Arc Light Body

Welcome everyone to the presentation party of The Arc Light Body made by Captain in collaboration with the Arcturians! :white_heart:

After having some intense experiences with the Arcturian Brain nft suddenly it came to mind that with an arcturian brain comes an arcturian light body. So we would have a complete package in which body and mind can be united. Here we use the same idea as in the arcturian brain project and ask the arturians again to make us a field to attain an arcturian light body including a light language and dna activation by the arcturians. The Arcturians communicate by light language and is a spiritual vibration of love. The arcturians seem to perform healing through this and my intention is that our light bodies get constantly updated and upgraded by the arcturians…

Mandala + Audio (by pranic_climber)

Thank you @Captain_Nemo, the Arcturians, all the members and this very universe for making this happen and all this exactly on a full moon! :full_moon: Perfect Timing!


Beautiful art work. Just looking at it brightened my mood by 400%. Can only imagine how it would feel if the energy is felt by the NFT owners. :+1: :muscle: :mechanical_arm:


This came out so well. Thanks everyone :sparkles::clinking_glasses:


Original Image:


I am in love! I hope I can trade for this one soon :)


Wait, this is already made?

I have asked you to join the project and I was among the first 8 to apply (as there were 8 spots open according to the project description)…


Some people weren’t able to get any of the arcturian projects so i included some of them. I didn’t consider who applied first except the very first. There will always be people who fall outside the group unless we make everything public. I myself have spent over 10k dollars in the last seven months because I had to buy the missed projects and for some I was able to trade happily.


So happy! And the audio is epic!


Thank you @RobbyHa and Captain


I can’t stop looping the audio! Anyone else? Lol


I was extremely fortunate to make a trade for this incredible project just now!
I can’t stop playing the audio, either :grin:
My Arc Light is totally lit up downloading code it seems!



I’m so happy for you! Enioy!


Even I asked to join, I was not included.

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Looks awesome


Me too! Thanks for the beautiful track @pranic_climber , it really suits this NFT :heart:
Thank you Captain for this amazing opportunity! :heart:

First impressions:
This is the coolest energy that I just felt from field, it is both very powerful and smooth energy.
I feel like it fills all my being and flows into every cell of my body!
I also felt a sharp change in mood for the better and just a huge amount of Light energy
This + The Rainbow Guide = :boom: :boom: :boom:


Yes! Captain said they will find a glorious middle ground together!


That’s okay, but why not simply allow for a few more copies in the project?

Also, to be totally open with you, the only reason I am actually triggered by this is because I highly doubt you would have come with this project idea at all if I didn’t start the first Arcturian project back then. I expected that you would include me in the project out of courtesy, but it seems my expectation was wrong.

Since it is me who is the triggered here, it is also up to me to do things different next time, and to no longer allow for a situation where the outcome for me is dependent on an expectation in the first place.

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That’s what I had in mind at first to allow 20-25 people in and one copy for everyone. Since this was my first project as a leader, I was advised to keep the group small. Sorry but I can’t change that now

I started this project because this and nothing else

I don’t stick to standards and values ​​and how everything should be in life according to a certain pattern and what people expect from someone. I don’t play those games inside my head. I’m just trying to be life and nothing more; I hope you understand that. And if arc light body is meant for you it will come to you too… :pray:

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I’m confused I thought everything arcturian related can be done with the arc light already.


I see.

I assume that the limit of total copies in the group was created and strictly monitored because of people wanting to have additional trading and sales copies available for them.
Because if they would have wanted to acquire additional copies for their beloved ones and family, they would actually instead cared to get as many copies as possible for them – but in most cases it seems people only acquire NFTs for their own personal benefits and forget about their families :man_shrugging:

Now with regards to making the extra NFT copies valuable as trading and sales copies:

It seems you were influenced by someone who has a poor understanding of what makes a NFT actually valuable on the market. I encountered this already several times inside projects where people were afraid for allowing for more copies because it “may threat the sales/trade value of their second copy”. Which is not the case in almost all cases. And it comes usually from not understanding how sales and marketing work.

What makes a NFT actually valuable, for those who want to trade/sell their additional copies, is not determined by how many copies there are available of a NFT (as long as the number is, let’s say below ~200-300), but by what the NFT actually does and how well the project team is able to communicate the benefits of this NFT to the outer world.

Product communication and product perception is key.

For example, we didn’t limit the amount of copies in the BoLove project at all. 85 copies were minted, which is much more than most projects, yet it is a highly sought after NFT – because of what it does and because most people understand the value of what it does.

I see many NFT project releases with cryptic descriptions and long background stories, that make it very difficult for the normal forum user to figure out what the NFT actually does and what the actual benefits are. Maybe this is done on purpose, I don’t know, but it is definitely not the proper marketing and sales way to make people want to acquire a NFT. People can only want something after their perceive a value in it.
Then some folks from these projects wonder why there is not much demand to acquire their additional copies.

It does not matter that there are “only a few copies available” – if people don’t perceive it as valuable in the first place, they don’t care how many copies there are.

It’s the same way the dating market works:
If one is not attractive, it does not matter how much one plays “hard to get”.

The solution is to become more attractive, not play even more “hard to get”.

The solution is to make your NFT project appealing to most people, not limit the amount of copies as much as possible and make is a rare as possible.

Yeah, no worries. I have already all the tools necessary to access and replicate the same outcome :v: