Problem with nervous system whenever I listen to field

So I guess I’m not alone since about 10 days ago I noticed that my Blood pressure would always spike when I listen to a morphic field now. Someone who had a similar problem pointed out that it could be a nervous system overload.

Everytime i use a tag or listen to an audio field (except the diabetes field) I get extreme vertigo and my blood pressure then spikes.

It’s really annoying to say the least because the fields always worked for me in the past. I’m doing lots of reiki from divine white light now but I think there is probably a simple solution.

I also took some antidepressants about 2 weeks ago maybe it has something to do with that.



Hi @sabrina_persching,

Have you perhaps tried the newest fields?
They can help quite a bit with healing and balancing on many levels.
There are more details in each thread linked.

Perhaps start with these fields, which address the nervous system, amongst many other things which can possibly help you with what you’ve described:

Other newer fields to try:

Edit: The Energy Expansion card (in the Dreamweaver Card System here) can also help in some cases like what you’ve described. So you might try that in addition to the newest fields above.

From the description:

Energy Expansion
Upon activation, this card work directly on strengthening and growing your energy sensing abilities and your nervous system. It will also grow and strengthen your aura/energy body.


i think the flower of Life helped me but I think all the fields affect the nervous system. And there in the comment section of the bio plasma is one guy with the same issue.

Im not alone in this recent issue I’m not making it up. I would never bash sapiens medicine I always used his fields but whenever I use a field my blood pressure goes 150/90.

I hope this gets better but at the moment I cannot really experiment with my health.

I had mono and possibly COVID a few weeks back and thanks to sapiens field I could battle
the fatigue and recover quickly however after spamming his fields I think I overloaded myself.

I have then listened to 30 fields a day and I think this was the issue in the first place.

Divine white light helps now but I think the nervous system can affect blood sugar.

It feels like I’m diabetic but my blood work said 79 which is not diabetic.

I would advise anybody here to stop listening to so many different fields it’s not healthy and I do not wish my situation on anybody here.



Hmm… how many exactly are you listening to, and are they all physical fields?

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Im not listening to any fields no more just the diabetes field.

I only use reiki now.

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My apologies, I forgot to ask if you’d perhaps tried only the Brain Regeneration field as it is rather gentle.

(perhaps without any other fields, or only strengthening the nervous system and energy system with the Energy Expansion card)

Yes, the nervous system regulates blood sugar and blood pressure.

Both during and following mononucleosis and Covid infections, there can be some damage to the nervous system and endothelial junctions.

Fluctuations in blood sugar and blood pressure in response to lower levels of stimuli are not uncommon when this is the case.

One’s threshold for different input is typically lowered for some time in these cases. Often this can be even more so in the weeks or months afterwards as it is part of the body’s natural processes following the infection.

One might not always notice overwhelm to one’s system immediately and it can take some time to recover if overwhelmed in this case. So it is better to reduce what one is doing and allow one’s system adequate rest.

(whether from too much input from fields or anything else)

Keep in mind that it can take some time to recover and heal following viral infections, depending upon the specific issues in your situation.

That’s rather likely too many fields! :wink:

Particularly if one has mononucleosis and possibly Covid, one should reduce the amount of stimuli and different burdens on one’s system during the infection and recovery necessary afterwards.

Too many different fields can certainly overwhelm your system, particularly at a time when one’s threshold for different input would be lowered.

It is best to allow one’s system to recover and rest adequately in the weeks or months afterwards.

If one has significant energy or health issues, it is often best to limit one’s stack to what one is certain one can handle and observe any signs of overwhelm carefully.

(and often best to first focus on acute issues such as viral infections)

From other discussion threads:


I would just use the cosmic-volt only it will rebuilt your nervous system


this is how I control my blood pressure might wanna check it out

good luck!


It’s most likely my nervous system. I hope no one gets this and we heal from this situation.

I don’t think it was from this weird frequency my brother was playing to be honest and I was exposed to it 3 minutes max.

It was on the day I got sick but I still doubt it has anything to do with that.

It’s either that my solar plexus chakra is hurt which I try to counter with reiki everyday

Or my nervous system is damaged or weakened due to a combo of anti depressants and post infection.

It’s really sad that I cannot listen to morphic fields anymore.

My blood sugar will be checked tomorrow if it’s ok it’s most likely my nervous system.


Try taking a week break and then go back to it a week after. Could be you’ve become hyper sensitive to fields to the extent they overwhelm your nervous system. The break may be a way to test this.That happened to someone I know that had a kundalini awakening and would listen to our audios (not saying you’ve had a kundalini awakening btw).


I’m further looking into this to see if there is a more viable solution as well. Read your post in another thread. You just want your nervous system to be normal again and that’s understandable.


it it likely the system nervous energy overload just take break all will be normal, i had this in 2018, you think it is blood sugar or blood pressure i made checkup was nothing and it the was the nervous system took break for two weeks with some vit. B12 & vit. C & the pressures subsides, felt normal again.


yeah i figured as much by now. It’s not health related.

I was just sick with covid ebv and overload at the same time or something like that.

listening to so many fields only made it worse.


What is she talking about saying she overloaded with morphic fields and her aura and nerve system is fucked or whatever and Thor cant be removed or some shit? Never heard anything like it before.

All I can say is Dream has an Exorcism field on his channel lol

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What are the guidelines of listening to these fields because Sapien said we could listen to as many fields as we wanted?

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The more audios you listen to, the slower the results will be.

It is better to listen to less audios if you don’t have a very developed energy system

More Info can be found in the FAQ page of enlightenedstates website


So what would you say the limit is per day for the average person?


I am not sure because it is all very subjective, but just try to limit the amount of audios best you can

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I don’t think there’s energy sensitivity I think it costs nerves to use the fields.

It can also drain people around you if you wear many fields more than 1 at the same time.

I posted about it months ago I stopped using it now it irritates people around me.

Maybe it’s because of my under developed energy system


Based on this old topic:


…sounds like OP already had an overburdened energy system to begin with, very much apart from the fields, then very much overused the fields beyond what her already overburdened energy system could handle!