Sapien Medicine: Access for elitists?

do you understand now?

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Gumroad told me that the Seller decides the payment possibility and on Gumroad you can only pay per Creditcard for Sapien/Dr. Manhatten…-fields. And the fields ion Gumroad are often not find in the Sapien shop.

And I think I explained that I didn’t want something for free. That was your mind not mine who “implifiy” something :slight_smile:

I understand what is meant with limited NFT, of course. But I never will understand the idea behind any limitation. :joy:

But thanks for your efforts!!!

This is from the gumroad help page:

There is a notice at the bottom about debit cards. Perhaps the creator has a reason or two not to include debit cards as a payment method. Perhaps the same applies to other options?

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But wouldn’t it be better than, to make them avalable on the Patreon Shop e. g.?

you have to understand some things are precious and rare in this world.
and sometimes you can’t get it even if you have money and I’m not just talking about NFT rn

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I only would prefer the same chance for really everyone - thanks for your efforts

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I don’t think that someone can tell me, what I have to understand in this world. You don’t know me, my life, my path…

Thanks for your kind answer. Yes, on Patreon and sometimes - if not linked to Gumroad - on Sapien shop and there it works with Paypal. But some fields are not on Patreon or in the Sapien Shop.

But thank you very much.

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I just want you to know the facts that there must be something limited in this world
and facts are objective which means it won’t change no matter how someone’s life or path is
which means I don’t need to know your life and your path and I’m also not interested to your story

you ask for that
and I’m just answering your question

I know this isn’t the point of this thread, but that’s a really handy overview. I get so confused about all the different tiers.



Your facts are your facts not mine.

You don’t understand me and I don’t understand you. That’s okay.


Yes, thank you :grinning:

according your logic ,why max heal potion are sold out in your reality

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Your are wrong - according to my logic my question was, how it could be, that healing should be limited and be “sould out”.

But again: We don’t understand each other and that should be okay now, don’t you agree?

But thank you for trying to help. Bye-bye.

One other thing,
is this really elitist?

I mean is there like a monthly fee of several thousand to be a member - to access all of this?

I mean, the forum is free, asking questions is free, over 50% of fields are free.

This thread title is “access for elitists?”

There are payment methods available, just not exactly the one you are looking for. is that elitist?

I’m trying to understand, thats all…


Meditate my friend, the answers are within you


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There are so many wonderful people here who want to help you. Give them a chance to do so.

Labelling them as “Elitist” will certainly not help your cause at all.

Learn to be Humble in your attitude and mannerisms BEFORE You Ask for Help and Solutions for your issues.

People use their Valuable time , energy and efforts to offer and suggest solutions for Your problems without getting anything in return.

The least you can do in return is to be respectful in your tone and demeanor…whether you agree with someone’s opinion or not.

Also there are many other Creators who charge $800 to $1000 for their fields…so please be a little more mindful before labelling someone as “elitist” due to your own frustrations.

I actually sympathise with your situation because I used to be in a similar situation in the past…but I never blamed the Creator of Sapien Medicine and his wonderful team for my own payment related frustrations.


his/her trust level is still basic user


Trust level 2 is easy to attain, but the person must want to share in the forum.