 1 Priority to Ensure that their Arcturian NFT’s sell for good price in the market place ?

  4. And finally as @Nice2knowU pointed out earlier…the Final Decision lies in the Hands of Captain…who himself is Evolving continuously which means that the Techniques used by Captain to connect with Arcturians and Create NFT’s based on them TODAY are completely different from the Techniques used by Captain 2-3 Years back which in itself is A Confirmation that the Newest NFT’s are Original Products.

To give a simple Analogy…we have 2 Iron Man Suits MACH 2 and MACH 3…both have Nearly the SAME SPECS except for the Fact that MACH 3 Iron Man Suit is Made of A Lighter and More Durable Alloy…then does that mean that MACH 3 Iron Man Suit is the EXACT Copy of the MACH 2 Iron Man Suit ? NO… Definitely Not.


It is not nice to enter a community and submit projects WITHOUT doing any research of what this community has done so far.

It is not my job really.
The job is with the person who enters the community later on and it is this person who has to do the research.

For example, if I write a novel, it is my responsibility as an author to check what novel titles and character names have already been used in the past before me. I cannot simply enter the book market and write a novel about a wizarding school and call the main character “Parry Hotter” – because there was an author before me who has done this already.
Me not doing any research about what has been already done is almost like an insult to the readers of such novels and the publishing company who is going to invest their time into checking my manuscript submission.

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You are going to the extreme, saying I used the exact same things, and that is not the case. Add to that, you say I didn’t do research, I told you I’ve seen the threads (just not in depth). No writer has read every book in the world (even within their literary genre) enough to know if they have similarities to certain stories. There are going to be similarities, and more in projects that are related (in this case Arcturians), I think what hurts you is to stop having exclusivity in certain subject matter. It is even cruel to say that “we are late to the party”, we did not all know the fields at the same time, nor are we all the same age. I am always open to listen to the opinions of others, but I see that many times you go to an extreme.


I agree with you, thanks for understanding my point of view!


@FreeEnergyProject you’re a new account who just joined this forum 2hrs ago

How do you able to know so much detail about this forum in such a short period of time? :joy:

you must be someone’s alt account :eyes:


If you see there in this Whatsapp group, that I have with my friends, I shared with them the arcturian field of the Dream Seeds channel last Saturday (sabado=saturday in spanish) I use daily to sleep the arcturian field, before assuming that people don’t use it you can ask.

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I didn’t say that “you personally are not using that field”.

I said that “most people who want to do alien NFTs fields have probably not much used the existing free fields”.

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Yeah, but did you even understood my point at all?

You are reciting the same argument from people already made about “the exclusivity of ideas”.

So here for you again:


I fail to see it? The description of Arc light is not that big, its just that due to the nature of the field (it being an servitor or intelligent energy made by the arcturians) it has the potential to cover almost everything Arcturian related.

That does not mean that you can say that everything else that is a more specified approach is a rip off.

If we’re going to look at it literally and put the descriptions next to each other you’d see that there is no copy and pasting going on.

the project you are talking about being copypaste has no servitor involved and the projects goals are specified and named

It seems like you are trying to say that anything arcturian focused thing is an copy even though its not, even if one comes up with different and specified concepts involving arcturians you’d most likely end up saying thats its a rip off as well because its something the arc light can perhaps cover

I think this might be more of an ego issue and trying to maintain the NFTs market value


As far as I remember, you’ve always been like this.
In the end, we have to say, “This is Silver.Sky.”
…and then just move on.

nah… that’s just a little facet of the sparkling diamond that JAAJ is. I am entranced with the other facets :heart: I’ve read the forum for a few years before becoming a member.


This is correct.

But so does the FREE field on Dream Seeds too!

For it to not be a rip off, it has to focus on something specific in my opinion.

I mean not direct literal copy pasting but the copying of the same ideas.

The ciritizied project above clearly focuses on brain enhancment and the Arcturian Light Body, which has been clearly done before.

