Another Copy Paste NFT Project :-(

I cannot post in the original thread because it has already been closed.
Therefore, going to voice my opinion here about this project idea:

Everything that you have written here has already been made in the Arc Light NFT, the Arcturian Body NFT and the Arcturian Brain NFT.

Have you done any research about these existing projects and what has already been done?

At the moment, 95% of your project description is a copy paste without a single original or new idea.

Because all of these have already been done, and in order to protect the existing NFTs and their owners, I am strongly against this being made in the way it is.

Please rework your project completely.

And if you want to work with the Arcturians on any of those things that you wrote, then get one of those 3 existing NFTs – because right now, I don’t think that you will come up with anything original that these 3 cannot already do.

@Dr_Manhattan @Rosechalice @Nice2knowU
Hereby informing you too, that I am strongly against this being made in this current copy paste form.
The user shall come up with original and new ideas and not copy paste from existing projects.
There should be at least 50% original ideas, because anything else would be blatant theft and completely disprectful to the mentioned 3 existing projects.



i haven’t had the occasion to vote for this NFT project. Because the person that proposed the project only wanted 22 copies, and gathering the people only lasted for 2 hours.

It’s obviously a big need for such a NFT, hugely more than 22 copies.

I don’t know if the person who proposed the project did a research to find out the exact structure of the other Arcturian projects, nor if their structures can be known, if they are entirely public.
What i know is that there is a big “need” for that, people are very interested in working with the Arcturians.
Maybe almost as interested in gaining muscles … through the zillions projects made for muscles , or gaining neurons - through the many projects for getting brains, or scales, or whatever.

I’ve seen along the way how some people (several people) jump to bury other projects that would menace the marketability of their owned NFTs and i am getting sad every time… because those people are people i admire so much and i respect so much…
Couldn’t we just care for the others too? Arcturians aren’t a registered patent… they are superior beings full of love and light…


i admire and respect you a LOT, just letting you know… :star2:


Not saying that this applies to you, but I am pretty sure that 99% of those people who say “they want to work with the Arcturians” have NOT been using the free Arcturian Energy Meditatition field on Dream Seeds and HAVE NOT worked with it on a daily basis. Yet they claim they “have a need” and “want to work with the Arcturians”…

Most people want a NFT. Not to work with the Arcturians.
The Dream Seeds video view count for the mentioned free field is proof for this.

This is obvious with many other NFT projects too.
People never use the free fields but believe they need to have the NFT for the same topic, otherwise “they cannot work on this topic”.
This is a crazy mental gymnastic that many people are making.

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On this one I totally agree.

Sadly there are sooo many free gems that are a bit neglected while the audience focuses on the crave for the “Unique Piece”

Don’t get me wrong, NFT are amazing and are also an Asset you can dispose (nothing wrong with that, trades and rentals can bring negentropy where both are better off) but as amazing are the other fields

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There are so many FREE fields which people can use to work with all types of aliens.
These fields alone can fill a whole lifetime.

Yet, people think they need to submit another “alien NFT” project because they assume “they cannot get results if the field is free”.

But honestly, if certain alien fractions do not want to connect with you personally through the free field, you will not be able to force them to connect with you through a paid NFT field. They have free will and preferences too.

As mentioned, I pretty much convinced that barely anyone works with these free aliens fields on a regular basis, because they assume that “free is not powerful”… :roll_eyes:

The free Alien Intercession field alone, can provide material to work with for the next 1000 years…


Those for who begins are even better, so you can try all of them to see with what beings you are more in tune without committing an investment.

But I feel I still have to break a lance in favour of new projects regarding those beings, many nfts were already done regarding this matter but often who has those, keep those, knowing the value of it.

Soo, opening new projects it’s another walkable street towards working with this and that.

But again, I understand also the point of view of the ones who drafted the first projects at the beginning and are involved in it:

  1. freeriding do not feel so good
  2. what happens to the percieved market value ?(which it’s different from the field value, which money is an approximation, and a rather subjective one)

That being said… not my business :sweat_smile:

Just trying to walk in someone’s else shoes to see how those fits

Bro, chill. I get that you want to keep the exclusivity of your Nfts, but you don’t have a monopoly on Arcturians :man_shrugging:


Stop virtue signaling. There is a free Arcturian field on Dream Seeds for everyone to use. How often do I have to mention this?

