Another Copy Paste NFT Project :-(

How? Where?

If you haven’t noticed, this is a discussion and everyone can bring in their arguments. Everyone is free to write here.

Are you trying to bring the discussion down to a personal level?
Almost all your sentences start with “you”…

Your original post did not address any of my arguments or added any new points or perspectives, instead, you simply repeated that Captain makes the final decision, which he does, which we all agree on and which no one ever questioned in the first place.

So it is you who comes in here, without any rational contributions, and uses this thread as a personal vent against me for… reasons…?!?

How? Where?

Spiritual means shadow work, means speaking about things.
Bringing things to the surface.
That’s what we do here.

While you proposed for the thread to be deleted, how spiritual is that? Ask yourself.

You know, various totalitarian governments through-out history also burned books because they didn’t like their contents. Instead of speaking about it. Again, if you don’t want to discuss something then don’t do it. No one forces you to participate.

But is this really so?

Everyone found and joined the forum when THEY where spiritually ready and open minded enough for doing so.

They used their free will to create an account and join the forum.

It is logical that not everyone will join the forum all on the same first day.
It is logical that people will join the forum on different days.
Which means that those who joined later, should, OUT OF RESPECT, check what the previous member have already done!

Instead, you are literally saying people were “picked by a randomizer and then a forum account was created for them”? How irrational of an argument is that? No one but the forum users themselves decided when they joined the forum and how much they have read and how much they have contributed etc.

Everyone here does everything by his own choice and it is not by some “randomizer machine” that decides about those outcomes. Everyone decides for themselves.

How? Where?

How? Where?

Even if would do this, it would still be true. Some users are more experienced than others. This is a fact. But in your socialist worldview this is not allowed because “everyone is equal in everything”, right?

I didn’t say this anywhere.

But even if I would have said this, this is another one of those socialist arguments where “everyone is equal regardless of their contribution to the forum”.

But no, people are not equal.

They have different levels of knowledge and did contribute different things to help others.

There is even a forum member level hierarchy, indicating how long a user has been on the forum and how much the person has contributed.

With these membership levels forum members have even different rights of what they can or cannot do!

And one can also earn badges here as an honor of achievement for contribution!

The whole forum has a built-in hierarchy with different levels, badges and rights, in case you haven’t noticed yet.

So no, this is not a socialist society where everyone deserves everything regardless of who they are and what they have provided.

People are different and no one should shame the fact that people are different. But this is exactly what you are doing here. You are trying to shame me and reframe me “as bad” for coming up with good arguments. I think your ego simply doesn’t know how to counter these arguments and that’s why you rant against me personally?

Anyways, I consider this statement of yours as debunked as well.

No one is bullying anyone.
Please stop reframing the whole situation.

Newcomers should read the forum rules and what projects have been created in the past. It is that simple!

You are literally completely ignoring all of my arguments which are me stating that it is disrespectful behavior of new members to not do research and arrogantly ignore what the forum community has created in the past.
You are a protector of the lazy and those who do not care about existing forum members and their past projects. Quoting here again for you:

And then again, with your argument and your logic, one could say

“Why is an experienced person teaching a new person something? He isn’t supposed to do that!”

– another common socialist tactic.

Following this logic, no one who knows something more than anyone else is ever allowed to voice their opinion?!?!

Do you see the mental gymnastics you are making here?

With that logic, no one should ever give any type of advice to anyone.

You are making a bunch of claims against me personally, yet you have not provided any rational arguments against the points that I have provided.

I am asking you again, to stop turning this discussion down onto a personal level and reframing this whole thread.
Because by doing this, it is indeed YOU, who comes in here with his emotional opinion (!) and without rational arguments and drags everything down.

If you perceive a regular discussion as “violent”, then the problem is really in your personal perception. I addressed almost all of your points to show you where you subjectively bend and reframe the situation to your personal liking.

So please, now back to rational arguments.


Yes, many people have said this, myself included:

I don’t understand why this is even brought up?
No one ever questioned who has the final say…
The whole thread is about projects being original and being properly researched.

