Anti depression stack

Hey guys, I need help for someone

My friend is in deep depression rightnow. Can you make me the best playlist available to help him ? Cuz he want to use the field of Dream but the effects are very minimal because of this shit

Paid fields, or not, I want your best solutions for him.



My Personal Mental and Emotional supporter is a good way to start :partying_face:


If you type Depression in the searching bar, lots of posts with suggestions etc show up

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The Mental Health Album, loop each 4 times each for the whole days (repeat all day)


subconscious limits removal + knight warrior mindset could be a nice mini beginning stack.

subconscious limits removal is very very important


I agree, to have someone validate your feelings and fill you with love (not external) seems to be the best approach.


I’d give you a full stack but I’d like to give you a few tweaks of recommendations, and knowingly Blueprint tops such a stack!

Multiple Sclerosis Help V2.0: Works with nerve growth and repair throughout your body, works with your brain (cerebellum and your whole brain) and your mental connection to your body (also helps with depersonalization and the like) and it also helps with scar tissue build up so think of it more like a brain and nerve detox + repairing and rebuilding connections.

Parkinson’s Disease Help: This one helps with dopamine production, but it works differently than Dopamine Redux! Think of it as priming up your body to receive and use the induced dopamine. This one has stem cells added to it too as well as works with neurons throughout your body.

I also remember Uial mentioning somewhere that Advanced Healing helps with depression; I would personally use both fields the old one and the new one as they really work in different approaches. This one is really crucial for how it aids and directs the healing process. And now we also have CosmoVolt

Fields like Attention and Focus, Transneuronal delivery (Patreon), Enhanced Brain Hemisphere, GABA, Plasma Brain of Youth, Deep Organ Cleanse, Enhanced Organ Functioning form a coherent healing stack on their own.

(Uhh in order that I use it’d have transneuronal first, attention, gaba, brain hemisphere, then plasma brain, but it can have better orders too)

And of course consider adding some Mstate elements like Gold and Silver for the brain, Iridium and Indium, and Mstate Iron… I’d personally just add them all they really work well together …

The Tower field straightens up your spine and thinking alike so consider some tarot card fields too! The Devil, Death, The Tower, Temperance, Rune Dagaz, Rune Jera, and The World.

And those blood fields! It’s the main carrier in your body so draw some of those barrier-breakers Schuman Resonance and fill it up with active life running through it through Jing and Unconditional love.

Edit: mostly people don’t know this essential part of their healing is in their consciousness of their soul so think Grace of Angels and Saints, Essence of Mantras, Negentropic Shen, and Spiritual Growth + Inner Strength Tarot field. Recently I spent 3 days trying to move on past certain feelings I had, and the day I felt immediately better was when I added Spiritual Growth and Soul Restoration…

Good luck man! It’s really nice you’re helping out your friend… tough for sure! hope he gets better soon!


any stack ^^


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: My personal emotional and mental supporter

Amygdala, Internal Crucible, Extreme Confidence, anxiety removal (all in that order)

This mini stack should be listened to everyday for atleast couple days, this will basically make you mentally invincible

Wow, you’ve gotten a lot of really excellent suggestions here.

I’m going to suggest that you add in to these suggestions some fields to repair the energetic body. (Damage to our energetic bodies usually occurs either as a cause of or a result of our depression.) So, I would add in fields like:

  • Mama Circuits
  • Auric and Energy Body Repair
  • Soul Restoration Core
  • Brain Regeneration (Did someone already suggest this?)
  • The Shamanic Medicine Blend, which has Amygdala Healing and the MKT fields in it. (Also, it has that active Shamanic “shaking” thing in it and physical activity–even as simple as a walk–has been repeatedly shown to help depression.)
  • After the repair, bring in some Light (with Holy Alchemical Light or Light of Saviour, etc.)

I like Self-Help and Acceptance as well as Self-Love and Acceptance here. (I second the above suggestion of Become Whole.)

Oh, and Grounding of some sort (Automated or Schumann)–it’s common (and understandable) that we try to escape our bodies when we’re depressed. Too much in our minds (and our past).

Hope that helps.

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From the day I added dht in my routine depression/emptiness is kind of reduced
Although I use many other fields but yeah dht is can be considered worth a try

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BoL +
Light of Savitur

If you can afford them and want a rapid powerful lift and healing that goes deeply