So again, extra for you:

There is a free Arcturian field on Dream Seeds for everyone to use.

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A simple observation, consider or ignore it, I have no horses in that race either way.


While I agree with OP and remark on unoriginality, is it okay for just a few to have monopoly over something such as working with Arcturians? Most project submissions end up being wishlists so I’m honestly asking

And having worked with Arcs myself on a few occasions, the one on DS is very PG13…


This has been discussed already on two occasions, it is not okay for certain few to have monopoly over anything not just Arcturians but it can’t be denied that some people got first mover advantage in some projects and no body can do anything about it. We have to live with it.


It’s not really about exclusivity.
It’s simple, if there are two NFTs that are too similar after the submission, they won’t both be made. Remember Captain is an artist; an artist doesn’t make the same sculpture twice


Thank you. Because this is the main point I am bothered about.

I am not automatically against another Arcturian NFT, but if someone wants to make such, it has to be truly unique and focussed on some very new original ideas.

Versus just being a very generalistic abstract scribbel.

The project above that I am criticizing is 80% copy paste of existing projects and 20% very generalistic stuff, so generalstic that it is everything and nothing at the same time and that doesn’t even require the Arcturians in the first place!

Anything “general” has been mostly done before and thus future NFT projects should probably rather focus on very specific things in order to be it original.
The more specific an idea is, the less likely it has been done before.

People shall also do research what has been done before, there are almost 500 NFTs now that have been made. So everyone wanting to do a new project NEEDS to do research, because many ideas have already been made.

Not doing any research means laziness and also means disrespect to the mods who have to check every submission for originality before it goes to Captain.

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That is the point of NFT, Exalted states is the only NFT that makes you produce Amrita when you listen audio, then it ties previous Eternity field to Amrita drops. I know Ekajati and maybe one other project as a side side subfield have Amrita production, but aside from that, 99% of the project is completely unique. This is example of approach JAAJ is talking about, I think.

This reminded me of:

I don’t have any Arcturian NFT.

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Isn´t that the whole point of NFTs over audios?

Anyways, I´m back to lurking.

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Yes, true. But in this thread, the comparison was between two NFTs and if they would be both made if they overlap too much.

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I’m about to go to work, but I’ll take some time to get back to you. First of all this is not a copy and paste of any arcturian project, I haven’t read much about the other projects but the descriptions are pretty vague, this project was written entirely by me, and it tries to approach a more integrated work with the arcturians. It seems ridiculous to me that you want to establish a monopoly of work with the arcturians, because these beings can help us all to grow and evolve and not just a few specific “owners”. It seems to me a lack of respect what you are doing, wanting to degrade my project, as a copy and paste. I am not surprised, I have already seen this attitude of arrogance and egoism in other publications, although I have nothing against you. I repeat, it seems ridiculous to me that a group of people have the arcturian monopoly, but it seems to be so. I also believe that these beings will give us a powerful help if the Nft is created, since their devotion to service and help is superior to the limited human conception. I have nothing more to say, only that you should be happy for this project and that other human beings have the possibility to work with them, from a more integrated perspective. Obviously the final decision is the captain’s.

But I will do my best to review the existing projects thread and change things if I see that they are too similar, which will be difficult because the descriptions are too vague…


I disagree
cuz JAAJ did not say any similar things(words like “copy”) in Arcturian Angel thread

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There is no monopoly.

  1. There is a free field for everyone. And as mentioned, it is barely used by anyone, which the views count proofs.

  2. If you make a NFT, make something original and new and unique.

  3. The people who created the existing projects have a valid interest in protecting their ideas and NFT investments. It is not our fault that you are coming 3 years too late to the party.

  4. There is nothing wrong to protect one’s NFT investments. This is not a communist shithole country here. Everyone wants to see their NFTs to go up in value in case they decide to sell them one day, yet barely anyone cares about protecting existing projects.
    That’s one of the main reasons I made this thread in the first place – to raise voice for the protection of existing NFTs, because barely anyone does so.

This is how it reads to me.
And you just admitted that you haven’t read much about these projects.

I think it is arrogant and egoistic to just write a something basic together and then try to submit it without any research of what has already been done. You are literally saying that you don’t care about what this forum community has created before and that you will just write and submit your stuff.

This is what I am recommending that you do :point_down:

Come up with something original and specific.