This is of course also one of the reasons.

As mentioned, people who brainstormed and invested into previous projects should have the right to protect their investments.

We are not a communist society here.

Some things are precious and rare.

That was even of Captain’s original ideas when he invented the NFT fields thing!

People were complaying about the low count of some of the NFTs, but Captain clearly said that it is what makes it rare and special.

So, just because someone 3 years later wants to have something, does not mean that other NFT owners have to simply allow for their investments to be devalued.

And again, everyone here wants to see the value of their NFTs to go up, yet barely anyone wants to do the work to protect that value!?!?

There are NFT projects that are joined by the same people again and again. I know that most of them are not even working with those, they just do reselling. But you are not critizing this?

I think it is okay if people join projects for reselling, but no one with a communist mindset should come in here and say that it is a “bad ego thing to want to earn money and protect one’s investment”.

There is nothing wrong with protecting one’s investment.
This is not an ego thing.
We are simply to a socialist totalitarian system here.

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For the love of all that is good.

Regardless of JAAJ’s motivation, regardless of how any of you “feel” about exclusivity, etc. The following precedents exist:

  1. Regardless of NFTs with similar outcomes, all are overall, unique approaches. (In response to the muscles/brain etc).
  2. Right or wrong, JAAJ ‘gate-keeps’ ALL unoriginal ideas and does similar “I advise we don’t make this”, regardless of subject matter, his own projects, etc from what I’ve seen.

So now, knowing those two things, even if you don’t agree with JAAJ, can you still hold up a counter-argument of bias, without meeting the points head on? Because that’s what many of you are doing, you’re employing logical fallacies and anti-capitalist sentiment (against a capitalist vehicle that was designed to be that way and argued in favor of on this very forum, I might add) to NOT actually address the argument. “Well, he’s trying to keep all NFTs exclusive so his own remain so”… okay, go try a generic version of Manhattan Method submitted for approval, see how that works out for you. Even if JAAJ’s entire argument is selfishly and monetarily motivated, which only he can know, that doesn’t make it an invalid argument.

The research comment, even outside of exclusivity, is spot on. Your (general-you) role in a community NFT project is to do Captain’s non-Captain work for him. You come up with an overall guidance towards a dish, he mixes up the recipe and presents his take. The group does research on the subject, available fields/sub-fields that can be pulled from existing sub-fields; its directly part of the old guidelines. Dr. Manhattan alone talks about folders with hundreds of files to research his own submissions, and I dare say he’s one of the more approved co-creators.

To say you did no research and just “I’d like to work with Arcturians”… yeah, go use the free fields. And “I’d like to work with Arcturians more deeply than the free fields” is nothing, especially if the way in which you wish to do so is mostly covered by another project, which again, would be known if the required research step was taken.

Based on observation alone, so take it with a grain of salt. Similar outcomes in fields/NFTs are not defined by a single ‘gimmick’ or two, they’re entirely different, well defined, approaches. Kind of like a beef wellington and a hamburger both use beef but are NOT the same dish.

I agree, and JAAJ can take my opinion or leave it, that the approach he takes/took is not ‘bed-side manner’ worthy. Fair enough, we can’t all be SammyG. HOWEVER, just in my short time on the forums, this is a REGULAR thing; enough that anyone who’s been here for a while should know better and see the argument for what it is on merit alone, even going so far as to disregard who’s making it or their potential motivations.


I think that a Balanced Approach needs to be employed here -

  1. Yes there should be no Copycat Projects, but if 2 projects achieve the SAME Goal by Mostly Using Different Concepts and Approaches then they should not be labelled as Copies of each other ( For Example the Height, Muscle and Fitness based NFT’s).

  2. If someone believes that a newly proposed project is a Copy-Paste of their and Someone else’s older projects then as @Beast pointed out, they should do a Line-By-Line Comparison of the Project Descriptions of ALL the concerned projects and SHOW to the Moderators that Exactly How much of their Sub-Fields and other Concepts and Ideas used in the Older Projects have been Copied by the Newly proposed project.

