Any Indian who can help me with buying Gumroad Audios?


can i pay in any other manner and have drops of memory field. like can i transfer money to you or sammy or dream weaver directlyā€¦and then you can send me the field email, WhatsApp any other ways?

Iā€™m afraid we canā€™t do that.

can you help me with any other payment methodā€¦?this field is really important for me at the moment for the exam which is after 8 ,9 monthsā€¦!! that will change my life its a life changing opportunity i dont want to miss it

Your best bet is to find an intermediary to buy you the fields as a gift with your email.

can you buy it for me? is it possible?

i will send you amount first then after you do it, is it fine?

I can sense your desperation because I felt the same. Your best plan of action is to find a trustworthy intermediary, someone who has good reputation on the forum, beware of scammers and donā€™t send money to anyone just offering help out of the blue. Just a friendly advice. Hope you get your field :four_leaf_clover:

After reading your post, I created a virtual card on my bank app and was able to get an audio on gumroad. I wonder if it will work again.
So the trick is to try the transaction with a card that hasnā€™t been used before on gumroad.
Thank you for sharing


Which bank?

You either have to find a trustworthy intermediary who is willing to help you, or you have to figure out a way to obtain an overseas bank account with debit card.

Bob debit card works !:ok_hand::ok_hand:

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