Anyone send email to sapien and received the reply?

:muscle: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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With mewing im not 100% sure if its only related to muscles , and the facial simmetry its about getting a correct and aligned muscles of face , which leads to have “beauty” traits .

Other idea i may suggest : Blueprint Of Life .

It turns things how they mean to be … buts its more than that , complex and deep , i even still not figured out what does it completely , but listen everyday , because it gives me the feeling its the right way , to change , to level UP . (a bit of topic here , thanks for your patience and reading this )

If i figure out which of the current fields can help to your situation i will make you aware of that .


I see, thank you :heart:

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We effortlessly manifest things all the time. We just don’t notice it because it’s often things we don’t want lol. Or just basic things that we have no attachment to. The more our third eye opens or as dreams likes to better put it, ‘nerve clusters for psychic activity, become active,’ the more reality and mind appear interlinked.

What starts happening is you experiencing a ton of synchronicities… which are coincidences that you seem to manifest. You thought about jimmi hendrix for a little while in the morning and all of the sudden while watching the news, they do a 15 minute segment on jimmi hendrix. You were thinking about how cool it would be to eat a cream cheese bagel and your boss gives out free cream cheese bagels that morning. You thought something random like ’ life is like a box of chocolates’ and you hear some kids passing by you say the same thing.

These are very basic synchronicities and they actually tend to get even weirder than that. But this actually happens ALL the time…we just don’t notice it because we are way too in our head most of the time and not presently conscious at all. This is effortless manifestation but in a way it’s not so much that you manifested but moreso that your mind found a link in reality to this thought you had.

And the consistent parts of your reality that manifest everyday such as your behavioral habits, people in your life, your world ,ext… effortlessly manifest daily. There is no effort in having these things appear as they should in your reality but they do daily.

So activating the psychic nerve cluster, is moreso, an expansion of awareness that makes you aware of how your mind/reality is one. It doesn’t mean that all of the sudden you are going to be able to think about a thousand dollars and manifest it the next day with no effort at all. There are walls and rules in this reality outside of your control that need to be worked around to manifest things… like money. You don’t magically manifest your weekly/biweekly paycheck. You work for it.


My Notes.

chakras do not activate or become ‘open’
what is meant is ‘develop’ you develop it.
Just as you learn to do things as a baby and gain skill in it over time.

I realize this is not the shared opinion as most seem to think it is something that just ‘opens’ overnight
and then everything happens.
Its not the norm.
Its a learning process, and in addition, by using and developing it, you grow and develop all the neural pathways and interconnections
this is how it ‘develops’.

Of course, some are more genetically predisposed than others or whatever reason.
but it doesn’t mean you cant gain merit through your hard work.
Just as there are people better at some sports, they learn how to do this.
As as you can.

(if you believe different, all well and fine with you :) )


Thanks for this interesting take on opening the third eye, @SammyG, glad you brought this up. I’m experiencing what you mentioned and it’s happening more often. I listen to the IPF audio 3x daily for several months now after a prep stack and other sapien audios which are not related to psychic development and the effects are powerful, scary at times. It really increases my belief and confidence in my psychic abilities without even trying.


Great explanation about chakras and now I understand why I’ve felt chakra-deficient :slight_smile:
Time to get real close with my Chakra Growth Accelerator tag!

Which audios fill us with workable energy for manifestation.And do you think Dr Joe dispenza techniques are best for manifestation. And are there any limits to what we can manifest?