And yet you ignore the implications of the field(s) that allude to the centrality of individuated consciousness as per Neville Goddard (and others)?

Gimme a break, you must be new here on Planet Earth.

It’s pretty easy; there’s primary colours and then there’s primary colours mixed - then there’s those that don’t have the integrity to state that they mixed the colours.

Move along folks, nothing to see here, just the usual story, those who would tell you the truth and those who feel they are superior enough to obscure it from you.

Tip for new players - your transparency is obvious, there’s nothing you can do to obscure your mentalism. You’re kicking about in three or four ‘dee’, most folks here are knocking on the door of six.

Talk a walk, talk your time, we’re all here to evolve - just bear in mind that you cannot elevate yourself by putting others down.

Sleep time for me, ciao.


So if you truly Accept the decision of the Moderators and the Creator to be FINAL…then Once they have made a decision (After going through your objections and FACTS)…there should be no scope of any further discussion on this topic because that would simply mean that You do not Accept the FINALITY of their decision.

Yes, I accept the final decisions of the Mods and Captain.
This thread is a “voice opinion” thread.

But then also, a new discussion can always happen in the future.
New arguments can always pop up.
No decision is forever put into stone.

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your arguments in my eyes are descriminative. you dont really know the things you speak of.

i was triggrred by the lack of humiltity of the thread.

and yes i feel personally offended by this whole thread this why i wrote.

you cannot devalue or value my words as i have not devalued yours.

and yes i talk to you because you are the creator of the topic.

for me the tipic is a complete discrimination and has nothing new to to add for new people.

for copy paste…hm…you know of a gumroad audio called the dolphin totem? now we have his brother on patreon

you know of a koyote nft? now we have his brother in patreon.

they have similarities but also tangiable differences in action.

so for the NFTprojects. if i am to copy paste nft i like and change the name IF Captain accepts doing it i will most certainly recieve something new sinoly because our Captain never repeats himself

and everybody is free to create projects with desvriptions and copy paste cos they are. what comes of those projects is another thing.

but speaking of right of having certain energy tools in connection with how long youve been here and now is simply ugly discrimination in any law. this is offensive and as you allow yourself expressive freedom i wont tire to repeat it here.


Another Hamster’s Wheel like argument that tries to be Clever but only ends up in shifting the Goalposts to push their own perspective cum narrative.

Those are, AGAIN (!), a bunch of emotional irrational claims and accusations.

You have NOT backed up any of those emotional claims and accussations by any rational argument whatsoever.

Your words, without rational arguments, have the sole value of being an emotional vent. You are just here to vent your personal feelings.

I am asking you to stop misusing this thread as your personal venting machine and stop your irrational accusations against me.

You should really move your posts to the venting thread.


I don’t think there is a problem as long as one doesn’t make one or want to create one.
One of the only things this can hurt is the resell value of other arcturian projects.
On the other hand this could help some people to work with arcturians more directly and shine their wisdom and light more on earth and the people they interact with.
I don’t see how this could be so bad. I mean honestly I hope no one is dependent on the money they can possible make from nft projects.


All that arguing seem a bit pointless.

We’ve noticed and read. We’ll take the appropriate measures.

However like someone else mentioned not many projects are getting made these days and it is at the submission stage that we will review the projects in depth.

If there are questions left at this stage, we’ll talk to Dream.


End of day if some projects don’t have overlapping concepts then in a few years there won’t be any projects to be made…

Who cares really all here to evolve don’t need to gatekeep evolution let’s just all have some fun and see what can be done if need be this project can be changed to a different alien race no biggy no arguments needed we all have fields like VoT and ego diss available why we letting things like this bother us still?

Idk not really gone read most this thread waste of my time to be honest got more important things going on :sunglasses:( I have read parts tho)


Thank you. In the end this is all about being heard.



Came a little late but really, really enjoyed this thread. Like a proper forum with views being expressed, arguments being made, identification of logic, rationale, and emotions. Yes, emotions being laid out. Some members being more open and visible.

Would heart many, many of the posts made here.

