Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation

How sweet is that comment! Thank you :)

Actually I have tons of drafts, notebooks, etc. at home (fictional and non-fictional at home), some even back from my childhood :)) But I’m just a compulsive “writer”, nothing worth publishing.

However my current job is about writing advertisements and tutorials for websites, so I sort of get published though. Anonymously :)))

But wait, we could write a book all together to complete @Gnosticmedic27’s documentary :p



  1. Give allowance to healing
  2. Sit back and relax
  3. Let it happen
  4. Be yourself and enjoy:)

@Dr_Manhattan , @Bronyraur , @RisingKundaFest , @Alexander

Hello Friends, anyone to share any new experiences?

I’ve been wearing the Arcturian tag lately again and I feel pushed, motivated, encouraged and energetized to work on my deep traumas and on more self love.

I am also told that all the stuff that I wish in my life to happen, I need to learn to manifest on my own and fully remember the skill of manifestation. But also that this whole process will be easier than my currently limiting mind assumes, and of course also that they will support me.


Hello Mr. Matrix :)

I’m really glad for you… I’d be also curious to know if you are noticing differences / similarities between the tag and the audio.

Yesterday when meditating on A Dream of Purity and Light & Vibrational Guidance, I felt a sort of push to use the Arcturian audio again (it’s been a few weeks since I haven’t). I was also probably influenced by our short dialogue about them in another thread the other night.

So I’ve listened to the audio yesterday in a “let go” state, lying down in a corpse pose. Unlike other times, I haven’t asked any specific question, I was in a no expectation state, like “whatever you guys think I need”. It lasted approximately 20 minutes (I had to interrupt at some point because stuff to do).

I felt… “accompanied”. As if the folks were also lying down “next” to me or “within” me (not really localizable, as you know). But definitely not alone. It was like when you lie down on some grass with people you like and just stay like that, silently suspended.

“That was all”, this time :)


They are your friends , they know you and they want you to know that. You can just hang with them like with a loved one and feel your hearts synchronize . They’re interested in YOU and your human experience . Isnt that amazing. They’re also really loving ,caring and supportive .


I read your review just yet and I have almost the exact same experience! It’s like there is a good friend with you lying around and you’re having a really fruitful conversation .


Hidden quotes inside the meditation video :slight_smile:


How do we know which infusion would be best for us?

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Listen to all of them and then ask yourself, which resonated with you the most


I basically looped them until I felt bad and something bad manifested. Stopped and the situation reversed. The good thing about this is you get the real thing, not your projections about it. So you get to learn.

You manifested something bad because you felt bad.
That’s how it always works.
We manifest what we feel.

The question is did you felt bad because some unresolved and hidden stuff was coming up to your awareness and you had to face it and resisted it?
Always good to play ego dissolution or VoT when trying to connect with aliens.

Or did you felt bad because you looped a connection audio with an alien fraction that you are personally not aligned with?
The Alien Intercession one is the general one and should connect you with those fractions / races that you are aligned with.

Or something else?
There are many possibilities…


Can this be a thing? I like to think Dream stuff is safe. I’d also like to think most of them wouldn’t be too violent with anyone that thinks differently than them.

Maybe I should be more careful with how I word things. I didn’t mean to scare anyone. This was all a positive experience, and I’m not afraid of using even the same infusion again (was Andromeda, feels nice to me).

I know I said bad, but I also said the situation reversed and I got to learn. This is a good day’s description for me. Specially because I wanted clarity on something. I got it. That was the purpose of my experience so if it was the andromedans I thank them. But I think it was several things and not just them.

They could even be responsible for the reversal, who knows? I didn’t do much until things cleared up because I didn’t want to mess more with it, dig a deeper hole or go down the wrong path. I wanted to be able to accept it and be able to live with my choice, if it went to that.

I’m fine with the whole thing and the Andromedans too, as far as I’m aware. Maybe other parts of me I’m unaware of are set on starting a war with andromedans…will not see that happening in a few lifetimes so I will cross that bridge then. Please excuse my sense of humour.

So maybe I could rephrase my answer to “Andromeda infusion helped me get clarity over a personal dilemma”.

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Dream’s stuff is safe.
The question is whether certain alien races want to work with you or not.
Only you can know.

Imagine the universe full of Billions of races and fractions – it is normal that they all have their different points of view and preferences. Just like humans on earth from different countries and backgrounds.

