Sapien Medicine: Access for elitists?

you have to understand some things are precious and rare in this world.
and sometimes you can’t get it even if you have money and I’m not just talking about NFT rn

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I only would prefer the same chance for really everyone - thanks for your efforts

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I don’t think that someone can tell me, what I have to understand in this world. You don’t know me, my life, my path…

Thanks for your kind answer. Yes, on Patreon and sometimes - if not linked to Gumroad - on Sapien shop and there it works with Paypal. But some fields are not on Patreon or in the Sapien Shop.

But thank you very much.

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I just want you to know the facts that there must be something limited in this world
and facts are objective which means it won’t change no matter how someone’s life or path is
which means I don’t need to know your life and your path and I’m also not interested to your story

you ask for that
and I’m just answering your question

I know this isn’t the point of this thread, but that’s a really handy overview. I get so confused about all the different tiers.



Your facts are your facts not mine.

You don’t understand me and I don’t understand you. That’s okay.


Yes, thank you :grinning:

according your logic ,why max heal potion are sold out in your reality

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Your are wrong - according to my logic my question was, how it could be, that healing should be limited and be “sould out”.

But again: We don’t understand each other and that should be okay now, don’t you agree?

But thank you for trying to help. Bye-bye.

One other thing,
is this really elitist?

I mean is there like a monthly fee of several thousand to be a member - to access all of this?

I mean, the forum is free, asking questions is free, over 50% of fields are free.

This thread title is “access for elitists?”

There are payment methods available, just not exactly the one you are looking for. is that elitist?

I’m trying to understand, thats all…


Meditate my friend, the answers are within you


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There are so many wonderful people here who want to help you. Give them a chance to do so.

Labelling them as “Elitist” will certainly not help your cause at all.

Learn to be Humble in your attitude and mannerisms BEFORE You Ask for Help and Solutions for your issues.

People use their Valuable time , energy and efforts to offer and suggest solutions for Your problems without getting anything in return.

The least you can do in return is to be respectful in your tone and demeanor…whether you agree with someone’s opinion or not.

Also there are many other Creators who charge $800 to $1000 for their fields…so please be a little more mindful before labelling someone as “elitist” due to your own frustrations.

I actually sympathise with your situation because I used to be in a similar situation in the past…but I never blamed the Creator of Sapien Medicine and his wonderful team for my own payment related frustrations.


his/her trust level is still basic user


Trust level 2 is easy to attain, but the person must want to share in the forum.



Let’s work from the point you keep trying to make
And work from there. I’m really sorry, I’m sure you’re a nice person, but the thread you began is absurd

So you’re saying that limiting payment methods is somehow elitist. Payment methods that most people can have, in fact I don’t know if you can use PayPal without a credit card as it is getting harder and harder to use it with gift cards. But ok.

I guess my dry cleaner is elitist too, they don’t take Amex. Elitist dry cleaner!!

No- people just have the choice of what payment methods they want to use since it’s easier for them as a business.

Something being sold out is elitist!!

Movies, theater tickets, concert tickets, art, all
Things I can think of that can be sold out. Elitist I guess

Oh but health, you’re saying it’s because it’s health based.

It’s not like there are hundreds of very accessible free and incredibly generously priced fields available on several different platforms- oh wait

There ARE! In fact the advanced healer was just created.

To make this thread you’re not anywhere near well researched enough about Sapien Medicine and it’s a little crazy to some of us who have seen the incredible generosity and the great lengths that are gone to to make sure so many amazing things are accessible to so many.

But yeah, some things ARE limited.

And just like some of the most beautiful artwork that has ever been created, just like some of the most unforgettable performances, just like some experiences, that’s fine and make life pretty extraordinary.

Health is not being kept from you.

That argument needs to die


Wait, did anyone mention this?!

The actual reason is with PayPal itself.

At some point of time, PayPal was blocking, flagging and removing fields off of gumroad and being all sorts of pain for the Sapien Medicine team, for those who do not recall. Fields got taken off in the past and there is even proof now with fields named like Are stem cells smart as actual proof of the aftermath of PayPal’s past damage to their store.

Annnnnnnd then PayPal’s chargeback policy was also causing a huge problem because of the black marketing going as another double whammy…

Truthfully, it is Actually, the Elitists whom are blocking you from access because PayPal doesn’t want trouble with things labelled as healing and a bunch of other things, and nothing to do Sapien Medicine (bless them btw), afterall PayPal is just a payment option. BTW this not only affected Sapien Medicine. Granted PayPal probably doesn’t want to be sued so they also did that to a bunch of other creators.

Anyways the people before have reiterated that there are free fields, the premium (aka paid) ones are for topics that simply don’t exist (most NFTs fall in this category), for convenience, unique alchemy of a group of fields, but plently of topics are already covered in the free fields, there is no need to FOMO over them.

Moreover the newer fields being released for free (check out the albums) are bordering on more unique alchemies that honestly should have been paid fields… And they are free to listen, oh wow so they are such elitists for some reason /sarcasm


Inigo Montoya - love it :slight_smile:

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Because what if, healing is not actually “free”?

What if, ALL types of healing require some “work to be done” for the healing to happen?

Be it that you have to feed your body with fresh vegetables, or pharamceutical pills or esoteric morphic fields. Or be it that you have to let your body rest in a clean comfortable bed. Shower it under warm running water. Etc.

All of these things that enable your body’s natural healing (food, pills, fields, bed with clean sheets, warm water etc.) had to be created by someone.

That means that someone had to put in their work, their personal time and energy to create these things.

So in this sense, healing is not “free”, no, it requires people to do some work and through this, help your body to heal itself.
That’s how it is in the physical universe.
Your body cannot heal alone, it requires at least (unless you are an ascended master) rest and food to be enabled to do even the most basic healing.

So if healing is not free, it comes with the need to for someone to invest some work into it and since no one is entitled to other’s work, therefore no one is entitled to receive healing for free.

And the people who invested work into tools that help with the healing of others, be it the farmer who grew an onion, or the wizard who created a morphic field, can freely choose how they want to be compensated for it. It is a free market.

In the physical universe, one has to constantly invest time and energy and work, just to…survive. It is a constant fight against entropy all the time, I guess per game gesign.

Therefore, let’s be grateful to those who decide to share their healing tools for free and those who put in the work to invent solutions that make the fight against entropy a little easier for everyone.


I thank you all for the interesting energies transferred by your words und the shown resonances in all directions. I love it, it was very helpful :heart::heart::heart: