Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation

I will keep them busy tonight, don’t worry. You can sleep like a baby ^^

Edit: more seriously and once again, I don’t have any fear or doubt with Dreamweaver’s portals. Just exaggerating for narrative purposes and to add some spice to the explorations lol


Guys… i think itd be great to listen to the arcturian audio these days

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I’m still trying to replicate the other experience I had :slight_smile:

Will do!

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I had a special experience with the arcurians when staring into the night sky .
I think they are much more direct and straight to the point than the other races. I LOVE that. No spiritual sweet talk as an excuse . They’re great but for some reason they told me to not get the pendant for now . Lol
Still they’re very loving ,caring and only beneficial.


Backstory: for a couple of days, something inside me has been “activated”. I’m feeling more and more energy without listening to the energy audio. I’m barely sleeping, it’s like some sort of energy work is happening.
I keep seeing angel numbers 1. 11. 111. 1111 everywhere and more. The voice in my head as been pretty active.

So a couple a couple of hours ago, my inner voice told me to listen to arcturians right away (Same thing happened the days before around the same time). I get in my bed, put arcturians on the line.
My energy is flowing to my legs like it often does, usually ruining my meditations. But I tried to put my energy body on the other side, with my energetic head at my feet and my energetic feet at my physical head. My energy shook a little than it became very calm.
I introduced myself, payed my respects to the arcturian people, explained why it would be beneficial for them and humanity if they share their knowledge with me.
Then I asked them to explain “reality” to me and I proceeded to visualize geometrical figures, time, molecules, energy, all things related.
Then I just snapped out of my body. It was like travelling through different layers of energy getting increasingly lighter. I was left with my energy body moving in some wide energy “dimension”. I didn’t have physical eyes, I couldn’t see, but I was seeing. I knew what was there. There was a group of beings watching me. I didn’t quite get how they looked, like they were too bright to see.
So I joined them, said “we’re all brothers here” and put my arms around them and had some exchange.

That was an amazing experience, I feel like I’ve learned and peaked behind the walls. It’s like they showed me “reality” instead of just pouring knowledge into my subconscious.

My vocabulary is not wide enough to explain and share in details all that happened. I also broke my record of uninterrupted meditation by far.


Very cool!


Wow that’s amazing


nice man, keep the chatters going keep resonating with that voice.

i keep seeing angels numbers too 1 11 1:11 11:11, 17:17, 22:22, 23:23, 18:18, 3:33, 4:44 … anyway i cant put all


Follow up:
Everytime I think it’s over, it starts again. 1/2 days I feel the energy work and they call me, I get deep meditations, listening at other times doesn’t feel the same.
I’m starting to think they are giving me a rest day in between sessions :man_shrugging:


Came back to read that thread.

I tried to slow down things with the “other Philips”, I was getting tired from all the work. I realized I lost my connection to the Arcturians the same way, I made a deal so that they teach me, saying I can take it, go nuts… and when they did the work I asked them to stop after days/weeks because it was too much (though that type of energy work really messes with my sleep).

I’m such a tease, I’m gonna get a bad rep through out the dimensions, my past teachers will tell the new beings I meet : “don’t bother with that guy”.

Anyway, I’m trying to get back to them. I don’t feel much yet…

Anyone wants to share something cool that happened to them with the Arcturians in the last 3 months ?


Maybe in a brief, but just last night I had them heal bonds that date back before timelines… I asked them if I can have Pleidians joining in and they agreed. So I went ahead and had both meditations on. It was interesting to see what they have to say about things and the things inside that they reveal while learning through each of them at the same time. Today they led me to newer concepts about space, time, while being less concerned about the bonds and more about the inner bond, myself.

Edit: each time I go on this meditation I actually remember your stories/connections with them, why don’t you have the tag? It will make things easier with a more constant flow. I got my Sirians and I’m waiting for Arcturians to be next!


Cool enough :smirk:


Right cuz that’s the fancy option! haha… I know France had no issues with the Sapien shop and Germany was added in the last reopen! But good for having the rarer items :)

I have a different nexus :smirk:


When the audio was released I was immediately drawn to it. The Arcturians that visited me, the second time I listened to it, were all very old family and friends of mine and I instantly had an intimite experience and connection with them.
It was not like your typical astral ascended masters bullshit entities manipulating the heart chakra, but rather an inner knowing and remembering of old friends and time spent with them together as one of them.

They congratulated me on doing the homo sapiens physical earth experience and confirmed that this experience package is self-development on ultra-steroids :laughing: and reminded me that any emotions that the system is triggering in me while I am here is just moving energy and illussions.

They instructed me to purchase certain fields from Dream and other creators and also the Arcturian tag, which I then have used when being instructed to use. Their first and most important recommendation was to get Conceptual Realization.

Overall their input was always helpful, very loving, understanding and guiding me into the right direction. The fields they told me to use were always absolute key for further progress. Their instructions are no “peace and light” BS. Like me, they are big fans of hard facts and don’t care about matrix-induced political correctness belief system idiocracy. They will always tell you the “harsh truth” in your face and then lovingly hug and encourage you that it will all turn out fine :grin: :joy:

That’s all I can disclose here.

I have zero connection or interest with any of the other alien races for which there are also released audio fields.


Actually you are motivating me to try and connect with them again.

Last time I wasn’t quite succesful, only been there a couple of times. But I’ve seen the tech.
Nonetheless, I always get drained a lot… I requested them help with ilness at times, and I believe they took “samples” and visited me a few times. However, not the follow-up I was expecting :man_shrugging:

But I dunno man… Other than taking me to their planet at the expense of hair, sexual energy and energetic toll it is like they kicked me out? :smiley:

I will reason with them in the meantime. Thanks for bumping and reminding me of this.


We’ve just had our quasi-weekly appointment (I skip sometimes).

At some point, I asked: “my mind is still full of the wrong kind of questions, isn’t it? With too many formatted preconceptions and off-topic noise? Ah those endless language courses…”

The laptop started emitting (for a brief moment) a noise similar to those we used to get with older radio devices.

Other than that, I got a “honesty check-up” regarding my goals, etc. I think it went not too bad. I left the meeting as if I got an encouragement tap on my shoulder.


offtopic, but…
seriously , you could write a novel


How sweet is that comment! Thank you :)

Actually I have tons of drafts, notebooks, etc. at home (fictional and non-fictional at home), some even back from my childhood :)) But I’m just a compulsive “writer”, nothing worth publishing.

However my current job is about writing advertisements and tutorials for websites, so I sort of get published though. Anonymously :)))

But wait, we could write a book all together to complete @Gnosticmedic27’s documentary :p



  1. Give allowance to healing
  2. Sit back and relax
  3. Let it happen
  4. Be yourself and enjoy:)