But to calm you down, the Arcturians are most likely way beyond any involvements in conflict and violence.

There can also be communication errors since we humans are so blocked in our perception and understanding.

That’s what I would do.
Start working with those that feel familiar to you personally.

I personally started with Alien Intercession first and only later was guided to the Arcturians.

So then this was a learning experience and you made progress. Good news.

By working with unknown alien forces you already demonstrated more courage than most humans on earth currently have :muscle:

This is awesome because that means your desire for growth and knowledge is stronger than your fear. Congratulations on this matrix game achievement! :partying_face:

In most cases we are not aware of all of our parallel incarnations while being on earth. For various reasons and for avoiding game scenario spoilers that would jeopardize the Higher Self’s intended growth experiences.

And yes, you could have parallel incarnations within fractions that are in conflict with each other.

For the Higher Self this is all a big game of experience and growth.

And Higher Selves learn a lot by having incarnations within conflicting fractions at the same time – because you grow a lot more by experiencing something from different points of view and from experiencing it from opposite angles.


Maybe you wanna join this project too:

Andromedan Group - #9 by JAAJ



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Bumping this thread. One of the most underrated fields…

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@Dr_Manhattan Try using this field again now with your latest brain upgrades :slight_smile: :alien:


It’s not a bad idea, I can spare a device to meditate on it.

Though if anything, I’m more into brain fields and less into the rest than I ever was.

The more time passes the less I ask questions or intercessions, give the wiring and I’ll just see things as obvious without needing to learn.




Ty Jordan24 days ago

Dream, what constellation resonates with you the most? Where do you think you are from?


Kelly Christine6 months ago

This feels like home omg…


Marcia Santana6 months ago (edited)

Here I am at home!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::hugs::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Ao8 months ago

We seek to make life better for everyone. I do belief the root of all problems is fear, shame and hate, most things like greed or lust to controlle others even racism comes from fear, love on the other side is the root of everything that is good, love can heal everything love can safe everything, love is a shield and if you are in the vibration of love you can not be afraid, if we train our mind to feel love for life, love for all the people the animals and plants love for who we are if we train to ignore the fear and negative beliefs they fade away if we train to feel love soon our life will be paradise, because love is the seed of paradise, if peace grows within us it can shine so bright it will bring peace to the world. Thank you for the video. Peace and love


Ao8 months ago

They say shiva was arcturian, i wonder if that is true…


Tom R9 months ago

can this help connect to the arcturians ?


Centro de Contola year ago

On a prayer recite by Elizabeth Clare to Kuan Yin Pusa and Virgin Mary end with this mention ! oh Arturus Manifest , Michael Mane
Ifest ( angel Michael ) , and for another part on Bardol thodol say that we need avoid the doors that conduce to the angels ( devas) on the moment that we die , is confused !


Immortal Black​:alien::flying_saucer:a year ago

Yayyyy :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside::gem::diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside::gem::alien::flying_saucer::flying_saucer:
Loooove thisss


Andrew Chewbaskia year ago

Long live Arcturia


Sky2 years ago

Hello to all other arcturians whatzzzup?!?!?!? Peace to yoooouu


jansumi2 years ago (edited)

I searched for Arch. Raphael & got this. Perfect :smirk:


Аня Омо Видео2 years ago

Wow~ its so warm in space


Centro de Contol2 years ago

Esta playlist es grandiosa para la comunión cósmica en este día del Batz ! :raised_hands:t2::sunny::om::full_moon::paw_prints::prayer_beads::stars::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::shamrock::shamrock::shamrock::dizzy:


Thủy h2 years ago

:four_leaf_clover::green_heart: have a good day


Michele Terestchenko2 years ago

Restoring my precious Energy.
Much needed.
Thank you


Michele Terestchenko2 years ago

I love it.


Christ_ie2 years ago



Neval Ercan2 years ago



Sejin2 years ago

감사합니다 Dreem Seed


Alliexbear2 years ago

I’m giving this a shot and a minute into this I feel a pressure in my chest and stinging pain in my lower back, becoming a pressure/tingly sensation. The pressure is traveling down it is very interesting


Alliexbear2 years ago

I’ve recently looked into starseeds and I went down through the list and saw a handful but not Lyrians… anyone know what would be closest to Lyrians energy ? I resonate with them the most


Bashayer Bebita2 years ago

Is there an obvious way to align with these vibrations or just sit & listen?


