Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation

cant wait for my tag man, want to hear voices and see shit hahaha

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Are you using the IPF tag by any chance?

which one?

subconsciousness limit remover

Lmao. How cute.

Brb “im not crazy im not crazy im not crazy!”

Not atm. Got it on a custom from a few years back, left it at another country, should be with me in 10-14 days.

I do use the audio but the custom was waay stronger.


Hmm, I actually haven’t thought that that one will enable deep telepathically skills…
And other “super” stuff…

Interesting, It’s one of my bundle.

Have you tried the Giza field on Sacred Places lately? I will because… I’m a restless mixer, never surrendering lol

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Lemme know how it goes

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Sure. I might loop it tonight and solve our Orion/Enoch mystery lol (did somebody say pretentious? …)

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I wanted to do an Anunnaki (aliens who worked with Enoch, what is their “true” name anyway?) intercession request but you already know how many people will demonize Dream if he does lol.

“Hes summoning fallen angels!! Lord jesus help us!!”


that would be really cool

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May I place it for you?

we shalt seeth hell rising, miLord. Those peasants don’t stand a chance.

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Sure good sire.

tips hat

Peasants wouldn’t be peasants if they stood a chance :japanese_ogre:

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Insert Dreamweaver smiling like an Arcturian while drinking one of his Jing teas


We need to clone Dreamweaver.

Anyone got a lab?

I’ll handle the kidnapping :japanese_ogre:

spams IPF for remote viewing gainz


… might be as well The New Nautilus flying over our heads, saying farewell and sabotaging the kidnapping plans…



Distributing SLR tags around…

Oh wait, maybe Christmas :slight_smile:


Day off today (fortunately) because I’m still mixed up with last night’s experience :face_with_head_bandage: I didn’t know where to write this review either, to be honest: Orion, Pleiades, Giza, Alien Intercession, Mars… and even Angelic Intercession? You have everything in it.

I can hear you guys saying:

Samurai: You’re poisoning yourself with too many weasel books!

Angelblessings: Keep it simple my dear…

Akkar: I wouldn’t trust 100%, the mind can be very deceitful sometimes…

Anyway, I’ll write here :)) Even if there’s nothing much to say yet.

So I looped The Great Pyramid of Giza last night. I never did this before. Usually I was just playing it 3-4 times maxi. Gee… This field ain’t a joke, I tell you!

I had one of the biggest headaches of my life (and I’m not the kind to have headaches easily) throughout the process + a biiiiiig pressure on the throat chakra/area.

But you know me, I have a rebel side hehe. So I said: “You talkin’ to me? You challengin’ me?? I’ll challenge you more, then! Hohoho!:woman_facepalming:t2:


Eventually, I had to stop :joy::joy::joy: Now, it’s up to me. Because I feel that the guys were maybe saying “Ôôôôô blasphemous infant, you’re navigating in troubled waters… Will you have the courage to go on or …?

So yes, I’ll try again soon :p Because joke aside, I might have caught something important. Just don’t know what yet.


Ok guys, let me tell you something cash: your experiences resemble strangely many abduction stories that I’ve read… :flying_saucer: :stopwatch:

… and maybe experienced myself too lol

Don’t worry, I keep on volunteering for you. After Giza yesterday, I’ve decided to loop Es Vedrà tonight. Decided to sacrifice myself for the sake of the whole community… I have to solve some enigmas by sneaking through terrestrial portals.

(My apologies to Arcturians. I seem to joke but actually I’m not, it’s just that written language is limited).


Great, now I’m going to bed thinking I’ve been abducted again. @Bronyraur whyyyyy :roll_eyes:

I will hear today the Arcturian to see if I can make something out of it.

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