I really admire JAAJ in some specific ways:
His ability, willpower to voice his views & stand firmly within the rationale, addressing other’s misinterpretations head-on/directly, and then getting the conversation back-on-track

The choice to do so; choosing to be a voice & express what one really cares about. Others may not view it as social justice, but I do view his opinion as acts being played it out, for just cause.

Not many people would openly express their views, consider other view points, and then readily respond to them. Not many people are consciously aware of their choices. I may be mistaken, but I really believe that JAAJ is more conscious in his creation of this thread, and his intentions behind it.

What’s a little funny is that a lot of the active energy that started, and is moving through this thread is his, while the majority are lurking, some spectating, fewer commenting, and even less adding to or moving the conversation forward.
Thank you for hosting the party JAAJ :partying_face:

Personally I read/feel a lot of emotions here. Much of it is projections that may or may not actually be relevant to the thread topic. A lot of it, the great, great majority, seems to be opinions, views, (subconscious) beliefs, assumptions, and even some ideals, that have not really been expressed openly on the forum. As in members have them, but they haven’t been written publicly; The attention hasn’t been placed and they haven’t been addressed. Some kudos to those that value their position, and have chosen to express them. - I guess it requires some bravery or courage to voice a view in public, historically a lot of risk/consequence with doing so. Would especially support those that have thought through their point, how it relates, and what potential value is being added. -

And as anywhere, there’s ego. Probably one of the best topics to really better understand and truly learn how it plays out. Easy to misinterpret whose ego is whose, especially in perceived conflict :)

Ok adding to the conversation

I think these are some of the deeper questions, that haven’t really been asked, or there isn’t necessarily a clear answer to.

So there is a view that NFTs copy/paste, or get their ideas from past projects. This could be the same or very similar concepts from one NFT, now viewed in a later release. Part of the issue is that these projects are from different leaders. In the past, e.g. venly, some NFT groups would spend months, sometimes up to a year, researching and drafting out ideas before finally submitting their project to be released. As mentioned there are members here who spend time and effort researching, planning, and then presenting their ideas in written form. Some keep this more secret within group and Dr Manhattan is now known as limiting or even not disclosing any details about a project at all. I suppose there is a right to privacy, and possibly “intellectual property.”

What are the (exact) criteria that goes into whether a project is made or not made? Is it something that could be disclosed?

If members have issue with copying/pasting ideas, however valid/just they may think/feel/believe, then why are similar projects then being released? How much of it is being copy/pasted, The actual description, the concepts, the general idea/theme…what is within the perception and what is actually the same/different within the later project?
What is the Captain’s view?

What stance…themes, practices, habits, customs, overall culture, would be acted on that best supports the artist & flow of enjoyable project proposals? What could we choose to shape within the forum for those interested in collaborative NFTs?

There is a process & procedure, but clearly some of us have issues with it. There have also been exceptions to nearly every aspect of it.

In any and all case, it really is Dreamweaver that decides yes or no, but more specifically what parts of the proposal would be changed to then become included in the design.

Understanding what is deemed releasable, along with the rationale, seems to be a key line.
What is currently lacking, but would be necessary?

I guess there is a balance…the room for open creativity with respect to the choice of creation.


Per se one can distinguish by “flavor” and conceptual differences. Different NFTs targeting same concepts or very close so like superheroes (literally Deadshot in comic universe had super serum, but there is already separate Super Serum NFT), are fine, but two Deadshot NFTs are not. Like many comics about superheroes with similar powers are all fine to each other as they aren’t “copies”. Extensions of concepts are obviously expected like Muscle Roar following Muscles Beyond Limits and some other muscle fields, probably something else will come out in future. And actually some NFT projects come as combinations, enhancements and expansions of previous projects explicitly proposed by organisers of previous projects. Two very similar on surface NFTs, but using actually different concepts are also good to coexist. Like Programmer and new series for Computer Science. So even if one NFT might look “cookiecutter” project it isn’t necessarily “copy-paste”. It’s okay to voice an opinion on any proposal, but the current way it’s done is way to “flame”-inducing.

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  1. Theme/Flavor

  2. Methodology

  3. Extension, further Development of past releases
    a) and I guess combination of NFTs by same leader

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