My two main focuses are: 1. Spiritual development 2. Computer engineering GPA
I currently have the Ascension, IPF, and chakra dogtag items.
I am considering purchasing the new cognitive tag, however, I can’t seem to find any XPs with it, so, I don’t know if it’s the right choice.
My Questions are:
How noticeable or fast are the cognitive results? What’s an example of how faster you could actually learn something?
Any ppl who have the new cognitive item?
How well will these 4 items mix?
I’m also considering the Productivity field, but I feel like it’ll be too much to have these five. Plus, developing better habits is something I can work one more easily without fields.
@Atreides has posted a review of the Cognitive and Memory Enhancement dog tag and updates in this thread.
Cognitive and Memory Enhancement will likely enhance your progress and results from the other dog tags, as it will help you form new brain connections, energy patterns and habits more quickly.
3 Very well. You’re putting the 2 best for spiritual growth together. Then you’re putting the 2 best for mental growth together. Then you’re putting together both of those things, spiritual and mental growth. It’s an elegant approach. You know what you want.
4 While I think it’s going to vary from person to person; I have both and I know that CE does a lot more for me than Productivity.
Again, it depends on the person, but it is not too much to wear 5. Or 6. Or 7. Or 8. It’s fine. They’ll all still work. At least they do for me.
However, there is some virtue in wearing less. I like to keep it to 4 or so. Because it’s nice to have a feel for what is doing what. Too much going on at one time, and things get a little unpredictable. There is something valuable about spending a fair amount of time with just one or two tags so that you really know what they do. And then when you build on them with one or two more, you gain an awareness of what exactly is going on.
And then of course, I have a different stack for 1.workplace 2.friends 3.home 4.sleep. etc.
A better brain means a better everything else.
Follow Sapien Med’s advice. Wear it half the time. Either while sleeping only. Or while not sleeping only. I wanted to surpass the results that following the advice would give me. It took me 10 days to change my mind.
They overlap some. When I go to bed tonight I’ll have Eternity, Advanced Healing, Lion and sometimes Cognitive Enhancement (Haven’t decided yet whether I want that one for day or night). When I go to work in the morning I’ll have Eternity, Lion, APE, and Shielding. And Thor is on the way. I haven’t gotten it all nailed down yet but that’s more or less how I’m doing it. While working around the house I do Abundance, Lion, Eternity, and maybe Productivity. I’ll change things up a bit when with friends, like with Social Mastery. I just think about what is most beneficial for the circumstances.
Most of them I use every day. Yes there is more effect the more consistent you are. Which is why I keep Lion 24/7. But you can’t sleep with APE. And Cognitive Enhancement is officially recommended to be used only roughly half of every day. So there are considerations to be made.