Arcturian Temple (NFT)

I have been thinking for a long time about creating a large project to work with the Arcturians and learn from their wisdom. The call was heeded…

Description of project in a few words only:

The idea behind this is to acquire the tools, the knowledge, the physical and energetic capacity of an arcturian (As far as humanly possible). There are already other related projects that attempt to work with the Arcturians for healing and energetic functioning, but this attempts to go further. The idea behind this is that we as human beings can acquire all the energetic, mental and physical qualities of the Arcturians. In addition to being able to work with them at all times.

Main Field 1: Direct contact with the Arcturians, in all possible dimensions (physical plane, energetic plane, psychic plane and astral plane). In this way to receive their wisdom, knowledge and energetic capacities


A. Integrate their knowledge in a progressive and intelligent way, to receive the teachings and answers necessary for our evolution. Dissolution of the ego to integrate the collective consciousness

B. Learn the highest healing techniques, learn how to activate our light bodies

C. Learning to develop higher psychic abilities, direct supervision of the Arcturians to integrate them in the healthiest way possible

Main Field 2:

Learnings and lessons provided by the Arcturians, to develop mastery in the different dimensions that exist in this physical reality and beyond it.


A. Learning to recover our sovereignty and power, to dominate the different dimensions of existence.

B. Lessons of divine love, how to integrate this concept in our existence and in our daily life to generate an unprecedented expansion

C. Learning about Aether manipulation, understanding the Quintessence source

Main Field 3: A fundamental section, regenerate and grow our nervous system and our energy system by the arcturians.


A. Regeneration and growth of our brain and nervous system by the Arcturians. A fundamental part of integrating the whole project.

B. Regeneration of our entire energetic system and activation of our light body. Healing and growth of chakras, meridians in an intelligent way programmed by the arcturians.

C. Arcturian healing chamber, where our whole body is constantly regenerating.

Type of NFT: Audio + Mandala
Copy count: 22


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To be upfront, don’t see this happening anytime soon. Like this is multiple, multiple generations moving along a comparable trajectory. I’m not sure how many people are even aware of the idea of a collective consciousness.

In some ways, this is more about developing a person’s capability to communicate and hear, listen, then possibly understand.

my understanding is that they’re not about domination

There’s more, but maybe do further research or build relationships in who you are trying to connect with.

All growth that drives a field will always be tied to our ability to expand as human beings, in this physical reality it may be limited but that is not a reason not to try

I am sure that they will know how to make themselves understood, pushing our capabilities, leaving a margin for us to work actively, therein lies an incredible learning and growth potential.

I am a true believer that the planes of existence can be very malleable if you want them to be, and that represents an enormous opportunity for growth and understanding. Learning about how they work can propel you to mastery over them.

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It’s more about a matter of order and viable sequence.
Like being aware of and participation in a collective consciousness. Which would require dissolution of ego, among many other things.

There’s also so much that is dormant within humanity and already exists; my view is that many more people can become aware of and then access that.
The newly released shamanism field for example has so much potential.

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You raised a very interesting point here, I agree that the dissolution of the ego is a key factor to integrate the collective consciousness. It just seemed to me that active work with the Arcturians would naturally drive ego dissolution, but I can include it as a subfield

The potential of this field promises a lot! I’m sure I’ll get it at some point. Anyway, thanks for the exchange, it’s always nourishing to hear other points of view

@Rosechalice @Nice2knowU Can you close the thread? Thank you very much! :raised_hands: