Are the audios safe?


how do we know that the products are safe to use and do not have unwanted side effects? Is there any way i can be reassured that the audios are safe? Because I do think they are effective

read description from the fields

of course i have done that… Can I see how they are made or something like that. Can I get more information ? Where can I get the most detailed information about these frequencies, morphogenetic fields and why which frequency is supposed to do what it does. How do we know the frequency which works for what and why it works in isolation (resonance i guess)

How each field is made, I would say no. But a general explanation given can be retrieved from the blog itself, check links below. Below there’s the whole Morphogenetic fields explained through the official blog which are used in Sapien’s videos.

From the official blog

As for the “why” frequencies do what they do, most have been studied throughout the years. There are some listed, as being testeed and reported for their effects, you can check a compilation done by fellow @MUSICMUSICMUSIC here:


In addition to the articles from the Sapien website in @RisingKundaFest’s post, you might find the FAQ section of interest.

Also, while the ‘Full Brainwave Frequency Listing’ posted by @MUSICMUSICMUSIC is certainly an excellent compilation, Sapien’s morphic fields are not brainwave frequencies nor in fact any sort of frequency. (though some of the older fields may sound like frequencies, or have contained encoded frequencies in addition to the morphic field programming)

Although they are energetically programmed into video and audio form on Sapien’s YouTube channel, morphic fields are simply patterns of energetic information which can be programmed into many different forms. They don’t inherently require sound, video or any specific medium.

As @_OM, an experienced and knowledgeable member here, put it:

The articles in @RisingKundaFest’s post explain in more depth what morphic fields are.

The post below by Sam (SammyG) from the Sapien team also describes how morphic fields are created in detail.


Take it from me, nothing bad has happened from listening

Morphic Fields collide with Family Constellations?


You cant without trying.
But any eventual change will not be from one day to the other, so just monitor yourself and be smart.

Read the theory posted above, but remember that the map is not the territory

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If you participate in Family Constellation sessions, are those created by Bert Hellinger and based on morphogenetic fields, can they conflict with each other?

man you ask me a hard question I cant answer, but I try, some people are more suited for this kind of questions but,
if its just a simple field for contacting something than it wont interfere much with sapien fields, on the other hand if its a strain on your energy body and you feel tired after these family constellation sessions then I wouldnt advise you to use sapien fields, but man ask the dude who makes these sessions, if he is such a professional he should know what is possible, harmful, healthy and what not lol

Your only true reassurance is going to come from your own experience. Pick a single audio that resonates with you and give it a try of one loop a day for a couple weeks to begin integrating its energies into your being.

If you like the effects then branch out and try other audios. I can just tell by the way you asked you initial question that there is nothing that another member of this forum can say to reassure you, but your own action-taking will give you the answer you seek.


Sorry for my question. My doubts are for those the the constellators always say after each session of Family Constellations: do not talk to anyone about how much you have worked and let the energy work.
Many thanks for both

Thank you very much for your time and information. So basically nobody knows if it is really safe in the long run or if it might have undesirable consequences in this life or maybe even the next. Like Sapienmed might cause you to attract wealth but maybe it will also make you get cancer. It is a shame cause i really want to use sapien med products but fear of unintended side effects hold me back. I have been using (maybe abusing) some of the Audios and had some crazy experience: Like I Started to hear a voice (or more like sounds) that werent really there (due to too much listening i believe). I stopped listening after that and listened to some after that and everything went back to normal.



I think you will really benefit by reading up on what Morphic Fields are and how they work.

Also, as you stated yourself, “too much listening” cannot be blamed on Sapien’s fields right? If you heard too much Metallica on Youtube all the time, you will probably hear louder voices! Nothing to do with Sapien’s fields :rofl:


Also the use of the caduceus symbol is alarming to me. Why would you choose that symbol?

I participate sometimes in this kind of work (professional duty). Not really my cup of tea but no, there’s no clash imo. Now, picking up people’s energy while there: yes, since heavy things may happen within the sessions. I solve the problem with SM’s energy cleansing fields and meditation.

Not talking after the sessions about what has happened is an ethical principle that you can find in many other therapy types (privacy rights of clients/participants).

Which meanings of the symbol are alarming you?

You probably know about another symbol often confused with (yet similar to) Caduceus, which is the Rod of Asclepius. I live nearby one of the places associated with it (Asklepion in Bergama, Turkey). Both the place and the symbol are still prone to different interpretations:

On the one hand, many people focus on aspects such as healing, medicine, dreams (another healing phenomenon), transformative alchemy, etc. (an international psychotherapy congress is even annually organized there).

On the other hand, you still find some people condemning and demonizing them, especially because of the snake… If you are a book-type (I am, even though I don’t allow them to blind me), Man and His Symbols by C. G. Jung is a good guide for this topic.

So in fact, it’s just a matter of perspective. Trying to grasp an overall “picture” of what Sapien Medicine tries to do may help, while interpreting the symbol. I mean, I never saw SM team having totalitarian attitudes, like “you must do this”, “here’s the only salvational path” or “you have to buy all our products in order to receive our blessings and change your life”. No, they rather say things like “It’s really up to you if you decide to get this or not”, “not everybody needs X or Y field/product”, etc. Personally, this attitude inspires trust to me and makes me feel both secure and free.

Side note: a friend of mine currently undergoing a cancer treatment has started making an encouraging progress since we’ve decided to use SM fields for him…


They do not interfere with family constellations.

Family constellations are a method to tap into the relationship between people (and sometimes even concepts or other things) that belong to a “family”, or a “system”.
Sapien fields won’t per se affect these, not in a harmful way.
I would say on the day of the constellation don’t listen to fields and you’ll be fine (this is rather so you don’t get over stimulated because a constellation can be quite taxing).

The fields can affect the underlying issues of problems you’re facing, so they can effect the same relationships (e.g. by clearing blockages within yourself) that constellations do.
Just like constellations can clear out subconscious believes or patterns you have from your parents - so the subconscious limit removal field then can start working on the issue one layer deeper.

In this sense they can affect each other.

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