Anyone send email to sapien and received the reply?

Absolutely. I was talking to a kid, a really nice hardworking one, and asked him the same thing… do you have a plan B? What if “magick” does not work for you for whatever reason or it does not work to your satisfaction to create the life for you? If this is your primary/only plan, that is not a good situation to be in!


Isn’t the “old androstenol” the exact same one on patreon?

You see this is the problem with humanity; greed has poisoned man’s soul.

I mean what’s wrong with having a fair amount of disposable income that grants you financial freedom instead of been a multimillionaire? What’s wrong with just having a basic looking well built house (bought and paid for/no mortgage) and a car (which doesn’t break the bank!) that’s a good runner and gets you from A to B? A loveable girlfriend/wife that you find sexually attractive, rather than many vein supermodels who don’t care about you?

A lot of men I know and probably on here too wont have those basics that I’ve mentioned either. You see I think like this because I come from a life where I’m used to having f**k all lol. All I’m saying is guys, don’t feel insecure about yourself for not been rich because a modest life can be the key to happiness.


If I can try to answer, most people will have a million bucks in their lives.

Why singling out greed ? There’s bunch of problems, selfishness, insecurities, hates, fear etc…

But let’s focus on “greed”

Overall, the median lifetime earnings for all workers are $1.7 million, which is just under $42,000 per year ($20 per hour). Over a 40-year career, those who didn’t earn a high school diploma or GED are expected to bring in less than $1 million, which translates into slightly more than $24,000 a year ($11.70 per hour).

That’s one person, in most family the man and women work.
A million is not enough to sustain a basic lifetime for you and your family. It’s not 1920. Plus inflation and taxes.
If you want to quit working you need more. If you want to live on rent, you need even more to cover a big enough principal that a modest dividend/rent covers your needs.
Plus if you need to pay for a house and car….
1 mill ain’t enough !!! Unless you keep working. But there’s more to life than grinding to pay bills and put food on the table. If you stack a pile big enough you can share and give back too. Provide for your family. Maybe your kids won’t need to worry about it, because you made enough for them too.

Now, maybe you like living simply, but there’s no nobility in poverty. It’s fine if people want more. Personally, I like the good stuff, I don’t like counting beans. Maybe people don’t want to survive with enough, maybe they want to travel with their lovers at the other side of the world, eat healthy food without making a decision tree and a 10 page budget or comparing 1000 offer to find the cheapest :man_shrugging:

The problem is being attached and frustrated about it. But you NEED cheese yo.
It’s part of growing, people learn, it’s easier to stop thinking about money if you have it. Not everyone is going to be a super monk either and that’s fine too.

I mean, if people are ready to work for it. What’s wrong with wanting a massive house ? We have the tools, we have the knowledge

You know there’s a bunch of rasta where I live. They sleep on the beach, they cook whatever fruits they can and they smoke weed. They seem happy. It’s “basic”. Theses guys like to complain “why do people need cars and houses ?”.
Why don’t they live in nature ? Why do you need a phone ? Then you’re trapped with bills and bank accounts. Meet people live.

You want to explain to them that you’re not greedy with your small house and cars ?
What about the people who are fine with just food ?
We can take a lower frame of reference too.


:ok_hand: :100:


Ok, because of some reasons, my facial bones have been transformed a little, especially my cheekbone and lower mandible.
If sapien can help me with imbued items or audios?

Hello Caa1 !!
Whats happening there ? :question:

If you want to explain a bit :speech_balloon:, maybe i can help you :ok_hand:

I don’t get this whole poverty olympics either. The Hindu spirituality (I use this example as I am most familiar with Hindu and Buddhist schools) is fourfold - Dharma (virtue), Artha (material prosperity and abundance), Kama (Desires and their fulfillment), and Moksha (enlightenment or liberation) - these are said to be the four pillars of a balanced life. In Tantra, we consider renunciation as big an evil as extreme attachment - two sides of the same coin and unnecessary.


Yeah, the belief that if you want to be spiritual you need to stop having sex forever and live on a dime is stopping at least as many people from ascending as disbelief.


Yeah I read this quote a while ago and it stuck with me:

“You don’t have to be broke to be spiritual”


Once I’m a billionaire, I’m gonna credit sapien medicine for my success. And those interceding aliens perhaps. Oh wait …

When i was 13 to 15, i used my fist to push my face go inside becuase of some people said my face is too big.
And i did it for a while at that time. It made my facial bones go inside and be transformed, a little sunken.
I even found other people did the same thing and cause the similar result on internet. we are both regretted it but have no ideal to solve it without cosmetic surgery.
I found that some audios like golden face ratio from Quadible Integrity and others more. but i think it would be very difficult to solve, and with compare, i found that Sapien is more standard than others.
And in Sapien's FAQ, i have known that Sapien have more powerful ways like imbued items, and many audios from Sapien that try to make some unbelievable result.
I believe that consciousness have huge power, but it is out of my ability. If Sapien can help me with some ways?

We don’t make custom fields anymore unfortunately caaaa. Rather hard to get very specific results for something like this as well. But perhaps dream would think different.


I’m not sure who is dream, how can i contact with dream?

Try this @Caaaaa1

Automewing :gem: LINK HERE

Facial Simmetry :relieved: LINK HERE

Both very helpful with your situation …

Try to use it at least 3 months . Because those changes are slow , but very possible .

Here we are to help , Dont be regreted , there is always a solution ! :heartbeat:

I suggest 3 times each one per day its a good start .

And also (Pretty Important ) Mind - Body Healing . :balance_scale:

Self love and aceptance . LINK HERE caaaa1

All avalaible on patreon : :white_check_mark:

Dream its the artisan and artistt who creates all the energetic content for Sapien Medicine.

( Some fairies :fairy: say they saw him in a distant forest wearing a cape and fighting evil. Victorious and strong. :mechanical_arm:)


Thank you very much, but i find the audios are used for facial musles, so if i can request for a custom one effect on facial bones? Because the most effected part is my zygomatic bones.
And what do you think about Quadible Integrity, i’m not sure about it.


You mean to say you don’t have a private island? :tired_face::expressionless::scream:

I always wonder what people mean when people write about “effortless manifestation”.
The most prominent thing I (think I) have manifested is significant salary increase 2x (10%+) without asking, more or less by as much as I wanted (the second was a little lower but very close, the first one exact). But I wouldn’t say it was effortless, I kept “living” as if and even checking apartments as if I had the higher salary, I spent hours looking at the market and even answered some ads. Kept checking insurance etc everything based on the higher numbers. I was browsing job offers vs the higher number and told recruiters the higher number. Thought of myself as earning the higher number
And then at one point when it felt 100% natural after 2-3 months each time i got the increase letters.


Not yet, not yet… I thought you were gonna help with the initial investment of 50 million dollars but umm… I’m still waiting on this!

Mmmm, I like this! Taking the whole ‘I have more money’ concept to a whole nother level by living like you already do. Not spending like a maniac obviously (spending your whole life’s savings on gucci, louie, prada because you already ‘got it like that’). But moreso, not feeling limited and feeling like you have so many more options. I sometimes forget this and end up thinking too much with the income I have now.


I’ll let you know when I have that lol
But I’ll need some prerogatives, we will cross that bridge when we get there :grin:

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With Capital Governance, you shouldn’t have any problems :ok_hand:

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