Discussion for other Creator Channels

i feel optimistic about his channel. very interesting stuff to be honest. Never would that there might be more morphic field users.

You never know, maybe soon there’ll be several members from this forum that grow to be able to create their own morphic fields!


True. However, dream would probably be the best because he has over a decade of experience and is very talented. :blush: :grinning: :grinning: The height growth audio from this morphic channel does give me a very strong sensation and i can feel the energy in my body. This channel seems very promising.


As @_OM pointed in one of the threads. Morphic field technology doesn’t belong to our timeline. If you believe it or not, It has been taught by a person from a different timeline. Dale Power is the one who taught about the Morphic fields. He is not out there now. At present Dream and Sam are the ones who knows the stuff well.

Not sure how many of them have learned from Dale.


“Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in” ~ Godfather III

lol, I was purposely avoiding this thread, but yeah.
It’s highly unlikely that the person on this new channel is doing “morphic fields” unless they were taught by Dale or one of his successors
they were a member of XM (and have been hiding this extremely rare talent for more than a decade) or at least read about morphic fields on Dale’s or DW’s sites and are just an extremely gifted and natural talent who picked it up that way.

On the other hand, Sapien Medicine is a highly successful and highly popular channel and people just love to slap a “popular” label on any ole’ nonsense in order to make some money.

The former has a low probability. The latter has a very high probability.


Ok. Just listened to 10-20 seconds of this channel.

This is my last post on this subject, as I already gave a very long, very detailed post about why Sapien Med is 10x better than everything else you’re gonna find.

I’m extremely sensitive to morphic fields (Sap will testify to this) due to my extensive pre-Dale psychic training and my direct training with Dale.

These aren’t morphic fields.

  • Morphic fields aren’t binaural beats.
  • Morphic fields aren’t isochronic beats.
  • Morphic fields aren’t subliminals.
  • Heck, morphic fields don’t even require “music” or “noise”

That’s just what Sapien is using cause youtube is literally a “video/audio” channel and he can’t just put up a blank white video with no noise for every field.


I just checked out the abdominal muscle builder, just by tuning into the frequency (didn’t play the video) and from what I can observe, it does have effects/stimulates the muscles in my experience. The other technologies in there, like binaural beats may just be an extra…

Dale and Dreamweaver were not the first to come up with energy work for a variety of purposes, but I do think, in these modern times, they were the first to bring it more mainstream and certainly have helped me open my mind…


Who is dale and how do u make morphic fields (just asking)


I mean i’d like to see a tutorial or something xD but i believe it’s not gonna be free. So im just gonna end the case here

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There is a course offered by Sapien that costs about 135 dollars. It won’t teach you how to make morphic fields, but it will show you how to expand your energy body and a whole lot of other cool things with your aura.


hey, did you try it? how did it go? thanks


I only tried it once. Can’t tell anything by that. I got so busy with Sapien Med fields. If I get back to it and it works, I will post.

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I asked the creator of the channel to make a morphic field that allows for less sleep. He said he was going to upload one like that soon and he said he uses it on himself. When he uploads it, we will know if his channel is legit because the audio works immediately as it is a temporary less sleep boost.


Hello @jajaja, I have been using your audio to open the growth plates and I felt pain in my cartilage, it seems to work

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I have been using it for 3 weeks. I havent noticed much change at all. I will continue to use it for 3 more weeks and see where I end up. I think the reason it is taking a while to work might be due to my growth plates being closed.

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Yes from the first couple times i used it I felt strong energy throughout my body and my legs


It seems the channel is promising


Right now I’m listening to it and I feel throbbing in my hand bone

Found this interesting comment