Any field that im not aware of that will keep me from suicide?

I had similar situation to you i guess.
I thought fields hurt me but it was just my oversensitive nervous system + jing depletion and trash food eating(lack of nutrient dense foods)
Now i play most fields once and thats enough for me.

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yup I know, I didn’t change my lifestyle when the planet began it’s awakening even though I knew the dark forces would take me over. I continued with my dark actions and now I am fully mentally psychically and spiritually possessed by whatever is here. it is a lot to overcome though at the point I am in which is why I feel as though it may be too late.

Well, know that the greater the mountain to be climbed, equally great will be your satisfaction of victory.

but what do I do if I can’t even get out of bed to exercise or do any of those things because of the situation I am in. I can’t make any changes to my life because of how fucked up my body mind spirit soul is, and I know it sounds like I am being a pessimist but if I even just a had a slight bit of relaxation or healing I could start my journey to recovery but it seems like I am fighting a battle I will never win

so should I just play a field once and then suffer for the rest of the day without playing them? when I tell you my current experience is absolute despair I mean it. I don’t know how I will get through my experiences with my own will power at this point

got money saved up, i try to eat healthy but get fed up because im not healing and give up, can’t exercise because my body is in shambles

In case as such you need to rely on an external source for support, like kick-starting a car you see.

Stop depleting your resources this is stupidity.

Stop using the fields if they are not benefiting you.

You are depleted of all your vigor.

Health should be your priority. You will recover but you need to go slow and steady.


Do you have sunlight? Go bathe in it, sunlight will cleanse you. Similarly nature, the earth, forests, hot springs, all the elements from nature are naturally designed to be healing and nurturing to humans.

First you need to isolate what is harming you and banish it.

Second you need to get in a confined space, a space which is absent from negativity that can further drain you.

Thirdly, once the dark is negated you find methods and technologies to rebuild your broken system and restore your health. A

Do you have insomnia? Sleep is best method of restoring the body, deep, rejuvenating sleep… if you have insomnia this means you are already suffering from chronic fatigue and bodily destruction.

There is your first task.

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Fk the fields.
All i can recommend is accepting your current state. Its nothing bad maan. Shit happens.
And then from this you can move on more easily.
You cant do that and that, thats totally fine maan

haven’t slept well since my mom passed away 8 months ago, every night I wake up at 3am with crippling anxiety and going crazy. I usually get about 5 hours of sleep with a major panic attack in between every night. don’t get a lot of sunlight tbh, just kinda stay in my room all day. and I think the dark energy is attached to an action I can’t break bc I just kinda give up and give in but I know that’s where its hanging on at. so much trauma in my life u know

so you’re saying stop using the fields?

I would say a break doesnt hurt.
Also man, there are like million different things to get better and heal.
As fields are not the end goal and not the only truth to get better.
Just be mindful about your nervous system. :)


yeah, you’re right im so just so close minded for some reason bc I thought when I discovered these fields 3 years ago id be healed and yet I am absolutely ruined. (maybe as a result of the fields, whether my wrong doing or not) and I see everyone else healing and it makes me wonder why I am still suffering.

I don’t know how I will get through this because I’ve lost all sense of ways to heal in the real world

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True that @whoknows . Tried many and they led to fatigue because I thought more is better. Replenish yourself by any means and all ways.


how do I replenish?

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Body → nutrition and multivitamins
Soul → do nothing emotional till it you get fulled or do things that you know will fulfil you etc

You already know what to do because five years ago you were better. Go backwards do the same you can restart. And as of PONR stack if you already done it redoing doesn’t solve the thing. Something works or doesn’t work. Don’t get stuck. I remember I did the PONR and three years ago and I felt void because it cleared me. If you don’t have trouble to be full then don’t clear if you feeling void then more energy is better etc etc. You get it how it goes the answer is there but go backwards and what suits you better then restart and recalibrate.


but the problem is I can’t do anything good for myself bc my body is actually in shambles, nervous system messed up, energetic imbalances etc. I have no comfortability available to me to be able to maneuver in the world and do the things I need to to heal


Also a lot are diving deep into rabbit holes that think is healing but you know…not everything that’s love and fun and flowers is healing. You get healed automatically after a workout. You try to intercede if there is a problem with the process of healing. Having bad thoughts for 5 years then surely it’s trauma. Someone said a bad word to you? Not a trauma but you are oversensitised. Etc etc.

Hope it helps because these things made me focus in the reality, your problem is very elegant to be taken that lightly and the only focus should be on recovery. Even a lot of opinions and options are bad now. Having one and only road is way better.


Sorry to hear about what you are going through man. Are you able to purchase NFT’s?
The Silent Mind has been a God send (Or Dream Send) for my partner. She had no control over he thoughts and emotions and now she is feeling great. An over active mind is a terrible thing to have to deal with, it causes many physical problems.

I’d recommend the new Shielding NFT to help with what may be dark energies or negative emotions, entities and so on. Its very very strong so just be a small bit mindful of feelings and sensations which may arise. If it feels too strong put it away from you for a while, even do 5 minutes of meditation looking at it 5 or 6 times a day until all the negative emotions and so on start to subside and slowly work your way up to when you can keep it on you fully.

If I was you I would give all fields a break except for Aura Deep Cleanse, ISIRB, Nerve Growth Factor and Nerve Inflammation Help. If they still feel too much then cut them also.

Something I recommend to everyone who asks me about overwhelm and a overstimulated system is get a stainless steel spoon and rub it along the bottom of your feet, do it for as long as you want, it’s a great way for getting excess energy out of your body. I feel its the best way for grounding, even as good a standing bare foot in the grass. Do it for as long as you like.

I feel the best thing to do first is to help quiet your mind, when you say you are unable to get out of bed that leaves so much time for your mind to be over active and thinking about everything, the anxiety and awful thoughts. Please try silent mind if you can afford it, if you can’t, make a wallet and I’ll send you my copy.

The Shielding NFT should help you a lot but in your current condition you will need to be very mindful of what it will release from you and take it slow.

I can only imagine what it feels like what you are going through man but you are strong enough to get through it and come out the other side even stronger.

Meditate on the Silent Mind NFT and keep it on you at all times, you should notice a shift almost immediately.
I wish you well, send a PM if you would like to talk further :pray:t3: