Another Copy Paste NFT Project :-(

I personally like the NFT model as it is.

Thanks to this model there is not only altruistic motivation to share the knowledge of morphic fields, but even economical — increasing the demand.

Like Elon can pump the price of shitcoins just by one tweet, imagine if he posted about Sapien.

I think everyone profits.


Was actually gonna mention this in the longer post, regarding intellectual property… There’s a reason it exists in the first place, I’m talking about history, without it, most likely we would be far far behind in development, it has its benefits. Whether I like it for morphic fields, another matter, but my opinion doesn’t count regardless to the issue at hand. However u have made a reasonable point in favor, and it’s actually quite the critical one.

Anyways don’t count my thoughts much, my brain is on fire lol, that I can write is already a miracle, I’ll stop cluttering the thread


God hope he doesn’t get a wind of these NFTs, then people who may truly need a NFT will never able to acquire it because no body wants to sell it for less when someone offers several times of the original price or what ever the seller can quote.

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Without please getting any backlash… out of Respect to our belover Captain i say this only to the whole topic:

we are all forum users and part of this community when we use our accounts openly since the moment we arrive here.

in time and experience we start seeing those NFT Projects and create our own.

Then we publish them and give the drafts to the Captain.

Then he desides wheather to make those. he is the “Judge”, not we.

so this thread should be in my eyes deleted.

we already have a filter for new projects and that is the Captain himself.

The vibe of the whole thread is poisionous.

the only things i give full support to JAAJ is hat we as a community are like " drunk " from those new projects in NFT form and are underusing a whole mountain of healing tools, energy tools which cost nothing or are completely free. this is sad. i reconsider my field usage also lately.

take care all!

please dont judge yourselves and do not make rules that dont exist.


And since we are talking about investments and profits, Captain doesn’t get anything from any trade that happens on the selling and buying thread, nor the project leader who would have contributed almost all of the idea or entirely the idea.

What right does participants have to sell at heavy premium and not share the profits with neither the project leader nor Captain? These are facts but no one wants to talk about them.

Wish there was a solution but unfortunately there is none.


Could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure when you look up an NFT on SolScan, that Royalties section is exactly that; Dream getting paid for the resale.



Only through the Solana, which isn’t how most people buy and sell.


Thanks for the clarification, I didn’t know that :slight_smile:

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It could happen if people buy and sell on Solana marketplace but people use papal, wise etc. for money transfer, so no share to anyone else.

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100% Agree with You here :handshake:

That is all what we are saying. Nobody is questioning the NFT Model here.

All we are saying is that if Anyone thinks that a newly submitted project is a Copy of their older project then they should do a Line-By-Line Comparison of the respective project descriptions as mentioned by @Beast And LIST All the FACTS/Concepts/Subfields which are a Clear case of Copy-Paste from their Older project and submit the same to the Moderators.

AND Let the Moderators AND The Creator be the FINAL Authority to decide on this matter of a Project being a CopyCat or not.


I vote for this so that this topic doesn’t come back and ruin the weather of the forum when someone announces a new NFT.


Some projects are private and their descriptions too, so a submitter may list what is potentially similar, but not analyse, otherwise descriptions has to be public.

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Anyone who asks this thread to be deleted is against free speech in my opinion.

I made this thread in order to voice my personal opinion.
If you don’t like it then don’t like it.
In the end, the Mods and Captain will decide what they take out of this discussion.

But none of you have the right to come in here and demand that a thread is deleted just because you personally do not agree with the opinions here.

So no, I do not want my thread to be deleted and I provided many arguments for why I see certain things the way I see them.

If you don’t like it, then please just read in other threads but don’t try to censor free speech, especially when none of the forum rules were broken.


I feel what this thread needs is a bit of Hanson to counteract much of the negative energy on here.



Your words are valuable, as are everyone’s. Please share freely. :slight_smile:

Healing Chalice 2


this what you do has nothing to do with freedom of speech. not one bit.

your own opinions limit the ability of others to express themselves however they will.

you try to father people here which in a free forum community is completely wrong.

you try to push your own subjective morale and also if i dear say aggression against others here.

you are showy of your status as an experenced member here, also a complet no go. and ugly in my eyes.

you and I are in no way superior to any lurker and new member here. i d like to remind you of this.

you with your free speech are trying to bully and teach the new commers.

who gives you this right??

the Arcturians?

your tone and behaviour are inacceptable in a spritual community.

nobody chooses when to meet and join sapien and nobody should be blamed for coming here later on as you mentioned.

this thread is completely out of function and only shows how big you think of yourself.

you have your virtues JAAJ and you are a most valuable contribution to the forum. and community.

i seem not to understand why you should lash out on others for their in your eyes percieved mistakes where they have done nothing wrong.

nobody is pushing projects.

it is all peacefull here.

normaly i really like you JAAJ.

i cannot though tolerate any form of violence and status posture.

this is the reason i write here.

you are entitled to your opinion.

you have though no right to judge and attack others.

i am sorry that i see you do exactly this

take care!


yes indeed

Wait… upper cut :open_mouth: What?

Ok, thanks.

I prefer original and unique projects. I’m pretty new to the forum and am grateful for those older members who desire to maintain the integrity of the myriad offerings available. There’s no point in new members like me wading through the fantastic multitude of free offerings believing that the spending of money will open up opportunities to new and unique fields if they are simply amalgams of previous offerings.

Full respect to JAAJ and others who believe in simplicity, delineation and integrity of new offerings.

Given the enormous number of fields available it would be disingenuous to compare it to the game of chess - but I will anyway - should we not have clarity when a bishop is not a queen, not a rook, not a pawn? Sheesh, let’s not pretend it is a knight… or kinda similar…? Wait? What?

Truth in representation please.

As Bishop Butler is reputed to have said, “Everything is what it is and not another thing”.

Go beyond your crapola and differentiate - you know it makes sense.


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The final authority to decide on the originality of the submitted projects are the moderators and the Creator…we are free to raise our objections BUT it is they who get to make the Final Decision…Not you, not me not anyone else…this has also been mentioned clearly many times in this thread yet you and others continue to Overlook this…This is a very “strange pattern” I am observing in this thread :thinking:

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