Vicky claxton3 years ago

I hope you do an Atlanta one :grin::crossed_fingers:


theslayer3 years ago

Thanks for sharing.
Would also highly recommend going through -
This is transmitted information from the Arcturian Galactic Confederation explaining how the AI takeover of this planet is happening, how we’ve been disconnected from our True Sovereign Nature as sentient beings who have been deceived, enslaved and harvested for our energy and that we are far greater than our imagination can ever perceive as we are way beyond the capabilities of the mind.


Stella Dos Santos3 years ago

This is gorgeous :purple_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: where did you get this soundtrack? Did u compose it ? Let’s Replay again :blue_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: thank u


David Fort3 years ago

Is it all of us are partially like this?


sh 943 years ago



Ryan’s multi-verse3 years ago

In accurate Sidereal Time, Saturn & the Moon are in Virgo for me, so the ArctuRYAN is somewhere in me.


Clara Yonca Yalcinkaya3 years ago

I can’t stop listening to it again, and again. Thank you for uploading this awesomeness and sharing with us. It is beyond 3D world and helping humanity to become multidimensional.


kimberlie eddy3 years ago



Chantel Morton3 years ago

What a ☆Spectacular ☆ sight!!! :gem:
It’s Beautiful :heart_eyes::heart:


Piotr OK3 years ago (edited)

I expirence very realistic ‘‘dream’’ :) after meditate to it before sleep…
I woke up in a world of beings who portrayed themselves as half gods … Some were more dense as a body, some more as energy or a semi subtle body … I clearly remember one Woman…
We liked each other … I had a strange impression and I still have it that it was not our first meeting … The experience later faded into an ordinary dream full of absurdities and typical ambiguities that the dream world has

I cant say what i want at all because my English is very poor BTW. Ty u for all ur work, ty for people who respect ur work… All best for u guys and for comment section… Good Luck!


AlKiMisT11113 years ago

Beauty-Full! Thank You! :yellow_heart::star2::yellow_heart:


Serrano3 years ago (edited)

I personally didn’t have anything happen with your other recent planet videos but this Arcturian video has been healing for me. I listened to it and then questions I had in my head, myself would answer them (higher self?) And I’ve been exhausted all week with insomnia but after listening to this I’ve gotten a ton of good sleep today (deep sleep). Though some crazy dreams like scientists making a hole in my head and having my brains taken out and put temporarily in a tank to find out the cause of my health problems… Some weird dreams like that, but my dreams have been intense and movielike. And I’ve been feeling really relaxed whenever I listen to this video. It’s great.


Subconscious Alchemy 3 years ago

Each and everyone of these meditations have provided me with some type of healing.


M A3 years ago



Vida Maria Ixchel3 years ago

Though my home constellation is Vega, I’m listening to this one for the second time in a row. It simply is so dreamy and beautiful, it hypnotizes me. Thank you very much. :hugs:


Margarita N.3 years ago

:blush: Thank you :heart:


Barry Saey3 years ago (edited)

I’ve always felt connected to Arcturus. It’s no wonder that this video is affecting me potently while none of the other affected me at all. Thanks Dream!


Antoaneta Naumova3 years ago



Faredri3 years ago

I want this constellation in my life. Thank you, your highness. :sob:


Nisha Prajapati3 years ago

What exactly is this :thinking:


Chung Nah3 years ago

“Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as a whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.”


Ocean11113 years ago

So amazing! :heartbeat: thank you.


Nathan Filippini3 years ago

Thank you for everything you do.


Yuichi3 years ago (edited)

Is there anyway to schedule this a bit earlier, it will be 04:00 am on my side, if not I still going to make it, I feel the Arcturian is my home


Nitin Sawant3 years ago

Wow :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: thanks :pray::sunrise_over_mountains::sunny:


NF3 years ago



JENNI MORGAN3 years ago

:two_hearts:That’s what I was waiting for :two_hearts:TY


Marise Fennell3 years ago (edited)

This is my home constellation and is visible over our off grid homestead in Hawaii. I am so looking forward to experienceing these beautiful infusion meditations. Deep gratitude and love to you all. :heart:☆:heart:☆

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New comment from Dream under video :relaxed: