Any audios for business?

Hi, I have a sort of online business idea that I want to start I’m having trouble getting customers. I think the audio track Essence of success will be the best suited for me, but if there are more audios kindly suggest.
Is essence of success for success in financial terms or skill wise?

Alchemical revision of wealth and kubera I had in mind since they are money based. (I already have wealth mantra).

The Welcomed
WW-Journey of Chosen One
Probability Wave

Perhaps, inviting luck in?


I also agree with The Welcomed


This one


Abundance Mindset
Million Dollar Empire Mindset
Attract Wealth
Attract Love (old)


Business owner here, here are some of the fields that I feel really helped out:

Probability Wave (altering the whole supply chain to my favor, I have noticed that even our quality has improved)

I also second The Welcomed, loop it in your office (place you work), draws in abundance (orders) and increases chance to good outcome. Free environmental field you can use blessings of hearth and home. If you have the budget go straight for Feng shui.

Wealth Generation (Patreon premium tier) : it draws in order like mad, the only field I have tested so far that can make me super busy that I have to process 3-4 order request at the same time. I even have to stop it for a while due to way too much order we don’t have enough workers to handle.

In my experience what you need now is some time to break through the “wall of abundance” and after that happened you will naturally see everything flows. The attract wealth and probability alteration and luck both have remove negative thinking and instills positive thinking aspects so you can use them, and free.

If you are open to use other creators PI’s financial blockage helped in breaking that wall for me quicker. PU road opener can be used to specific issues like yours, also their ritual of prosperity and overcome financial series.

Last but not least use angelic intercession (or any intercession files from Dream) they really do help on top of all these things.


Jade-Maneki is pretty strong! Subconsciously, I’d ignored this field (“free” right, so maybe ok to skip kinda attitude) till Luna mentioned it a few times. The energy is very palpable and this one’s become one of my favorites!


I would add charisma/love fields to all of great suggestions above, especially if you will interact with customers


Excuse me for asking, I have seen posts saying that the attract love (old one) is incredibly powerful, but what does attract love to do with increasing sales? People love you more so they place order with you? Or to make manifestation easier?

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Is it an environmental field or does it also act on us?

Play Jupiter(Conjuction Of Spheres) during planetary hour(based on your country/place) and then Unexpected Gifts. Play both audio simultaneously (separate speaker or phone)

Besides Jupiter, you also can try Sun + Unexpected Gifts

Enjoy the experiment :smiley: :smiley:

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Actually both.

This fields leads to people feeling overall more attracted to you, and by extension more inclined to buy from you.

Also they might be more willing to buy at your prices/terms, rather than trying to barter with you.

In general, Love-Energy makes manifestation more effortless, since love is high vibrational and can’t coexist with fear, shame etc.

And if you feel anxious , ashamed, guilty etc. (around money) and doubt that the people are going to buy from you/at your desired price, this will block the manifestation of customers and overall income.

Sometimes I just can’t seem to manifest money, until some deep internal/external issues are solved. If I am deeply bothered by certain circumstances, it blocks my income flow.

When the situation is resolved, the pathways suddenly open again.

Your best bet in these situations are the Intercessions and HS connection .

The Attract Love audio didn’t just attracte more loving behavior, but made myself more attentive and loving towards strangers, being more in the universal flow of luck.

It was genuine, and people will usually prefer to buy from somebody, who has a genuinely loving presence.

You’d be surprised how many mistakes and flaws people are willingly to tolerate or completely overlook, if you are a genuine, and loving individual.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Love = Good for life, good for business


This is very useful information, I shall apply what you said into my stacks.


This :star2:


I would say mainly Alchemical revision of wealth, really there a milestone of wealth fields, or it could also be called a Blueprint of wealth, as it takes you back to the beginning before the blocks, but I think
it is equally valid for those who do not have many limitations on wealth and can thus complete their financial aspirations.
Be that as it may, among all those mentioned it is to be considered as the leader of the economic fields, for wealth and business.

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Can you explain who’s PI?

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I have had immense help from all of your suggestions. Especially Probability wave.

Thank you


Programmed Intention