  3. In case the Accuser does not want to make the Project Descriptions of the Older Projects PUBLIC for the sake of this Comparison Exercise, then in that Case he can carry out this Line-By-Line Comparison Activity inside a Private Group consisting of the Moderators, the accuser (Aka the Owner of the Older Project) and the accused (Aka the Owner of the Newly Proposed Project).

  4. The Final Decision and Veto regarding the status of a Project being a Copycat or not rests with the Creator (Captain).

Points Number 2 and 4 are the Most important here because they ensure that the Allegations of CopyCat projects are decided on the Basis of ACTUAL FACTS…[And FINAL Discretion of the Creator (Captain)]… instead of being decided on the basis of Mere Opinions/Allegations of the Accuser.

@JAAJ LET IT GO man, stop trying to force outcomes and rules. There are already established rules, prodecures that are followed. A lot less projects are being made these days, not because of lack of submission but rather cause somewhere in that process it was deem unoriginal or something else. Work with the NFTs you got to progress in whatever way you deem fit and allow the life on this forum to carry on and evolve.

You can’t force change.


Well, by that argument Arc Brain and Arc Light Body shouldn’t exist, because in theory the Arc Light servitor CAN do anything the Arcturians can—or at least enough to make those projects moot.

Infinitely teachable.

And yet the other two projects exist. So ‘can’ isn’t much of limiting argument.

And actually I read through Arc Temple project. It’s not a copy paste. For starters, it asks for direct contact—not a servitor. That seems like a big difference.

Arc Brain and Arc Light Body are downright passive compared to this field. Those fields just ask the Arcturians to make a great brain/light body field. This Temple Field wants people to learn from the Arturians. Learn

So subfields A and B of Main field 3 correspond with the Arcturian brain and Arc Light Body, though I think subfield B is unnecessary given what is in the other fields.

Now the preamble about the Arcturians being the oldest, wisest, kindest, etc., is a copy past of sorts, but that’s just their titles, like defender of the faith, first of his name and all that.

My read, for what it’s worth, is that the descriptions of the other Arcturian fields are vague and passive—nothing wrong with that—I wouldn’t presume to tell them what to do, but this project does not do that. It asks to learn from them—directly. I’m proud that our fellow forum members can garner such ambition.

To @Zen ’s point. That’s evolution.

Edited for clarity.


i think that, before rushing to talk about communist mentality and capitalist mentality, it’s not about that. Dream makes NFTs, but these NFTs are not painted tissues destined to be watched just for the enchantment of the eye and then put in vaults of banks, like investment gold . All NFTs made by Dream have another purpose , they are made to help people , in whatever ways they feel they need to be helped, either with illnesses or soul healing or body / mind / spirit developing and expanding. This is their real purpose, so, even if the NFTs are traded like material goods, they and their real purpose are way beyond that.
That’s why talking about them in investment terms is like… talking about the investment value of the shroud of Turin, or something


But as to @Jaaj ‘s point about using the free Arcturian field, that’s a good reminder. I do forget about those fields. Mostly, I use alien intercession and leave it at that, but I’ll sleep to the Arcturian sounds and see what comes of it.

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Arc Light is not a servitor.
This was a misunderstanding by _OM.
It is something much much much more powerful.

If you are “only” looking for an Arcturian made servitor, there is already the “Orion (Arcturian Servitor) NFT” available.

I am going to post some quotes from Captain here so that this old rumor that “Arc Light is a servitor” gets debunked once and for all:

So yes, Arc Light can do EVERYTHING that the Arcturians themselves approve of.
It also includes the “Light and Vibrational Guidance” part that was mentioned above.

So back to my point, the critiziced new NFT projects has ZERO Original Ideas that have not be made before and are covered by Arc Light NFT, Arc Light Body NFT, Arcturian Brain NFT and Orion Arcturian Servitor NFT.