Orion NFT
A collab of Captain and the Arcturians. Everything written was channeled from the Arcturians, everything in parenthesis from Copycat.
The Embodiment of Ultimate Power
Orion is the embodiment of I Light and Love taken to the highest peak of mastery sat in the center of the universe. This is the same as the mastery of all creation. I being the Self, Light being consciousness and the mind of reality and love being everything that is embodied and in physical materialization.
1:Meta Power
Orion is a star that sits in the middle/heart of a universe. It is the peak embodiment of I light Love, There are no limits to it’s consciousness and it is a being above all others in terms of Light/Consciousness and Love/Power. There is so much for him to explore, create and experience which are manifested instantaneously for him when he simply chooses it.
Subfield 1: Expansion of Power
Orion has mastered both light and love but doesn’t stop expanding and accumulating more at a exponential pace. Using the technology of black holes (Possibly Black Hole Ton 618 or the biggest black hole in existence-Copycat), Orion constantly sucks up as much of the purest/highest expression of light and love within himself as possible and integrates it completely instantly.
Subfield 2: Ultimate Intelligence
With power comes the need for intelligence to employ the power in the correct manner. The intelligence comes from the Collective knowledge base of the Arcturians.
Subfield 3: Being
Being is the basis of all experience. To be is to just experience. Letting go of all labels and judgement and simply observe and experience that which you have chosen in the now. This is what Orion facilitates within you. He brings you into the state of being in a simple and effortless manner
2:Ultimate Light
Orion has mastered Light. Light is the basis of all things. Light is consciousness and the basis of all creation. Creation is simply consciousness in different variations and distortions. Ability to choose, connect to, remove, add, copy, create, code and weave together light (whatever else can be done with or through light.)
Subfield 1: Change
As a master of light, Orion is a master of change. Orion can simply scan you and completely install the light of everything you want/choose within you while at the same time removing everything that is unwanted or in the way of the manifestation of what you desire. This can include, your behaviors, energetic blocks, health, emotions, looks, circumstances in your life, relationships, experiences, beliefs and anything else you can think of. (This is done in each subtle body and every single layer, as well as whatever else effects us) All distortions of light within yourself are also removed and replaced with the highest expression of pure light.
(Simply say “Orion activate change, ____” and state what it is that you wish for Orion to do with light. ex. Orion activate change, …I am/i have/remove/ )
Subfield 2: Behavior
Behavior is what manifests the physical. There is a component of light and a component of action. This includes thoughts and things that are generated which makes a person act the way they act and do the things they do. The basis of it being light. This subfield acts as a translator. Bringing consciousness down to affect the (emotional?) mental and physical layers directly. Affecting all layers to produce the desired thinking and behavior to manifest the desired circumstances and situations.
Subfield 3: Axis
You are the axis of your reality. And thus you also have to begin to be a clear channel and begin to absorb and take in more light. A black hole that takes in and absorbs light (and love possibly) for you constantly will be placed on you and the size will be constantly adjusted according to how much you can take in at each moment.
3:Ultimate Love
Love is the embodiment of light. The force that materializes and in which even makes light possible to exist. Love is the integrating force. Love is energy in motion. Emotion and feeling. The thing that holds the universe together and that which the existence itself is built upon. Orion is a master of love. This means he is the master of integration, embodiment and manifestation. Anything you wish to be embodied will be integrated and embodied within you at the speed of light.
[This function of integration is also applied to the command (Orion Activate Change,"___")
(Upon saying activate, “I Light Love, _____” The process of holding I Light and Love to the peak and cycling that until complete embodiment, Understanding and manifestation. You are also constantly engorged in the end result of I Light (What you seek) Love until manifestation. Ex. “activate I Light Love, I experience oneness with all things” "activate I Light Love, teleportation)]
Subfield 1: The Integrating Force
There are many variations to integration but they always stem from Love. Have Captain consult us (The Arcturians) on the possibilities that would be added in this.
The integrating force with what manifests things directly into manifestation. Energy in motion pushing through each layer or moving from the more subtle layers into the more denser realms. Captain will add whatever he deems necessary for the full complete manifestation and integration of light into physical reality.
Subfield 2: The Light of Love
The light of love is a quality that speaks of the mental side of love. Similar to how it is depicted in the symbol of Yin and Yang, once something is taken to the extreme you will find the beginnings of the other. In this case it is the wisdom and knowledge of love. This knowledge will come from us, the Arcturians and will be installed into both Orion and the owner.
Subfield 3: The Power of the Ultimate
Love and Power is something that comes from the Logos. It comes from the Mind of the Creator. When this is understood then we go straight to the Creator for Love and The Ultimate Source for light. That which is the Great Central Sun.
All distortions within the individual that are not in alignment with love and light are automatically removed and replaced in a safe manner. The end goal being a crystallized entity that can hold as much light and love of the creator as possible. This is a continuous development and upgrade of being able to hold more light and love.
(Everyone that has this NFT was approved first by the Arcturians. There is only 2 copies that will be sold and they must be kept as directed by Arcturians. The buyers will first have to be approved by the Arcturians)