Our upcoming course will help people be able to do a lot of awesome things on their own. To the best of my understanding, this is how Dream creates morphic fields:
So let’s say for example the latest corona virus disruption audio. Well first, he researched the most effective and harmless way to kill viruses. He found that laser light within the visible purple spectrum can kill viruses while posing less of a threat to healthy tissue. As we often mention, everything has an energetic imprint. At it’s essence, purple laser light is energy with conceptual information that can be tapped into mentally and can be felt at its core but can also be replicated with your own mind. (Think of conceptual information as the coding behind a software program). Keeping this in mind, everything in this universe has energetic form and can be replicated energetically.
So how is it replicated? Well, energy in essence is blank. Information is what give it form and direction.
So if you already know the pure information of purple laser light, then you can gather clear energy and then replicate the concept of purple laser light onto that clear energy. Then you’ll have the energetic form of purple laser light which can produce the same effects as physical purple light. Will it be just as strong? Probably not.
We are physical beings so anything physical tends to have a stronger and much more palpable impact on us since it’s affecting us physically and then energetically. A morphic field of the same thing is affecting you on an energetic level which affects you energetically and then physically. So how does this all connect to how dream creates the corona virus field?
After finding the concept of purple laser light, dream then gathers zero point energy (another concept. Once you tap into it, you tap into an infinite pool of energy that is readily available everywhere), programs that energy with the purple laser light concept and in the same programming, make it directly target the Corona family of viruses.
In addition to the programming of the zero point energy, have the energy communicate with your immune system to direct your white blood cells to attack the virus cells… and then more programming that directly communicates to the virus cells to shut down its replication system. These are things Dream has learned over the years and didn’t have to research but compiling all these sub-fields at once make for a powerful combination against these viruses.
How does the programming communicate with the viruses?
Cells communicate in the same language most if not all of the universe does. The language of energy. In the site, we call this conceptual communication. It is the language of the subconscious mind as well. A way to describe it is communicating through feeling, communication at its purest form.
So the other subfields (informational energy) that are part of the whole coronavirus disruption field, instruct the behavior of the immune system (send white bloods to kill viruses) and to the viruses (shut down self replication. which the reason they do is because they react to energetic direction without hesitation).
But then more programming has to be added, the basic things like: the field has to emit its energy and have effect within 5 feet radius. Gather energy like zero point energy so that it can be self sustained and grow over time.
Then you make the field a part of the item or the audio. It’s like merging the field into the very essence of what it is (at a subatomic level really). Become a part of it. This can take a very long time to do depending on your level of skill (in being able to tap that deep within the layers of energy for example is… not easy to say the least).
And truth be told, I’m not able to do it. I can program energy to overlay items or audios but not become a part of them like dream does. But if you can, more power to you.
We aren’t trying to keep it an insider secret to be quite honest. We’ve had two or three posts on the site that do go into the process of creating morphic fields. It’s just that it’s so difficult to explain the process of creating them without sounding extremely vague. Because it is vague! It’s all done through conceptual communication which requires no words or images, just pure feeling. There are other things about this that I really don’t even have words for. But you can learn through practice. I’ve told several users before through email, if you want to learn…
- Master meditation 2. Master subconscious communication 3. Awaken your energy body through the ‘New Energy Ways’ system by Robert Bruce or our upcoming course 4. Experiment. Follow the steps Dream did in what I just described moments ago. It might be vague but playing around with it in your mind after mastering the first 3 steps will make it much more easier to do and allow for you to learn even more.
I hope this answered some of your questions guys and sorry again for the vagueness.