My personal emotional and mental supporter

By using this, will we get advices, feedback about our problem in form of concept realizations or just emotional and mental state changes?
For example I went to therapist which used the cognitive behavioral therapy.

Thank you my dear :hugs:

I recently had a health scare and got this field to help support me as I navigated thru this period. I got this audio before I had my appointment with my doctor. I looped it while driving to his office to get checked out. I had a lot of fear, anxiety, panic, and many other emotions. As this played, I talked about my fears and what I was feeling. I parked my car and kept bringing up everything that I could think of. I remember a wave of warmth and calmness wash over me. I felt my panic melt away. It was an incredible feeling.

Thank you @Dreamweaver for creating this wonderful supportive field especially during these times. It’s helpful to think thru solutions when you are in a calmer state.


This is exactly how I use this audio. Those car rides get us thinking about our issues.


@Zen Definitely! I’m also experimenting with other ways of using this field. I’ve noticed that my deeper issues are getting unrooted and resolved as well which is incredible.

Imagine… saving thousands of dollars in therapy with this. Thank you again, @Dreamweaver :pray: :pray:


Yeah dawg that’s what im talking about.

I told the field everything that was bothering me and making me depressed or sad. And those are the thing i had been dealing for like a year, i never thought i would be ok with these thing, but now i am.

I have been living much more freely lately. Then when things happen (\when life happens-) supporter just soothes everything down and gets me back to normal, even better state.

Sometimes i don’t feel much from it, but that’s ok, i think it indicates progress.

Things that switch my mood to feeling bad are the things i have not dealt with, and i quickly get over them with this field,
and by dealing with these thing that bother us ( sometimes i can, sometimes in can’t really define them, but i focus on whatever brings a sting to me other times in just say im feeling so… ) life slowly gets better.

Also sometimes it seems like there is more to discover about my hurts every session.

So yeah i wanted to share this, as someone might know not how helpful it can be.

I think it’s a good self investment for sure


Beautiful detailed review :heart::fire:

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Oh well thanks, i try

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Good review, thanks.

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I wanted to put a testimonial on how amazing this field is,. I’ve been going through alot of anxiety to the point where I would be in public and start sweating alot for no reason, I’ve been doing alot of healing and I suppose sometimes you touch something traumatic and it has a physical effect on you, but anyway I started running this field and at first I just felt a lot of loving energy but then I started mentally talking to myself like I would to a therapist and weirdly enough it’s like I had the answers to my issues, every complaint,bogus reason or negative thought would be countered and the answers made sense, since then I’ve been going out and my social anxiety is almost gone, every once in a while I would get a thought or 2 but I know the answers to shut them down and at the same time, I realized healing is a process so it’s okay to feel bad sometimes there is nothing wrong with that I am still healing after all. Deep down I’ve always wanted someone to truly listen to me without judgment and I’ve found that with this field. Thank you so much sapien!!, it’s been so long since I’ve felt this way and I’m so glad I’m finally here.


This is an awesome underrated product.
It’s not just to relieve anxiety or depression but to adress your life problems, the way you aproach them.


One of the best feelings I’ve ever gotten from a field.

I wish i bought this sooner…

The self love is no joke, i really feel like i can finally be proud of who i am with out feeling bad about it… I used to not like telling any one about my dreams and ambitions because I’m scared they won’t be themselves or they’ll think a certain way about me but now i feel like i can be myself in a healthier way

I also never liked admitting certain things about myself because of 2 reasons… 1) i never felt good enough 2) i wanted to suppress my ego, but now the “me dressed up in self love” has made me feel really proud and thankful for who i am

I used to think i never was good enough out of fear of becoming complacent and i never wanted to be complacent because i always strived to be the best man and dad my father never was (i will entrail on this in a few listens as well) but what i realized today is that it’s also because during my child hood i was made to believe i wasn’t good enough, from my friends, to my sibilings and my teachers, i felt outcasted and not worthy of love ​

I feel like that childhood memory/feeling was healed today, and only after a few listens

I just feel so good about my self man, but now i guess, it’s time to venture to deeper traumas and keep enjoying this field.

Thank you dream :)

Edit: ohh and it also makes me want to write music! :)

Edit 2: I’m revisiting songs that i gave up on because i thought the last 2 lines of the song weren’t good enough, and it feels like there’s no such thing now :)))


Surprised this is what it unfolded for you because earlier in the day I’ve had a strong realization of silence being a shocking feeling of not being good enough.

While asking loudly for it is also a feeling of not being good enough

Delighted to read :)


This amazing audio does not seem to be getting the attention it deserves…

For folks that have things coming up, feeling angry, emotional turmoil, going through aa mental detox/releasing, etc.

Add the below to the bottom of your stack (the original idea is from OM :pray:)


I read this and decided to be brave enough and share a review ive been delaying.


Warning** sensitive review.

My oldest Sister’s First born, meaning my 1st niece and what felt like the first big love i didnt know it exist because its a completely different love died 2 years ago very tragically, very young and full of dreams.

In simple few words. It shattered our world.

Despite all admirable courage My sister and My Mom displayed all these months, there was this sad super sad aura and vibe that it looked like it would never go away no matter what.

My sister was literally dragging herself through each day and you wouldnt see her like in a corner crying or anything, but she was drying up inside reflecting outside like a fruit with the passing days.

Fast forward trying everything.

This field here saved them (My Mom after 6 years of My Dad’s passing still was in pain not able to really move on and my nieces death added and brought back all of the old pain)

This field has become their prayer as soon as they wake up and before going to bed, the hardest hours when grieving.

My Mom has finally started wearing bright colorful clothes again.

My sister is doing great too

And both keep telling me how much they love this field, that they seriously feel so much love, company, intercession, calmness, hope and they say that they feel it goes back and forth like a messenger a best friend messenger between them and my niece and Dad.

And they no longer suffer of insomnia



Has anybody used this as a form of couples therapy (or anything between two people for that matter)? What I mean by that is, playing the audio with two people around who, perhaps, have some type of grievance or personal issues between them. I was wondering what the effect would be, since it is a smart field. Do you guys think it’ll “smartly” fix those issues between the two parties involved? Or perhaps this field only works with one person at a time. This thought came to me because I have a couple of friends going through some tough circumstances emotionally (incredibly sad, bitter divorces with children involved). If anybody has tried this with another person, please share your experiences. That’d be swell :smiley:


first of all… love the name… gif incoming

Totally could be used like that. Good thinking!



Thanks for the reply! Appreciate it!


Wonderful to see this versatile audio receiving more discussion! :partying_face: :partying_face:




This is the one I was looking for… :joy: