Are side effects possible due to too many frequencies?

At the beginning, I was very enthusiastic about the advantages of the frequencies and still am
Unfortunately, in the last few days, many people have drawn my attention to the fact that I have a lot of gray hair. :thinking:

I wanted to ask if someone in the forum might have had similar side effects? Could it be from sun tanning or altered DNA healing? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thanks for any help people you are the best! :kissing_heart:

stop with the frequencies i beg you nothing good comes out of it. stick to good subliminals.

your subconscious knows better than you. These frequencies work and they work good but over long periods of time is not good for your body.

there will be more people with issues if we don’t do something about it.


Could you give information about the audios you were using and how much?

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I used a lot of fields. Stem cells and scar tissue as example but a lot more but nothing with testosterone or dht.
I did a lot of detox aswell.
Do you have a suspicion on which frequencies this can happen?

You overreact.


Would be hard to pin point if you don’t give exact audios you used. Maybe a detox side effect if you used the detox audio a lot.


Exactly as @Sims said.

A lot of us were supportive to you giving advice in the thread you created, but you have to take responsibility for your actions. Here is the still respectful, but less sugarcoated version.

This is similar to the guy who asked for advice because he had brain fog after looping some brain fields 24/7 for weeks where the max recommendation is 2x (!!!) a day (he did take responsibility though).
It’s the same with other things - e.g. potassium is really good for you and there is a recommended daily intake, but if you have a LOT of it, it stops your heart. Running 1.5-5km daily is good for you when you want to get fit, just if you start with 15k runs 5 times a week, you’ll get injured, guaranteed.
Quoting a dear friend of mine… “Whatever you do, don’t be a moron”.

@Anatolij , sapien works with something called morphic fields, not frequencies.
If you mean SM audios, and not other creators, the recommendation is no more than 4 different audios that work on physical change; and always keep the recommended max when the description has it. Usually 1-3x a day for each video is the recommendation.
When you feel overwhelmed, take a break.

It is also not recommended to mix audios from different creators, but you’ll also find people here on the forum who do that. There is a long thread discussing other creators’ work.


Thanks for your detailed answer, I really appreciate that!

I’ve only been listening to Sapien Medicine for months and that’s the only side effect I’ve had so far. I’m 22 years old and already had a bit of gray hair just not as much as it does now.
I would like to write exactly which audios I have heard how much, but I have different stacks for working with a lot of self-confidence / ampk-energy / amygdala, a stack for school and a stack for skin and and and. I hear a lot more audios.
Could it be that because of the many audios, my body has too little nutrients and that is why my hair turned gray so quickly?

Lg. Anatolij


Hmm… I’d say it’s unlikely that this is caused by the fields but it’s also quite individual so I cannot say with 100% certainty.
it’s always good to add more nutrients in your diet, especially if your diet is poor.

There is a specific field for grey hare removal, have you tried that one?
There is also anti aging, which uses cellular memory and works towards changing the cells back to how they were when you were ~17.
I think that’s one field for life that you can’t start too early :slight_smile:


Also, how about genetics?
.y hair started turning around your age as well, but I have someone in my family who was already fully grey by the time they were 20… so I didn’t inherit the best ever genes for hair colour


I thank you so much just for giving yourself these thoughts even though we don’t even really know each other. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ve already selected this field and tried it for the first time today!
I wanted to take a break now and not hear any more to see if it might be due to the nutrients.
Have a wonderful day!


I have a twin brother and his hair is not yet as gray as mine so I suspected that it might be due to the audio. :rofl:

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:point_up_2: :100: :wink:


Wrong. If one abuses medication, the problem is with the abuser and NOT the medicine itself. If we ponder further, what is NOT a frequency? Everything has a frequency. I am not saying ill-designed fields/frequencies/fields are not there! As with anything else, the creator and his/her expertise is another important factor to consider.

The human mind-body complex is complex (lol) - there are so many factors to consider - internal, external, environmental, genetic, emotional, spiritual, etc. Analysis of why something works/does not work is seldom black and white (aka not very simplistic) to arrive at such conclusions.

I am not sure what “long term” here means? And if by “frequency”, you mean “Morphic Fields”? As for Sapien’s Morphic Fields, I have been using fields of this kind since 2007-2008 (or probably earlier?), sensibly, and they have improved every aspect of my life. That does not make me not take responsibility for my life, thoughts, and actions, or to abandon efforts towards balanced nutrition, exercise, or structured spiritual practice, but these fields have enriched all of those aspects.

I thought this matter was clarified on another forum?


I also have problems similar to that she lived, but it is not because of sapien you are right. A subliminal and antidepressant that disrupts hormones made me like this because it was unconsciously made by a fool. Blood sugar had risen and something like glucose intolerance occurred. and high blood pressure. The side effects I have seen are written in the side effects of the antidepressants i use, and many people approve that using subliminal and antidepressants together increases the antidepressant side effects, I have experienced this a lot If it weren’t for sapien’s field I’d probably be using sugar medicine now… But after this last stack recommended by _om (I added hormones and diabetes because there are symptoms of hormone disorder) I feel much better, especially the plasma field heals me.

(But this is very similar to an energy overload because my nervous system reacts very strangely when listening to something while feeling very bad. Now stable)

Ego Dissolution 1x
Diabetes 1x
Hormone balancer from maitreya (this regulate every hormones include cortisol) x3
Overall Anxiety Removal 1x
Amygdala Healing 2x
Abundance Mindset 1x
Plasma Field 2x
Grounding 2x

I’m sorry for my bad english. When I recover, I will listen to the English language maitreya and learn English so that your brain neurons will not die while reading what I have written.:smile::smile:


Thanks, @anon87668656 for sharing! Wonderful to know you are finding the Plasma field helpful…

Your English is pretty good! :slight_smile:


This is an outright lie. You are lying to people. Stop it. Stop it now.


The only time I truly had a problem from frequencies was overusing the estrogen reducer audio. I used that audio 3 times a day for maybe like 3 days. I felt and looked sick. It was bad to the point where even my own mom noticed…

Another time I had a problem was using the androstenol one. That one just makes me so aggressive and angry it’s just not funny anymore.

Also anything that is used too much is simply not good for the body. Hell…even something like having too many apples is bad for one’s health.