General Discussion

Every second has all subfields embedded.


Does Automated Micro Cosmic Orbit work in the same way? I’ve always thought that as it does a complete circulation per listen different sections of the audio might circulate the energy to different areas.


Can someone explain me how to use sigils?

It depends on the sigil.

From Confidence, Dominance and Authority,

Instructions for use.
The item you wish to place the field on, should be placed on a printed
copy of the sigil, you then you say the keyword to activate it.
Leave the item untouched on the sigil for the duration of the creation
process which should be about three (3) hours.
Then you simply wear it as needed.

From the Book of Long Life and Good Health

Each one works for about Thirty minutes
when activated. While they are designed to
work in a complimentary fashion one after
the other; Cleansing, Restoring and then
Strengthening, you can use it in any order or
however you wish.
After activation of any one, wait at least one
hour before activating another for best

From Energetic Addendum Est

To use these sigils simply draw them anywhere, with a pen, finger in sand doesn’t matter, then speak the keywords,


My requests to create individual fields were often ignored, the developer did these fields to someone, and then frequent refusals without explanation or a complete ignore email message. Based on all this, I visited such an idea)))
If audio files contain fields, then why not try to use them as fields on physical objects. Create a folder, drop 20-30 copies of an audio file, for example, myostatin. In theory, the effect should be the same as on the fields on the tags.
Who can say anything about this?

You mean you think a thumb drive with 30 copies of an audio would carry the field like an imbued item?

I would just wait for the course to come out.

Otherwise, there are a few books on sigil creation out there.

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What do you mean?
You mean copying pasting as many same fields on one folder in USB flash drive will produce effects of imbued items or same effects of dog tags?
Something similar has Philip as audio talisman, but I don’t think Sapiens fields would respond in the same way, unless you have manifestation folder999 and special designed manifestation audio from Philip if you know what I mean?

By the way, Philip has a lot of decent audio and mascots.
From the PsiAbilitiesSAT mascot, interesting abilities opened up. Compared to IPF, the latter loses.

Who is Philip? Is this a youtube creator like Quadible?

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Filip Sliwinski


Yes, but for me Sapien is somehow better.
Philips works didn’t work for me so well as I expected, but I admitt he has great ideas like audio talismans and manifestations folders, but he isn’t better as Sapiens works for me.

And it would be great if Sapien team would like to have some same ideas like manifestation folder for fields, but it’s their choice.

but for me it’s the opposite, they work better from Philip, to each his own.

Yeah that wouldn’t work. Fields aren’t like radionics energized items or images where more, amplifies the power. Every image field has it’s own personal channel of energy created that is transmitted when the image is on display. So if you have have 10 images, you’re just getting energy from that same channel. Both things work completely different.

If you want to amplify the energy of a field though, radionics does work (if you have the ones with the audio input). But this is also something we… don’t have any need for. Amplifying fields is only helpful for something like if you have a party in your house and want to fill your house with unconditional love energy or want to clear out entities from a whole neighborhood.

And different strokes for different folks. If his stuff works better for you then at the end of the day, I’m glad you’re getting the results you want.


Filip’s stuff didn’t work for me at all.

Speaking of this, how far do the effects of the fields travel? What are the best ways to amplify their area of effect apart from a radonics machine?

I’ve always wanted to do something like the examples you gave at a large event, or maybe try depatterning entire houses and neighbourhoods with Powerful Positive Vibe Energy and love/gratitude.

We could amplify fields in crowded spaces where there is usually a lot of negativity or suffering, particularly people who know about Sapien and work in hospitals at present.


Can you answer, the Energy Collector field will be on sale?

is anyone familiar with this site?
found here a suspension according to the description similar to a dreamweaver energy collector

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Would be amazing if the Corona virus audio could be played out in the streets. I really wish the WHO would listen to this as a solution, as opposed to just dismissing Morphic fields as a pseudo science. Perhaps they would be more inclined if it were described to them as some form of therapeutic radiography


Where can his stuff be found?

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