How to stop draining other people around you

So i posted back in september that i used to drain a lot of people and it bothered me so much that while i was sick i got to the root issue of it and fixed my aura.

I used lots of divine white light reiki that channel is gennerally speaking way more effective than any fields from any creator.

For 7 days every night and day i just looped the root chakra reiki.

Then the sacral sometimes and after balancing my root i can visualize much better and i have vivid dreams every night.

This will cause you to stop draining others peoples energies and i noticed people not becoming tired around me like they used to and interactionns feel much better.

also put the fields out of your root chakras way it can block the energy.

Feel free to hate on me but nothing is for free ever really especially if it sounds to good to be true. and for the sake of other people around you don’t wear more than one field.

Cheers :D

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So you’ve been from Sept around here just talking nonsense about Dream stuff on different posts and creating threads with just the purpose of badmouthing his work. Why are you still here if all this is awful in your opinion? I dont believe you for one second, i dont even believe you are a woman or that you have in fact bought tags. And if its true which i highly doubt it, you gotta stop building resistance towards Dreams work within this community just because one, Your mind is very negative, intense and full of blockages, therefore projecting it outwards creating a reality you blame on others, and two you overwhelm your subconscious and energy systems hopping from creator to creator of any type of energy work overusing their stuff even tho there are warnings of what not to do then your easy way is to turn around and point fingers at will.

You need to work on your mental health and the real issues in your life that keep you awake at night and walking around with anxiety seeing things where they arent and respect peoples work.

The nerve.


I disagree. Just because you think something is too good to be true, does not mean that it is not true/valid.


Thanks for your enlightening post. Now, you can stop posting here and go share your results on the divine white light reiki forum. I’m sure, they will like your experience.


you also warn everyone on another forum that Sapien’s fields can cause health problems.
Why are you doing it?
This is your experience. You give advice on balancing the chakras, grounding, write some oddities …
The meaning of your messages?


This, and other things OP has described across many topics, would indicate an issue with one’s physical and/or energy system being weakened or overburdened in some way.

When the system is overburdened or weakened (easier to overburden it with typical daily activity if it is already weakened), further input will feel like more of a burden upon your system and result in potential issues.

Just as if one has an injured leg and cannot put much weight upon it…

That does not mean one should normally avoid putting any weight on one’s legs, or stop walking… or consider walking inherently harmful and costly…

(or advise others that they must do such!!)

The better solution would be to assess one’s system, find the issue(s) and heal one’s leg.

(in this analogy, healing the leg is analogous to healing one’s mind-body complex and system in whichever ways are needed)

It is understandable to be distressed when one’s system is in distress, regardless of the cause.

It is even understandable and common to be panicked or anxious, and the brain can naturally associate things which one experiences at the same time with the distress, then feel an aversion to them.

(whether they are or aren’t causing the actual issue(s))

This does not mean one should advise others they should avoid the things one feels an aversion to.

When one generalises one’s own experience to stating what others should do, despite repeatedly receiving input from others about their many actual, differing experiences…

…that attempts to disrespect and invalidate others’ many equally real and valid experiences.

(With respect to this specific discussion, some like @Maoshan_Wanderer below have actual experience with fields over 12+ years!)

From other discussions:

Also, as @Maoshan_Wanderer said, the human mind-body complex is complex.

It is rather common under overwhelm or stress to ‘latch onto’ a single variable as the “cause” of a situation with a very complex set of variables.

(and situations are typically far more complex than this type of single-variable thinking!)

That type of fixation and aversion is even classically used to differentiate the occurrence of certain types of neural activity, which are involved in creating anxiety, distress or ‘trauma’.

It also tends to result in some degree of projection of the issue onto particular things one associates with it, even though they may simply be occurring at the same time as being distressed / overwhelmed.

Likely this is a factor, based upon all of OP’s posts.

As another user said, there are so many different variables and sources of physical, energetic, mental input OP has already mentioned across the many threads she has started here.

(various different types of energy work, subliminals, sleeping pills, antidepressants, low energy levels, serious viral infections, etc.)

OP hasn’t provided a complete picture of all of the variables and changes which might be involved when asked about it either.

And some of this has been discussed in previous topics already.
(reposting some of this as the discussions have been scattered across multiple topics and new threads opened now)